Itt: Hillary cannot become the next US President; she is quite literally the embodiment of EVERYTHING that is wrong...

itt: Hillary cannot become the next US President; she is quite literally the embodiment of EVERYTHING that is wrong with US politics.

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Good thing we have Trump, he's the embodiment of Russias policies and will hand the US over to our new master Putin.

If you don't already know Trump works for Putin and is a Russian puppet and his campaign is funded and controlled from Russia.

Nice tinfoil hat, bro...

If Trump was a Democrat I might have considered him, but instead he flipped sides and teamed up with the religious nut jobs.
Now the Republicans are the party of Jesus and Trump; like the gop really needed another overweight, old whiner.

Not only that but he owns ISIS, controls the African slave trade, owns every burkha factory in the world, developed a mind control serum and used to to force Bill Clinton to become a serial rapist, introduced Harry Reid to NAMBLA, runs a black market operation that sells oversized sodas in NYC, secretly videotaped Hillary eating out Nancy Pelosi, eats babies for breakfast, and steals from the donation plate at church. It has to be true....I heard it on MSNBC.

Uhm, he literally asked for Russia's help on live television.

>Trump cannot become the next US President; he is quite literally the embodiment of EVERYTHING that is wrong with US politics.



>he thinks Obama is a muslim

Hi Alex Jones!

if Trump wins will he buy Melania a better boob job? Those square tits are not first lady quality.

Are you supposed to trust Hillary?

>Made in Russia

>Are you supposed to trust Hillary?
*Are you supposed to trust a politician?

Thank you for correcting the record.

Trump is winning by a landslide even with the complete media bias for Hillary, all those celebs and whatnot. Good for US. Less sheep. More smarties.

pretty sure they were made in Kazakhstan

International Cooperation. It's the only road to world peace.

>Rigs election
>DNC rigs primaries literally
>American population too ignorant to know any better
>Bernie's face when

>Trump is winning by a landslide
and then you woke up in a puddle

I believe everything you just said could be true.

Pretty sure nothing is made in Kazakhstan

>Rigs election

Yup, to catch a criminal and turn evidence over to the FBI. We should do it more often, you know, working together to fight crime.

Too bad it's rigged. Doesn't matter if the entire country votes for him

Kazakhstan #1 for potassium!

Wanna know how I know you get your news from FB memes? Because you're talking out of your ass. I don't like Trump either but that's irrelevant because no matter how much YOU personally need it to be true to feed your irrational hatred, you're talking out of your ass.

He didn't ask Russia for anything. He was mocking Dems claims that Russia hacked the DNC email system and joked that if they really did, maybe they'll find Hillary's 30,000 deleted emails too. it was a stupid thing to say, but I had the misfortune of actually watching his press conference so actually heard what he said. You obviously did not.

The DNC rigged a national election. This fake outrage over something he never said is just an attempt to avoid having to answer for it. I also find it amusing that in claiming he put national security at risk, Dems accidentally confessed that Hillary was lying all along when she said her 30,000 emails were about Yoga. Fucking yoga? Like she's ever stretched a day in her life. Fuck Hillary and fuck her bullshit lies. And fuck DWS and fuck Bernie for selling out. I wonder how much they paid him to betray everything he used to stand for.

Yeah, what about it? You're angrier that the emails were hacked than what was in them. (Also, it hasn't been proven to be Russia's doing but, hey, guilty until proven innocent is the mentality these days) This is exactly the kind of thing the CIA has done for decades now all over the world, but it doesn't matter when it's some other country whose democracy is being fucked over.

Honestly, though, who wouldn't want to see the 30,000 emails she deleted after the investigation began? Regardless of who found them! It would especially be fun considering the FBI couldn't find them.

But again, Russia is the bad guy because Call of Duty told you that, right? Be angry at them and not at the fact that a big hack like this proves how garbage our cyber-security is. And even if you were handed undeniable proof that she was fucking you over and the whole thing was a sham (which basically is what was proven with the DNC leak proving what we all knew, that Clinton was the DNC's golden girl while supposedly being "independant") you would still vote for her because "reasons".

But hey, if you want to be stuck in another pointless Cold War, then by all means vote for her.

At least we have men like you. Men diligent enough to sit and watch every YouTube video available that tells the truth about the us government's lies and corruption. Whatever would we, the ignorant masses, do without heroes like you, men that can see through lies.

Why has nobody talked about the voting machines?

Why were 75% of polling locations closed

And Trump? He's an elitist insider just like everyone else. He's an egomaniac with a short temper and bad decision making skills.

Ummmm....the DNC emails released by Wikileaks made it perfectly clear the primaries were rigged. Oops, did I say that out loud?

Is that the best you could think of in a hurry, or do you actually believe that?

Never mind, I don't want to know the answer.

It's not the 80's anymore, faggot. Lets join forces with Russia and rid the world of Islam.

