Feminism hate thread

Feminism hate thread








the reason men hit harder is because we know that we might get hit back, so when we hit we do it to cause pain, and we do it hard enough so you won't physically be able to hit back.

women hit like bitches because they think they won't get hit back. why jump as high as possible if there is no bar to jump over? why jump as far as possible if there is no hole to jump over?

>this glass is way too phallic
>x fucken d

hmmm as its pretty early and is still need some more uptime to get rdy for work i'd greentext a story abt times u had feminism cut u some slack

sbdy interested?

i love how this guy's reaction is to instantly pick up the can and throw it at her. he doesnt consider it, hell he doesnt even fuckin look at it. its just instant. bam.


aight whatev

>introduction to cultural studies part of my masters
>have to attend weekend lecture
>teacher is pakistan heritage
>highly aware of it, also tumblr
>we go into hegemonical masculinity
>she mentions james bond
>violence, sex, drinking
>all that dominant male stuff showing a twisted image of masculinity in our time
>i object no, it just exaggerates it
>mention how bond never finds love
>no kids, no family, no actual friends
>even the few he feels a connection to he has to leave or they die
>get her to agree its because hes a man
>because the image of maleness is sacrifice for the cause
>mr bond is the perfect male
>mr bond is denied happiness
>sjw going pensive

same class

>teacher shows ad of some brand
>its just fashion but the poses r weird
>woman on the ground
>some men standing around
>connects to how it is in ppls head and they subconsciously agree to it
>ask her when the poster was made
>remind her when the term rape culture was coined and went viral
>ask her if shes a person aware and critical of media
>ask if she thinks its possible that the brand didnt give any fucks about rape culture
>maybe they just jumped the bandwagon
for publicity
>cause they capitalists and will use even hatred against them for gains
>sjw going pensive


Post more you sexist.

these arguments sound stupid and you sound stupid. it's very possible the professor you were arguing against just decided its best not to argue with your stupid ass.

or maybe it went how you say it went, and she's just dumber than you.

either way i wanna kill myself

>be a surgeon in ontario
>patient arrives, wounded in the groin
>flesh mess, need surgical reconstruction
>see the healt card, rebuild hybrid penis/vagina do be sure to not offend anyone
>you are welcome


Your reasoning sounds gay as fuck and you sound gay as fuck.

i didnt post any reasoning you faggot



No u = faggot


if you hit woman then you're gay as fuck


listen here you little shit

OK nigger, you have my attention now.

listen ehere

good now listen up

you're a faggot

you're a real fuckin faggot but dont let that deter you from your dreams. faggot.

I'm listening - but all I can hear is you fathers' sperm running out your raggedly little anus and dripping on the floor.

because we can all hate the women in our lives


i really liked you mac n cheese dude

don't ever stop being yourself man

i feel like you're one of the good guys

we anc all hate the woem nsi no ur lives and cal leach other fucking afahgots over the internst

but no on e

no on e can take away fro myou

your love of macaroni a hand cheese

fuck you




sure. same class

>abt equality stuff
>after patriarchy is oppression
>guess what
>yall knew it
>every one dollar mean 79 cents for a woman
>literal oppression right there
>tell her i agree, wage gap shouldnt be there
>tell her im impressed with the progress made by feminist movement
>mention how wage gap is actually 5% if u outfactor personal choices
>closing thoughts: those 5 percent might be because woman dont demand more pay like a lot of men do it
>that just might come from ppl telling them they are oppressed anyway and that they have no choice
>which i think they have

>girl next to me i broken
>the kind of i-blame-my-shit-on-others
>had to have a SHIT AS FUCK schedule first semester
>she apparently worked from 12-16h and made my prof change EVERY class to suit her needs
>we all got fucked cause her
>shes like yea i get oppressed at work too
>shows me stats for germany, says its way worse here
>take her fone
>5 min reading the
>points towards a number
>our wage gap is even smaller
>both sjws going pensive

You don't have any women in your life, you were adopted by transexuals before being pimped out by them to a gang of Romanian gypsys from the Terrance Higgins Trust.


wait who the fuck is terrance higgins

ur mom


dont have time wo wait around rn. so i'll do one more and leave u with that

>i guess u all know how they say gender is constructed
>heres something new
>newer theories actually argue that SEX is constructed
>it means that there is no actual difference between the sexes, it's all in our head
>teacher brings up le example
>woman are supposed to have better smelling
>its supposedly because they were cave sitting
>in there if sbdy gets sick its a disaster
>good smell helps anticipate and stop it from spreading
>however they might have just developed this from evolution
>those with better smell survived in the cave
>thus no real difference
>actually all the differences could just be made up
>ask teacher abt giving birth
>ask teacher abt factual gap in physical strength
>ask teacher abt chromosomes

>sjw going pensive

out for today boys. pleasure to share as i have to admit pc and sjw drives me up the fucken wall. but dont forget, those ppl can be argued with

i cried so beautiful

Cameo by based milo