What do I do with this guy? Dubs decide

What do I do with this guy? Dubs decide

love it

Slice it into three pieces, and burn them, then eat the remains and post it.

let it go

free it


free the thing

Smash it

What else, but to condense it into a nice little ball, and shove it into your pee hole, give us pics.


kill that nigga

Put it up your ass


put in ass

i tried so many times :(

Kiss it
Post a pic

light on fire and make a salt circle around it


Put it in your penis


Warning, we have an edgelord over here!

gvgcf how get dubs? put a tube up your ass, then have the moth walk into your asshole. Remove the tube and let him enjoy his new home?

op delivar


he didn't say to sprinkle hair all over it

you fuckn slob

R.I.P godspeed

Is that Thor's fucking hammer OP?
Are you sure you're worthy

I just murdered the shit out of one in my house. I was tired of bugs flying in.