How's the NEET life

How's the NEET life
Would you recommend it?

I have a cousin who's a NEET because he's sick
It's boring

After the frivolity of the first month or so it becomes crushingly depressing.

sick how?
I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and find it really hard to keep a stable job.
Can I go NEET?

It really does become depressing at times. However, Depression doesnt last that long and so it leaves room for staying in your comfort space and just chillin 24/7.

>Is a NEET

I was diagnosed with anxiety depression too, user. I legit couldnt work any job because of the anxiety. It ended up with me having to become a NEET and working at home

Even then. I hardly work at home because the job I do requires me to talk to people sometimes

This tbqh fam. Most of the time it's great, but sometimes I need to go outside every once and a while

Started working 4 weeks ago. Got a super highly paid job.

Before that I was 1 year neet mode. I loved every fucking second.

And I'd go neet in a blink of an eye asap when I get the chance to. Its definitely worth. I finally got time to fix shit in my life, went to gym every 2 days and shit.
Now im tired as fuck, didnt go to gym since 3 weeks

>How's the NEET life
Depends on your own personality, and also on the actual options that you really have. As Welcome to NHK rather aptly states: The reason why there are NEET people is that there are people who can afford to be NEETS. Not every one has a family or social welfare to keep him going available.

Personally, I have been an on-and-off NEET due to repeated mental health issues - depression and anxiety. It makes it kinda difficult to objectively evaluate and judge whenever I was depressed because I was a NEET, or a NEET because I was going through a depression stage.

usually always found something to keep me going, did a lot of studies on my own, wrote, spend a lot of time in the library, always kinda felt like I was at least a bit working towards "something". I also always had a lot of friends around me, so I rarely fell into complete social isolation.

But even then... man, years went by and I felt like shit most of them. And I am DEFINITELY not proud of the fact that I've been a NEET for so much time. It's taking a massive toll on my already pretty bad self-esteem, I can tell you that.
I think that if you have any, ANY other option, take it. Being a NEET is not really a way of living. It's what you do when you can't live. A dead end that in the retrospect, you will never look favorably at.

It sucks. If you're gonna do it only watch TV if it's on a par with the Sopranos or The Wire, otherwise read books. Technical manuals are best, especially if you can get hold of and take apart the thing the manual is for. Good fiction is also important; read the works of Stephen King, H.P Lovecraft, Lemony Snicket, Ben Goldacre, Herman Melville, and Aldous Huxley.
Ignore mainstream media. Especially if you live in America. Or the UK. Or anywhere on Earth really.
And leave the house at least once a day. Even if it's only to go to the shop for milk or something. And go to the nearest corner shop, walk a decent distance, keep at least kind of active. Picking up a free couch to 5k app and at least kind of sticking to it is good too.

Got a nice full time job earlier this year. I was NEET for over 2 years doing absolutely nothing. I dreaded the rare occasion I would get an interview because how inactive I was being.

He has a muscle condition that causes his cells to die faster than they can regenerate
He's hooked up to a machine in order to help him breathe

I can't even go outside, man. It sucks. I mean, i'll go if i have to, but other than that I won't step a foot out.

Been a NEET for 5 months now had a gf that would basically pick me up, buy me food and play video games with me for a while after that ended it was just me at home browsing Sup Forums and watching YouTube videos all day

>The Sopranos
Good taste user

>NEET and working

It's never a permanent job. I just paint once in a while for someone and thats about it. I haven't gotten a commission once this year. Feels bad man

Also how do I start going NEET?
Do I just say I don't wanna work because of my mental health problems?

I'm in high school right now (18 years old going into senior year) and I'm probably going to college, but I'm looking into affiliate marketing. If I end up making 6 figures affiliate marketing during college, I'll probably just drop out and save.

You become NEET when you simply have neither job, nor you are in the process of education or training. Get kicked out of a job or school, don't look for a new one, and bam! congratulations, you are a NEET.
How you sort out your financial needs though, that is a different matter. In many countries, you will get social welfare as long as you register yourself in an unemployment office, but you will be constantly pestered to look for a job and your welfare will be taken away if you don't show active interest in finding your job, or if you simply stay unemployed for too long.
You might try visiting a doctor and get a disability welfare too. I was actually offered that after several months of therapy by the doctor himself, who claimed that my mental health is so bad that I likely won't stand a chance in college or in any regular job. (I declined that offer at the time, actually I got so fucking angry at the doctor that I stopped the therapy). Whenever you'll get that though depends on the doctors themselves.
Different states offer different unemployment and social welfare options and benefits. Either way though, the odds will be that the welfare will be a pittance and not enough for you to really live comfortably, unless you live in Sweeden.

So if a billionaire decides to stop earning money then they're a NEET? What if they're still making money only through interest and living off that, still counts?

today is my last day of NEETdom after getting canned from my temp job 20 days ago. It's really more boring than anything.

There's a difference betwee NEET and being so successful you can afford to retire early.

Holy fuck you people make me want to die.

What if you are like me and inherited 4 million dollars. Am I considered a NEET

I don't think anyone really bothered to ask that question. If you are living off interests and investments, I don't think (purely intuitively) anyone would call you a NEET.
NEET really generally refers to (mostly young) people who are not really financially secure, have not worked in the past (at least not enough to provide financial security to themselves) but aren't finding themselves a job for prolonged period of time. I don't think anyone would call somebody who had worked their assess off for ten years to become a millionaire and now is just enjoying their fortune a "NEET" even though such person is, technically speaking, not employed, in education or training.

Only if you do jack shit with the 4 million. At least invest a little bit in something worthwhile.

Boredom and depression but hey u have a roof over ur head and food so there's that

Best of luck to all of you NEETs dealing with mental illness.

OP, I've never been NEET but I do find myself bored when I have too much free time. One day a week off work is nice, but halfway through day 2 I get so fucking bored. I have lots of hobbies but incorporate them into my evenings after work (early shifts most of the week). I think it depends on your personality and activity. If you're in a system of keeping busy you'll hate it, but if you generally don't get out much and can entertain yourself with the internet and hobbies, go for it.

Well, I invested it in a comfy house and the rest I use on gaming computers, and the wife of course likes to go shopping.

Other than that most of it sits at the bank

I could probably collect unemployment as well, that I could add to my 4 million

>Best of luck to all of you NEETs dealing with mental illness.
As a (former) NEET dealing with a mental illness, being NEET does not fucking actually help you. No mental illness is helped by social isolation and feeling of utter worthlessness. There was a brief part of my life where I thought being a NEET is what I need (or want). Oh boy, was I fucking wrong.

I will very likely end up unemployed again pretty soon, because I'm pretty much already on verge of a mental breakdown at work, and the really mentally ill part of me wishes nothing more than running away from it all and just isolating myself again in my room, but the more sober and constructive part of me knows it's the worst thing that can ever happen to me.