Can someone explain to me what race Mexicans are? Are they white or Latin or Arab? I honestly dont fucking know

Can someone explain to me what race Mexicans are? Are they white or Latin or Arab? I honestly dont fucking know.


fuck it bump nigger i wanna know


I think they're from those South American civilizations and tribes. Probably a lot of mixing with Spaniards though.

All because they have the result of the american natives and the spanish, and the people of spain was the mix of white, arab, roman and other civilizations people

Mexican are Hispanic. What they break down to is between Caucasian, Negro, or Asian.

>I think they're from those South American civilizations and tribes. Probably a lot of mixing with Spaniards though.

mfw you answer it perfectly but somehow still manage to sound dumb af

They are more related to potatoes than humans


Are you for fucking real?

They are Israelites. From the tribe of Issachar.

some are black some are withe some kinda look asian.

Mixed bastards, bit of pre-Columbian culture's blood, a little bit of Spaniard's blood which were carrying Arab blood at the time, some native American semen here and there, and a little bit of god knows what.


The accidents of spain

The word "Mexico" is from a word meaning "mixed." They're a mix of European (Spanish being the most common, obviously), indigenous natives, and Africans who were brought over. This is called Hispanic.

This isn't a difficult concept.

Being Mexican is not really a race, it's a nationality. Most Mexicans are Native American and European. Some are just full-blooded natives.

Are you lumping in all Hispanics under the "Mexican" umbrella, or do you really mean Mexicans as in people born within the borders of Mexico, the country south of the US and north of the rest of the Spanish-speaking Americas?

The bait is strong with this one.

Are you... are you one of those kids who can't wrap their head around the idea of BC and AD? Do you wonder how the pyramids were built before Jesus because that's when the world started? Are you that kind of aggressive retard?

Mestizo bud. A mixture of European Spanish and Native American. The further south you go from Mexico the more pride people have in the Spanish side of their ancestry. This is why a Colombian or an Argentinian will shit bricks if you ever call them a Mexican. They are even racist against their own people based on skin color.

I learned all of this when I dated a Colombian. She brought me home and her parents were so excited to have me dating their daughter. They wanted me to marry her and knock her up because I have pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. To them the lighter your skin color is the higher class you are. Darkies work in the fields as peasant farmers, while lighter skin is a trait associated with educated people who work indoors.

Very fucking odd. I had no clue it was like that, but it is. South Americans tend to look down their noses at Mexicans and Central Americans.

...I see what you're saying here, but it's fair to ask what race French people while understanding that French is a nationality, and that the "umbrella" is the race, not the nationality. You're kinda forcing the horse before the cart for no reason by willfully misinterpreting the language.

Not gringos caga leche for sure.

Mixed Spaniards-Amerindian (aztecs)

There is a lot that are just amerindian (aztecs, mayans, and all that shit)

Maybe not that flifthy disgusting repugnant somewhat living being

Goodness user, calm down.

They're a mix of Aztec or Maya or other natives and Spaniards. Northern Mexicans have a higher ratio of Spaniard and southern Mexicans have a higher ratio of native.

The word Mexico means "Navel of the Moon" in Nahuatl. This word comes from Mexitli that is composed of metztli (Luna), xictli (navel) and co (place). You retard fag

Mexico does not mean mixed moron. Mexicans are native with european. The european is a mis of jew and more (same thing) iberian and a bit of african. A lot of gewish. The spanish inquisition begun right after the discovery of america and the jews escaped to america. Most converted to catholisism a long time ago but thats another story. Long story short mexicans have most old world bloodlines and native american blood




Latin as in the language of the Romans.

Mexicans are the same race as the Romans were you dummy. That's why they looked so different from white Germanics you idiot. They're not "white" but they are european.

they even had donkeys

...Are you retarded nigga?

Best in class response. Everyone here is either trolling or dumb af. Most Mexicans are a mix between Native American (America as in the landmass) and European, predominantly Spanish. Some are pure native and some are pure Spanish. But mostly mix. Also, the word Mexico is an Aztec word (Mexica) meaning people.

They're Klingons.

I want to debate this but it makes so much sense.

It doesn't make sense at all, this dumb nigger is confusing a term used to denote a root language with ethnicity. Spaniards are most definitely not the same as people from the Italian peninsula. Spaniards as we know them are more akin to the southern French genetically. Shit, you niggers are dumb as fuck. It's like you can't think critically for even 5 minutes of your worthless shitty lives. I'm out.

Mexico is as diverse with Native-American tribes as the US is. To imply most Mexicans are Aztec is erroneous.

