The fuck happened?

google fan death

Another one who couldn't handle the grifter

Headset made in china


What the fuck happened?

His dick got too hard

Shitty Chinese headset electrocuted the man while he was having a fap session. Caused his innards to boil and bubble.

So why are his shorts pulled up?

Talk to mom and dad. It's time.

why does he look like he was there for a few days?

He listened to Death Metal, once...

>mfw i had exact same 20$ shit headset

mfw he didnt have a safety switch to cut of the circuit to save his lifeses. G3t on my l33t lvl noob.

Is that a "Naruto" fan?

If he was fapping I mean retard. Why are they still on?

He's not wearing denim pants user, you could fap just fine with your hand in your shorts. Eliminates the need for a cum sock or a box of tissues.


So im not the only one thank god also it makes cleanup easier and less disgusting the cum rags

So you'd rather just cum in the shorts you're wearing? That's nasty dude.

Not headphones. Cheap headphone wires will burn out before they even give you a mild tickle. Also mains voltage never going to get channeled into audio sockets in the first place.

Wtf? Are you to lazy to get out a tissue instead of sitting around with creamed pants?

The mixtape was too fire

At least go find a sink so you can rinse your hands in.
Fuck I'd rather eat it than sit around at my desk with damp, sticky pants.

so thats what happened to brian peppers


Looks like one of those dumbass Asians that plays WoW for 96 straight hours and dies of exhaustion.


>Greentext death

>also dubs get

..wake me up inside.. CAN'T WAKE UP!



He wasn't playing as Mei


go outside you fucking manchild

No self-respecting white man would ever do rap, so he's definitely a nigger

it better be bait le kkk lord

Does that shit snap the tendons?

>thinking I'm "baiting" when I say rap is shit

Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive lyrics set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very-little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.

Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst* for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.

There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat?

*The most humorous thing about this post is, an overwhelming majority of those that DO defend hip-hop and rap, would have to head to Google or a dictionary to know what the word, "catalyst" means.


how many amps runs through the audio jack?



Fake and gay

This. Doubt it is anywhere near the power needed to kill a person.




>rap is shit
that's your personal irrelevant opinion. and it's not what I replied to. your copypasta is irrelevant as well.

omg people learn words

you're a lonely faggot

Fake and gay

Someone posted banana in his ylyl thread

even kill bill was more realistic about it

Wow what a dick. I dislike rap and hip hop too but you are way too dismissive of an entire genre and your generalizations make you sound dumb.

I followed the instructions but instead of orgasming I seem to have achieved post physical existence. I am shitposting beyond space and time. now what?

Trying to bait this hard

Ha, you're an incredible twat with. Pull your head out of your ass.

Source of copypasta?
Is there a copypasta repository or something?

>defending untalented, unskilled, 1-octave, monotone and just plain lazy morons, THIS hard

Wow, don't you all have your suicides to be attending to?


it isn't

you also need about 120V DC or 60V AC to even break the resistance of skin and headphones don't use that kind voltage

>spending your Sunday morning bating people on Sup Forums

Look at how sharp that razor blade is. Do it!

needed more fans

Sunday night here, friend.

Ausfag confirmed. It explains the shitposting

Doesn't explain how you're unable to come up with even one valid refutation of my criticism of rap, however.

Just one point. Go on. I'll wait.

>my criticism of rap
>my criticism
Okay, but answer my question first

Back to the original pic before we get too far derailed. How did he die? obviously not from the headphones right?

No, no I'm not. I can't stand rap. Almost as much as I can't stand incredible twats

nerve gas

You could touch the wires all day and you never notice, earphones run on maximun 100mah and this kind of headphones maximun on 250mah , more than that and the only problem that you will have its become a deaf.

2pac is the best nigger rapper
Eminem is the best white rapper

Sorry to break it to you but 100-200 milliamps is enough to kill a person. It only takes 100mah to stop your heart. Defibrillators are designed to push 200 to 360 amps to start a heart that has stopped but they can just as easily stop one that is beating. This is why amperage is the test of lethality and not voltage

Milliamps not amps*