He molested my 14 year old brother, and filmed it. Constantly preying on little boys. Help me Fuck him up...

He molested my 14 year old brother, and filmed it. Constantly preying on little boys. Help me Fuck him up? Tarl 3127158275 fb.com/tizzarl


Can't even get guys his age

Prove it. You were gay with this guy the last time you where on here and he went and was being plugged by some other guy. Get out you fucking bait lord

You want the video or...

post the movie then...

You'd have to ask him, I don't have it

Fucking creep

that kid looks so abused wtf

He probably molested him

Why don't you stop being such a pussy, go to his house or place of work and fuck him up. Then cut his dick off with a rusty pair of scissors in front of everyone.

14? why the fuck didnt your brother beat him up, is he mentally challenged or something?

molested does not mean beaten

I have no idea, he got him high and drunk, but I don't have many details

I'm scared about what he did to that kid

You shouldn't need help, he's family, this is a family matter. You handle those alone.


Has anyone actually made contact To confirm?

What afagot

Prove it.

Ok, I'm sorry to hear this

Gr80 b80 m80

>He molested my 14 year old brother, and filmed it.

How do you know this happened?

That's what my brother told me...

inb4 he's the molester.

So you don't know it happened.

In any event, he (and you) should go to the police. Why didn't you?

He didn't want to

"Help me"
Don't be a idiot, he molested your brother, and also help to make this world a better place, people like him won't reform.
Your options are
>Send him to jail where he'll most likely die because he's a beta white child molester (or could get out of jail even worse if he's smart)

>Kill him, plan it, outsmart the police, no witness, making it look like suicide is not viable, so i suggest to make it look like a normal house robbery, or you could just break into his house and just kill him, as long as you're careful and you don't leave traces behind you will be ok taking in count that you sound really innocent and naive.

I doubt you will kill anyone, taking in count that you're so dumb, so just tell the cops and setup a trap

Well sounds like you're fucked then. If you're not going to the police, either be a man and kick the shit out of him (he's a skinny little fuck so it shouldn't take much unless you're a complete faggot pussy) or let it go.

You're brothers probably embarrassed because part (or most) of him liked it.

>taking in count that you're so dumb


Jesus, is he your brother or your sister?

Your brother's**

Fuck me.

Sorry your brother is a faggot.

But still tarl is like 27, that's wrong

who the fuck believes this.

He's not denying it

No it's not. Adult men sexually mentoring boys has been around for thoussnds of years.

What about boy in

Wow! Quints!!

What about him? He's sitting in a guy's lap. Where's your proof he was sexually abused?

How old are you op

nypa, faggot

Just previous actions and look of abuse


So.... nothing more than pure speculation based on a thread with little to no details where we are supposed to take OP's brother's word for the alleged action in the first place?

In other words, nothing?


Let's see if it's real

I think he's serious

This guy should be fuckin raided

Why the fuk not, What's the game plan?

Fuck off you can easily fake messages
Just because your faggot boyfriend broke up with you doesn't give you the right to fuck his life
But don't worrie you both will die of aids soon

then again, this.

You message him, you'll see

We should first be safe about the fact he has done shit like this. I won't take part in a raid which is without a reason.

How do you fake a text?

Yeah i get that. Stll though,if this is totes legit it'll be just like the old days.

Pretty sure he has a foot fetish

Just Google fake text homie

We doing this?

Let me fucking dream.

If this is legit it should be an option imo but it should be completely proven.

So let's get proof

Anybody in contact op or tarl?

How ?

Can someone text him as the 13yo to confirm that he's ok with them to come over?

give me an address. I will fuck him up. If he lives in the Houston area, it's a guarantee.

can I molest you?

You can

Looks like a pretty cool dude who can get whoever he wants.

Why are you so mad OP?

how many phones you got

how many photoshops you got

how many mates you got

how many retarded are from you to all this from long

Mfw, it's literally OP's phone number and he is still just fucking with you.

>personal army thread

>everyone failing for the b8

If true, post the video of your brother getting anal destroyed please OP

The picture with the child is not fake i guess.

yeah but how would you fake text messages

How you know

It's literally just a picture with a child no context just insinuation

Look at the Kid and ask yourself

now what?

I was not able to find one flaw about it or something that shows it is fake.

He's on his lap, legs spread, looking abused. The guy looks like a pedophile, combined with everything else in the thread, I'm convinced

What if it's his kid and his mom had to leave for 4 months for work?

What if he was just told no he can't have a puppy.

What if he needs a nap?

What about inviting little boys to come over and drink?

OP now what? ffs