Elect Trump and feel how a third world country feels like under a shitty leader.. America can feel great by empathizing with citizens of poor nations. The whole world can also feel how people during periods of global conflict felt because he will surely destabilize the world.. Go ahead Americans, make everybody's day :)

Third World Citizen

They didn't actually show evidence of anything being rigged. I less you found something the rest of the world missed. Could you link me to the particular email chain detailing the rigging? As far as I could tell, there was only proof of favoritism.


I was in Philadelphia protesting last week. Should've been there.

another typicsl lib basing their opinion on HE'S A MEANIE. Wait till you have a career, try to own a business, own a home, be exposed to crimes that effect you

>75% of polling locations closed
citation needed

We work with Pakistan all the time to catch Al Qaeda terrorist. We work with the Chinese and Saudi Arabia... Why is working with Russians such a big deal?

Good job making a difference.

Yes. Trump, who is anti-war and wants to be allies with Russia, is really going to destabilise the world. Hilary is a fucking war-hawk.

How did you get off work? Or are you even employed?

She's still the lesser of two evils

he's a conman and a criminal

To clarify, working with Pakistan destabilized the whole south East Asia. Taliban was born. Arms were given to Pakistan in name of fighting terrorism that had no effectiveness against terrorism but surely had the potential to wage war against nation.



How do you know Trump is Anti war. Just by making statements to win an election doesn't make you anti war. However making public statements against Mexicans Muslims Asians and hailing people like Kim Jong Un makes shows his belligerent nature.

If Russia had been releasing statements Donald Trump had made, you would be 100% behind it. What if it wasn't Russia who released it but someone else who was behind it?

I'm sorry you can't handle the idea of working with other countries who were once your enemy, but remind yourself that every time you use a product made in Japan.

The reason you're a third world citizen is because of politicos like Clinton destabilizing developing nations through CIA dealings .... kind of like what the email fiasco is (on a very small scale so far) doing to us.

Because everyone knows Russia is the bad guy! All the movies and video games say they are the bad guys! Plus, you can't be a good guy and speak Russian! Everybody knows this...

And so is Clinton.
A debate on ethics for thee two characters is completely pointless.
Plus, say what you want about Trump, at least as you can see, he has to face a day in Court.
We saw how far an investigation went with Hillary.

Wow shocking picture I didn't know they were related wow I guess I'll vote for Trump now wow
Oh nvm wow I just got convinced twice in a row wow this is like very confusing

Yeah some dumb bitch took a real estate course during the housing crash and is complaining she was 'conned' out 30 grand she 'didnt have'. What kind of retard spends that kind of money on an unsure bet?

The Republicans nominated a Reality TV star whose business constantly go under yet claims to have an economic plan, somewhere amid the racism and mockery of women and disabled.

Clinton's a problem, but now that we've addressed it, we can better deal with it. But it's easier to fight an evil overlord than bring in a dragon.

He was against the war in Iraq and has been against all military operations or meddling in the middle east. He hasnt just been saying shit like this for his campaign.

Agreed, hope you guys vote 3rd party, but you probably won't. Pitty it was a great Republic you had there once.

I'd rather have an honest asshole than a manipulative, scheming cunt like Hilary.

The DNC charter states the DNC is to be completely neutral. But there are hundreds of emails detailing collusion with media outlets to discredit Bernie, manipulate reporting of his campaign, and internal strategies to discredit and blatantly lie about him. I spent three days trudging through their emails while I was stuck in a hospital...most are boring as fuck but there are plenty that clearly show they were not only strategizing to sink him, but funneling money into Hillary's PACs while withholding money from Bernie. The Wikileak site is searchable by both keywords and attachments. You can download entire spreadhseets that show where their money is going. Find them yourself. It's a PIA but if you're willing to put the time in you'll find them.

The only email chain I saved I sent to my wife - I figured she'd be interested to know the DNC refers to her as a "taco". DNC - still as racist now as they were in the 1800's

Japan is a completely different story. We forced their leader to stop being a god, we forced them to give up their standing armies, and we rebuilt them completely with American money. We beat their ass and made them our bitch.

So you're saying Clinton's policies and not the leaders of a nation are responsible for a countries poor condition. That way you can blame your Politicians for literally every problem in the world lol

>We saw how far an investigation went with Hillary.
yes we did

no charges.

acting like assange didn't already have those emails

>The most based and xenophobic country on earth
>Anyone's bitch
Lord, no.

It was a reference to Trump and his taco bowl tweet, don't be dim.

Again, a simple request: one email chain. You don't have to have it saved, go to wikileaks and find it. Search the keywords you remember.

Japan is a complete and total bitch. Social xenophobia doesn't mean shit, they are nothing.

let's see trump's taxes

the same kind that thinks trump is someone you can trust.

He said that if Russia had hacked Hilary it would be showing great disrespect to the US, but if they did have them they should turn them over to the FBI. People some one thought he said 'Hai Russia pls hack the USA and steal our secrets I love you Putin'

Yet the State Department IG and FBI Director Comey both admitted everything she was accused of was true, and everything she said was a lie. They both accused her of violating the Espionage Act.

