Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread

Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread.

Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.


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Hey guys! What's up?

It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.

Hey Zer0!

Not too much, saw the new Jason Bourne movie last night which was pretty good.
Other than that, RS and subbing.





Hey 911, what's good?








Berserk Anime is bad but will watch because is Berserk.


Pretty much this.
Unfortunate as it is, I'm enjoying it mainly because it's more Berserk.

End of Chapter 179

Watched new Re Zero which is still pretty good & watched some other airing stuff as well. Other than that, playing some RS and did NMZ and imbued my seer's ring so just got the archer's ring left. Doing some Barrow's as well and managing to do one run on a single prayer pot which is nice. Not much else though, you?

Not a lot, power went out earlier which sucked. It's back now, thankfully.
Also played some vidya because I didn't feel like doing anything else at the time. At this point, I'm probably going to watch some anime. Debating whether to start/catch up on Re:Zero or no.

Onto Chapter 180

Looking forward to new Re Zero.
Are you using then new safespot in the chest room?

Not a whole lot, watched new Onara Gorou and more Kobato which is about it. Finished a black demon task and almost done with a Deviant Spectre task which has been pretty nice so far. On another hard clue now, then might train prayer to 70 as well.
Are you gonna do bones on altar or reanimation?
I'm doing reanimation since I have the supplies for most of it already.

Should marathon it, it'd probably be a lot of fun to marathon. It's one of those shows.


I'll probably grab DDY to catch up on the series, as for new releases IDK yet.

>Are you using then new safespot in the chest room?
Nah, just bossing it with prayer gear, Iban's staff and occult necklace. I do safe spot in the ladder rooms when I can but I can never get them to spawn in those rooms.

>Are you gonna do bones on altar or reanimation?
Got some ensouled heads from slayer tasks but not enough to get 70 prayer. Need to get the favour for the spellbook since I've ignored Zeah until now except for one clue step.

DDY's been pretty consistent and quick on them, so I've been using them all the time.

Gotcha. I should do Barrows more since I have mage gear now. I'm assuming you have upgraded Iban's staff as well?

Same here, working on an excel table to see how much XP I'll get from all my heads. I can send it over if you'd like.



Good to hear, at least they aren't FFF and don't endlessly delay shit.


They're months behind on Assassination Classroom last I checked. It's suffering


>I should do Barrows more since I have mage gear now
You don't even need that much mage gear since they have no magic defence (excluding ahrim who you range). My gear is good enough for barrows and I do fine.

>I'm assuming you have upgraded Iban's staff as well?
Pretty much have to if you a decent amount of charges.

>Same here, working on an excel table to see how much XP I'll get from all my heads. I can send it over if you'd like.
Sure, easier than using a calculator.



>They're months behind on Assassination Classroom last I checked
Jesus Christ. Isn't HS for that a Funi rip, too?

Must painfull feeling is comming

Mainly with the Occult necklace and seers ring, but yeah. Will have to put together a setup.

Alright almost finished with it. Thinking about adding in runes/rune cost as well.

That's just to figure out how much I can do with the heads I have. To finish it off I'll just use rsbuddy.com/efficiency#

Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised.

We're gonna make it, user.








End of Chapter 180 and end of dump for tonight

I mean, I generally only go with HS if I can't be assed to find a better version (for the record, when I decide to watch 3rei you bet your ass I'm using Impatience)


" ... except the mass murder I made the get OP as fuck !"

I'll do my best on it, I swear.
It's been easy so far, fun to work on.

My chest

Besides that, of course.

>I'll do my best on it, I swear.
>It's been easy so far, fun to work on.
So will I, and yeah, it has been fun.

Best thread on Sup Forums!

Here's to 8 more eps or so.

Best user on Sup Forums!
What's new?

Lots of changes in life. Just rollin with it right now.
Did you see the latest episode? I think its really getting better. My favorite episode so far. They fixed the dragonslayer clangs too.

Have not seen it yet, but I'm glad they fixed that. Was just off.
I'll be anticipating a good episode now.