How can I tell the strength of this?

How can I tell the strength of this?

Other side...

Will just one put me to sleep?

Looks like 2mg. Do you have any tolerance to benzos yet?

You google the numbers on the back, or you just take it. One should be fine to put you asleep.


take 2 just to be sure op

Don't think any at all? I've done tons of other shit but totally new to benzos

Those are really weak. You need at least 4-5 to feel anything otherwise it's a waste.

It's 2mg. Used to be prescribed Xanax. It'll just chill you out. Don't take too much or you'll have some serious memory loss.

Don't listen to him. 2 bars will fuck you up if you have no tolerance.

They don't make bars with high enough dosages to hurt you. Best way to find out what it is is to just rail that bitch.

op listen to me. IT IS FAKE. it's a counterfeit. any faggot with a pill press sells the "xanax" unless you get it from a pharmacy it is for sure fake.

this. 1 bar will get you feeling good. 2 would get you fucked up to the point where you fall asleep eating cereal/jerkin it/taking a shit (in my experience at least). If you take 4 or 5 with no tolerance your risking CNS / Respiratory depression where you'd possibly die.

If you drink when taking them also be careful, it amplifies the pills pretty drastically. dont drink what you normally would if not on a benzo.

Source: sober drug addict and RN

Snorting xanax is absolutely useless

Listen OP, I've seen people almost die from taking 4-5 Xanax with little to no tolerance, don't take more than 1, I've never seen a Xanax that looks like that, but not everything you get on the streets is fake, you just have to know what your getting and the right people.

Where do you get it from? Have you seen it come out of a sealed pill package?

You don't want to OD on some chem student's RC frankenstein man.

Don't drink anyways while taking benzos, you have a lot higher chance of dying. Xanax alone will not kill you. Take it from somebody who's taken 25MG at once. All it did was make me blackout for about 2 days.

thank you man.

This is the kind of unbiased info I'm looking for

Nah, you haven't. When taken alone, you have to be trying really hard to OD on benzos. Just don't be a dumb fuck and get wasted on alc at the same time.

Or, just leave the bars be man. Barring out is just unaesthetic - there's better stuff out there.

Don't listen to these losers. Hopefully you didn't eat it yet. Snort it! That's what I have to do with them for them to make me be able to sleep OP.

Yea idk if i would trust that. I used to be slightly addicted to xanax and i never saw those. I used to take the gg bars and those would fuck me up, dont remember much from that time because apperantly i was taking them so much

Don't listen to these morons saying you'll die from taking too much. Xanax alone is a safe drug in high doses. It only becomes a problem when you mix it with other things. Do not snort it because it's useless, xanax is not water soluble.

A super weird kid in Canada. I'm positive it's real: I've seen the prescription. Tried to get my own but my doctor blows.

this tbh. probably some fent in it or some shit

I agree, you shouldnt drink on Benzo's. However most people who take benzo's recreationally are likely to drink to increase its effects.

Thanks man! That's what I've heard. Just want something to sleep with.

Just want it to sleep, no liquor involved

Thanks for the info man

There's better stuff out there for putting you to sleep. Try high dosed melatonine.

oh, this niggas from canada. havent seen a pill with its real name on it down here in probably 10 years

Tried high dose melatonin

Diphenhydramine does it for me but the dilirium... OH THE DILIRUM.

Yeah there's no market for it in Canada. Funny how hard it is to move down here. Percs were the same in 2010. These days they're worth an arm and a leg. Strange. These kids don't know about shitty seds.

at least i got my amphs and cheap booze. america, fuck yea.

might make you sleep more then necessary

A bar is 2 MG the strongest one if you don't have a tolerance it will knock you out and you will have no memory of the night but some people like my girlfriend can take 4 or 5 and function while looking like a complete blob zombie but in her mind she seems fine

Yo OP, where'd you get the pill from? The white xan 2s had a serious spike of fentanyl fakes in the last few weeks - stay safe mang.

Btw, who the fuck presses fent and sells it as Xanax? Like, what's the fucking benefit?

Put it under your pillow for a tooth fairy.

I agree I'd be happy to buy it because the fet will fuck you up but to front it like it's a benzo is silly

At least for dope, a lot of idiots equate ODing to a strong batch rather than to a fake batch, and it makes sales go up. Plus fent is cheaper than heroin, it's a win-win for the dealer.
Not sure about xanax tho. Same idea I guess, kids don't know what benzos feel like but they know it fucked them up so they tell all their friends to buy it.

This user. Follow this guy, he knows.

>what's the fucking benefit?

addiction is a hell of a drug

Listen to
That pill looks like it's a pressy. Aka a counterfeit. I've seen a lot of Xanax and the real deals are more defined than that. I wouldn't take that even though I like Xanax sometimes I wouldn't pop fakes.

he's canadian


Xanax is fucking stupid have fun feeling tired and then not rendering anything.


just break it into quarters and try a quarter of it. when i used to do xanax to combat the coke comedown (done with that shit now but im all about those life experiences) i could eat 2 or 3 bars and drink a few beers. It was really fucking stupid and i'd black out and not remember the night regularly, but basically 1 you're safe, just depends how numb you want to be

4mg off the top of my head you stupid fucking brainless cock benzos arent for getting high anyway theyre really only useful for anxiety and sleep
