TFW promised myself I'd stop going on Sup Forums in 2017

>TFW promised myself I'd stop going on Sup Forums in 2017

you still have 19 days

This is your home.

baka you don't stop addictions all of a sudden

A Stanford study showed cold turkey to be best method of quitting strong addiction

How do I do it user

Just replace Sup Forums with something productive?

me too

tho it doesnt change the plan to leave here very soon

Play videogames, watch an interesting show, work out, hell just go outside in general.

If all else fails, turn off the computer.

>haven't fapped in 9 days

I do all of those except videogames

Doesn't stop me from going on here in between though. I wish I spent my time more efficiently and productively

you don't have to stop since you don't have the will
you can manage the time you spend on it

as in let it become a habit as oppose to somewhere where you aren't doing anything

positive and active interaction is better than passive

havent promised anything to myself dbi


I want to utilize my time to its maximal potential.

Should I just keep a daily/monthly/yearly planner?

I tried breaking down my day by 30min intervals in a spreadsheet but then found out I spend most of my time doing absolutely nothing

find hobbies
a job
a gf
a goal

That doesn't help me extract maximal value from my time.

I want to use every minute of my day efficiently to earn money and improve myself

>I want to
must be backed by action
we can all make spread sheets, but that's not the same thing as following through

the key is to know how to break into parts that you know you will do
beyond that it is a pointless exercise

I've been doing that every month since late/mid 2011. Suicide is the only option famalam.

I'm never getting that time back. Every day, spennding over 10+ browsing Sup Forums, every week, every month, for over 5 years.

I feel as though I get easily distracted though

Like: I'll go to the gym, then pull out my phone between sets and shitpost for like 20 mins and then finish working out and spend another hour shitposting

So then I pretty much turned an hour of productive activity into 2+ hours.

How do I stop this? Focus on one thing at a time?

Multitasking seems like a fucking meme

10+ houras

that's why you got to follow up on your schedule
if you can't do something like half hour gym half hour Sup Forums you can give yourself some room on the scedual such as half an hour gym 4 hour 4 chan and slowly decrease increments by 15 min, it is much more important to be able to follow through because even mismanagement of time is a habit that must be broken

If you leave Sup Forums for a period, you'll just run out of things to do. Sup Forums is a symptom, not the cause, and there's nothing wrong with browsing it, unless you visit boards that fuck up your thought like Sup Forums and /r9k/

>unless you visit boards that fuck up your thought like Sup Forums and /r9k/


Lol that sucks senpai

Way less for me. How do you not get bored spending so much time here

I think you're right.

Gonna try to replace it all with productive shit like khanacacdemy, MIT courseware or other shit.

Because hell if we spent half the time on Sup Forums as we spent learning Math or Organic Chemistry or whatever we'd be smart ASF

half an hour isn't enough

the key is to follow through on a plan, not cram

You build up a tolerance.

All boards are a waste of time, true they have useful info but just making a thread asking a question then when you get it -- dip.

Mostly stickies and basic info is about as much as you'll learn from here I noticed.

Probably one of the worst sources of information and everyone posting here is retarded or pretending to be retarded because they think it's funny

10 hours on Sup Forums genuinely feels like 10 hours wasted as opposed to any other activity pretty much

I mean fuck, 2 hours reading a book while drunk, any book would leave you with more than posting/browsing Sup Forums for ten hours.

I am half-listening to music, half-reading Sup Forums.
Finding a new good music while reading quality bantz is bretty good.

>promised myself to nollie underflip in 2017

its gonna happen brehs

>quality bantz


Also I like to focus on the music, like a fine steak or admiration of an impressive piece of art I cannot allow anything else to tamper with the presentation.

Just stick to the non-cancerous boards. Like /vr/ and /diy/ .

Ive decided to stop going to inane boards like Sup Forums (wow that place went to shit lately) and Sup Forums. now i only go to Sup Forums with its intellectual and educational content

>Games for children
>Not cancerous

I can't quite imagine an adult male with a MODICUM of self-respect playing videogames.

When I imagine a person admired by others I cannot picture "Interests: videogames" in his biography.


I just can't picture it.

Why would a man choose a videogame when Real Lifeā„¢ is the most dynamic MMORPG ever?

>He doesn't like shmups
Pls go

>nebody posted this one

>he's a Nigerian

Are you a native nigerian?

I agree with you.

even though I'm addicted to videogames

>he's a fucking leaf

Yeah I'm Igbo.

It has been 3 days since i started no fap challenge. hold me bros

Quit cold turkey. You can do it.

You quit videogames and I quit Sup Forums. Let's do it my French brother.

Today is the first day

When will Eko Atlantic City project be completed?

Haven't had a wank in 4.5 years. You cunts are pathetic

but I have to find things to do

is it dead ?

good taste my nigga

I think I remember you
were you that smug pompous guy talking about how awesome his life was and how he'd never need the company of the losers here anymore

Pretty sure it shrank a bit desu


Do anything


but WHAT

idk maybe I don't get as hard as I used to

how about a gf

The answer lies within you.

You always knew the answer. Much like we all do, we just need to remember it.

Nah been celibate the whole time man



idk man. God originally

idk why I bother. Not even a virgin

Good luck French brother

Delete all your games, uninstall everything.

I'm out - see you on the other side of the moon.

see you on the other side of the tree, leaf

you need to find meaning

Eh I'll either be called again or I'll die. Simple




Probably. But then my lifes pretty shit, not sure if its really depression as much as just being worn out man. Last 5 years have been pretty bad

I must go. My life needs me.

take care

Safe travels brother

How do you actually quit Sup Forums? Serious question

Go to Facebook and talk with your friends.

Instead of making new threads about bullshit here send them messages about it.

I forgot it, but this is actually how it used to work before I got here. I did send new stuff to friends and we discussed it together. Your bonds were growing stronger and I was getting introduced to their other friends.

You know how this works. You did it in the past. You just forgot.

>tfw promised to kill myself in 2017
:D It will be the first New Year goal that I actually manage to fulfill.

>Go to Facebook
>talk with your friends

can i have ur things?

As I said, welcome back mate!

>tfw haven't been on int for six months
>realized that I still waste my time on something irrelevant and it's not because of int
>get back here and enjoy shitposting

Pretty much yes. I don't really understand how people can delude themselves into believing that they would be going to the moon or shit if they were not posting here. It's the little things that make life alright.

me too kek