Why do you keep getting out of bed every morning?

Why do you keep getting out of bed every morning?


if you're living just because nature tells you to, are you really living or just existing?

Gotta go to work

I'm alive, and I have to pee.

I have a drive to be the best I can be and accomplish things that in turn make me feel good and I have hopes and dreams of one day helping push humanity forward through hard work dedication and education. Hard work pays off and I'm not a pathetic sack of pussy whipped shit like you. I love you its going to be okay we all have our ups and downs in life I have had my fair share of them and right now you are having ad own time but I promise you that one day it will get better and you will be in the up times and you will enjoy your life stay strong op its gonna be ok, one day....

Even though I can sleep for quite a while, eventually I just can't sleep anymore. Might as well get moving, then...and showers are one of the last pleasures left to me in life.

I hope so man. Despite my depression I've achieved a decent amount but it still felt empty. Now, I've hit the lowest point I've ever experienced. I feel like persevering will just put me back to where I was. I just want to be done.

Listen bud I've been low as shit before and thought I was going to die from the pain. I kept going and it got better, then one day it happened again. Life fucked me. Same thing happened, I got back up and went back to work, because I am a man and thats what men do, they get shit done and heal at the same time. Eventually, I was ok, and then, it fucking happened again. Three times now its happened, and three times now I have made my way back to the top, and it gets a little bit easier each time. Guess what? Yesterday I found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me, and it sucks, but I am a man, and I am taking this much more easily than any of the previous times life fucked me in the past. You will only get stronger, it will only get easier. It will hurt, it wont be easy, but thats what makes you strong, thats what makes you a man.

Thank you, I needed to hear that. But, how do you keep picking yourself up? I've done it a lot, but this time it feels really pointless.

Sometimes I get bored of being in bed so I get up and then I realize I don't feel like doing anything so I go back to bed. Sometimes I drink coffee.

Because I look forward to having hot chocolate mixed with black coffee. After that, life is shit again and I want to go back to sleep.

Idk man, honestly if you haven't killed yourself yet then thats proof enough of your strength. And if you aren't cowardly enough to kill yourself, then what other option do you have but to pick yourself up and move forward? You just gotta do it. Sometimes enough is enough, and maybe your life really isn't worth living, if all you are going to do is suffer, then why not just end it all. I'm not saying go kill yourself, but I also understand why some people chose to do so, and I can sympathize with them to a certain extent. But it's never been so bad that I can justify committing suicide.

i really ... really don't know.

Cool job, nice bicycle, cute gf, nice town, big dick.

>big dick.


I'm on my way to getting /fit/. one more month or so and I'll be there

This OP and here is my logical rationalization for my depression.

Think of all the people who have lived, are living, and will live on Earth. Almost every individual believes that they have accomplished something during their time on Earth. Now, think of all the individuals you know or remember. Compare this number to the the amount of people that are remembered or will be remembered by history to the number of people who have lived, living or will live on earth. There is obviously a huge difference in the number of people remembered and those whose lives are forgotten. The majority of people on Earth may feel they made contributions and achieved something but in the context of history they’re lives seem meaningless. So if the vast majority of people’s lives are forgotten in perhaps only a hundred years time after their death, then why do anything at all? I feel as if I will be in the majority of people that will be forgotten, who may have the feeling as if day to day life is important, but when put in the perspective of history, it it's hard to find motivation for daily tasks. When your life will mostly likely be insignificant and forgotten, why live it?

Cause the shit is fun.

Like, I have the same thoughts...and then I go ride my bike. Or I go cook something and then invite my friends over to eat and play scrabble.

Congrats! Youre coming out of your narcissistic teenage mind. This too will come to pass. Now go be nice to someone.

Also look up heat death. Yada yada.