The ancient egiptians, jews, arabs and romans were also muds so you ahave a lot of cultured on mixed on both sides nt the time colombus arrives.

Bitch, Spain was invaded by Arabs. At the time Mexico was invaded by Spain, spaniards were already a mixed race.

>Estábamos reyes.


Kek. What a retard.

>U.S Native-Americans where invaded by White people. All U.S Native-Americans are White...

God race

The arabs had been driven out when the queen isabel la catolica and rey fernando founded the trip to the americas. That was the beggining of spain becoming the first global super power. Remember the armada?

Fuck if i know. Can't trace my family farther than my great grandparents

A mix between nigger, dog, shit and munster.

Do you even know how miscegenation works?

Spain? Spain have 300 years of existence. Are you speaking about hispania. Thats not the same. And only the south of hispania was invade by muslims.


This... the farthest i can trace is when my great grandfathers poppy was an on the run bandito who had a sex slave and raised her child after she got shot.. Feels bad man

there, you gave the right answer to yourself already

Latino you fucking moron.

mexicans got conquered by cristobal so they are fkn spanish from spain plus there are a few "real" mexican there are actual natives just like idians here in usa

Latino = Latin = Romans?

Holy shit that's fucking cool man

Yeah, but it didn't happen in that case, moron. Pick up a book sometime.

Amerindian and spaniard

Look, this is a mexican:

And now take a look to a Spaniard:

they're tapito flavored race

whatever that one is=

But in the same iberic peninsule, take a look of a Catalan man:

Theyre something

And similar to the Catalan, a French man:

Can someone explain to me what race Americans are?

Oh yes dude, many mexicans like fucking isis.

French aren't a race though

So, the Mexican it's a mix between Spaniard and the ancient Mexican tribes.

kek, silly mother fucker

Look, this is a Spaniard:

Look, this is a mexican:

No. This is an exception in Mexicon.

Normal people in Mexicon are like this:

WTF? This is the true.

LeL No, this is a gipsy.

Theyre arab

can confirm. I'm Mexican and dated an Argentinian. her family hated me even though my family is richer than she was (we all own homes, her family owned a mobile home and the rest lived in the fucking desert).

she'd say they were white. I'd be like no... you're south American.

I'm brown but I'm still better than you, Natasha!!!!

they are the same. French people have germanic blood, spaniards and italians don't

Also this.
>yfw most Ameritards believe Native Americans existed only in the lower-48 states.

Correct yet retarded answer. Good job user.

you're confusing language with ethnicity. A lot of romans were not latins. There's no such thing like latin race

can be colombian, bolivian, peruvian, etc, can be middle eastern too, or indonesian or malaysian, or philippine

This is a Mexican

Look, spaniard women

Mix of Spanish and Indian. Spanish have a lot of North African Arab blood from the Moorish period. (And Moors were Arabs, not black Sub Saharan Africans)

>a race

ITT: retards that don't into, can't into, world history

take a look at a catalan man. Looks arab to me

looks like an ISIS member

south american is not a rece, moron

moores are not arabs, they are berbers

spain was under arab control for 800 years, mexico under spaniard control for 500, and we´ve received lots of immigrants from syria and lebanon especially, waves of spaniards from franco, italians from moussolini, frenchies, blacks from slavery, and we have a bunch of native indians, like 200 different ethnicities.

rape, pillage, love and it´s all a fucking mixed bag of everything.

well the "full" arabs but you have a whole lot of conversos and andaluces and people crossing over from gibraltar and morocco


This is a Mexican

they're a mix of the native Americans and the Spanish conquistadors

They are mostly Latin/native.

Some are white (upper ruling class from New Spain). Some are mixed. IN Mexico the majority are white washed (Spain culture) natives.

There were less Spaniards in Latin America than colonists in the north there was a lot less interbreeding going around than everyone thinks.

Northern Mexico: typically Chichimeca native genetics. Western Mexico: Purepecha. Central and east: Nahuatl, Mayan...

With a fuckton in between. Mayans are typically darker skinned than others.

IN short: native, white, and mixed. Mostly native

We're like evolved beans

people of germanic descent are so racist, it's incledible. Only Germany, France or the UK can have a lider like Hitler.

Oh btw OP that's why Hispanic is an ethnicity (culture) on most forms, as an addendum to race

My Grandfather is German and was a SS Officer details will not be given and my grandmother is a Mexican. I am a proud Neo-Nazi Fag.

mexicans speak a language that derives directly from latin. A roman and a mexican would understand eachother