The fact she wasn't charged just goes to show how corrupt our system is, and how morally bankrupt her supporters are. What they're too short-sighted to realize is the precedent they're setting will be used against them when it's not "their" candidate in charge, and they'll whine and cry like a bunch of pissy little babies.

Trump is to Putin like Mussolini is to hitler. In other words, one is the other persons bitch.

Disclaimer: I am a conservative republican supporter.

Yes. Clinton sucks.

But compared to Trump? No contest.

We have no real choice here. We have to elect Clinton. The alternative is insanity for this country.

>Strong economy
>Western world buys all their shit while Japs laugh at them
>Absolutely refuses to give Islam any foothold in the country and basically removes all rights for Muslims and doesnt give a fuck if anyone is outraged.
Please explain how they are a bitch?

and yet no charges. She must be very powerful. Just the person we need in the white house

Oh my God, this is just as bad as Hilary being in the pocket of Saudi Arabia and allowing terrorists to kill and rape in Africa!


this guy is really fucking stupid. industrial grade man

>The Republicans nominated a Reality TV star whose business constantly go under
Fair statement
>yet claims to have an economic plan
Can anybody actually explain Hillary's economic plan either? She's almost as vague as Trump is.
>somewhere amid the racism
The western world is having a problem with people of the Islamic faith, user. I don't see what is wrong with a temporary ban on them. Now the stuff with the mexicans, sure, it gets a little touchy, but what is wrong with having legal immigration into the country?
>and mockery of women
This is why I like Trump, you can make fun of him without being labeled a sexist
>and disabled
What, he has a little polio in his arm, so that makes him some kind of infallible role-model of us all? He made a statement and he couldn't find where he got it from, and he was mocking his panic. That's different than saying bitches in wheelchairs should go tumble themselves down a flight of stairs.

>Clinton's a problem, but now that we've addressed it, we can better deal with it.
>But it's easier to fight an evil overlord than bring in a dragon.
Because look how well Occupy Wallstreet turned out, dumbass. See also: Kent State.

And we drug Russia into a decades-long proxy war until their union collapsed.

How many of those shitty leaders were put up there through the CIA and foreign intervention?

>convicting each other
user, lawyers never turn on other lawyers. It's called professional courtesy. Out of the courtroom, they're all friends. Spend some time with lawyers one of these days.
>see pic, quote is from the director of the FBI.

If Russia released his tax returns, would you berate them for getting involved in our shit and hacking us the same way you are about Clinton's emails?
Yeah, I can already tell the answer...

>literally defending someone too big to jail
Stockholm Syndrome. Look it up sometime.


In case you missed the context, we were discussing the fallacy of user's idea that Japan was a great ally now. My contention was that is only true because we nuked their dicks off and drafted their constitution.

Not him but what did he say that warrented a tinfoil hat?

Can we please be realistic.... Every politician is a sleeze bag who barters with the law. Hillary is an average politician like the majority of the lot.
Trump is a business man with an exceedingly large ego. He practically spews shit out of his mouth. And don't forget, the last thing we need right now is a president with a short temper who is not willing to listen to other people.



the user from just wanted to add one thing:

>The Republicans nominated a Reality TV star whose business constantly go under
I think it says more about the OTHER republican candidates that got rolled out this election if they lost to someone like that. As sad as it is to say, any other candidate would buckle a lot quicker going against Hillary. If they couldn't defeat Loudmouth Trump, they weren't going to defeat "Everybody's Golden Girl" either.

Nice argument to my points, user. You're a great debater.

>Buisness constantly goes under

>has a networth of 4.5 billion dollars

You're a retard.

pic related

I don't like her because she looks like a total bitch.

So we shouldn't work with Pakistan on anything? Even to apprehend terrorists or criminals?

>mexican tap water
Nothing wrong with it, it has a sort of crunchy kick to it.

>rattlesnake with a 'pet me sign'
Pic related


>The western world is having a problem with people of the Islamic faith
Ok, lets start with this. What about this statement warrants a tinfoil hat?

>hasn't released his tax returns so we'll just take his word for it :^)

>our new master Putin
>implying this wouldn't be good for the US

.. And Rygel.

Forbes has evaluated his wealth at that amount. The guy owns buildings, golf courses, and planes. You think they're worth nothing?

Wait until you have a career, user.
You'll see...

I agree with a large majority of what trump says, even though most of it is bullshit. I also agree with a large majority of clintons policies because they are simply needed in a fully functioning society, (again I'm not sure how effective she will be as a president).
But let me tell you this, I would much rather have an average sleeze ball politician in the Oval Office rather than an egotistical "big man" who transparently only cares about himself and what can benefit him. Also, we have to remember that there are other super power nations that have their own interests that arn't exactly beneficial for us.

>I agree with a large majority of what trump says, even though most of it is bullshit
lol wut?

It's called buying things on credit. You would be surprised by how much you can own but have a net worth of $0

Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns