Hunger games again 1st 24 25 logo

hunger games again 1st 24 25 logo

Danny Sexbang

Mr. Clean


Agent J

The Rock


Maurice Ravel

Agent K

The Dragonlord

Van Gogh

Fear the Neard

Rei Ayanami


The Magician

Buff Riku


Venom Snake

The Ghost

The Unstoppable



Francis Poulenc

God again


Flamerus Rex


Buzz, Son of Beyond


The Nelsons

Kazuhira Miller


Mike Damone

Quiet died alone in the desert

Revolver Ocelot

Last 24



Last one 24 stop faggots

Purple autism

Really wanna see how artists vs. composers works out

go away cancer

Van Gogh ofc


Nonon Jakuzure


Psycho Mantis




Lucifer have mercy of our souls

Goddammit i have a mythic raid in wow but fuck it

This is much more important bruh

I know, I don't even respond to phone calls while doing this

Lets Start This Shit

Currently in a car driving on an interstate doing this. I will NOT miss Teambattle for something as petty as a roadtrip

I'm drunk

Savage asf, what's ur tribute?

Hunger Games
TeamFight II
Calm Before the Storm Precard Fight

an hour away

It Begins


How are tributes presented in Team Fight? I haven't see one before

I got Maurice Ravel and Francis Poulenc. Training em up before the big games later tonight

In non-HG related news, I think I might finally have found a girlfriend!!

Watch the road user, i don't want you to die or crash, good luck to ur tributes

She wants 2 smash bruh

And Germany has won the Dumbfuck award

Francis is down

If true, I'm happy for you


Oh shit thats hype bruh. We need a collection of all the TeamBattle posters!

You still got Maurice roadknight user, stay safe


user i don't mean to be rude but please don't use signatures
it'll be avatarfagging

just watch and be amazed

btw we'll need at least 12 tributes to represent team misc

Calm Before the Storm is a 48 tribute precard for OP to get warmed up that is open to everyone

Aw shit how. He had a mace!

Oky, sorry about that


I have my computer

>just tryna make a change

are team battles weekly?

Neard can fill one of the 12 for sure.

Maurice is my veteran. I believe in him. My other 3 are a bit green


I got my 4 Agents picked out. Only the best of the best.

Well my i caught my gf cheating me, lost my job i gotta win this

idk yet. i'm not going to be on wifi for the next 2 weeks but if someone else in the hunger gang steps up to control booking, hyping, and hosting the thread, then it may be weekly.

Don't matter HG is lyfe

Damn, composers are square with artists so far

Can I request Team Low-Res FE Amiibo ?


Long story short my gf was fucking my boss, i discovered and my boss dismissed me

>sorry 4 bad english I'm drunk

My four Nathan's are picked out as well. Only the most brutal have made the cut.

Will Jimbo user ever heel turn and become the Vince McMahon of HG?

Donatello IS DOWN

WTF many Maurice is crazy?

I think we have 2 or 3 solid hosts. Only one hypeman though. We'll need a new user with mad photoshop skills

good job emotionless waifu

Should I make another thread to build hype for Team Battle II? Not a HG thread, just a post with the announcement saying, "be ready."

I certainly don't have those skills.

i have intense skills

rip it

Your Maurice is gay roadknight

you don't have to. the point of the calm before the storm precard is to get the hunger gang together before the big game