Thoughts on the Flat Earth theory?

Thoughts on the Flat Earth theory?

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>flat earth theory
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To be a theroy you have to have someone intelligent make the theory so
>Flat earth
Pick one



Its flat out retarded.

Kek, fpbp

it is well known fact that the earth is shaped like a square with usa being on the top side. vote trump.

thank you i just noticed that

you mean triangle?

I will never ever believe someone if they tell me they're a flat earther, i just don't believe they actually exist

None of these hypotheses have any actual substantiation. Prove me wrong.

did i stutter? ya bogger

how can the earth be flat if mirrors arent real?


THE Roy. Not any fuckin Roy

Certainly would be interesting if earth was flat. Something exciting in this boring ass world.

>ITT: Flat Earth "Hypothesis"



Stephen Hawking suggests that there are no true throeires, or independednt facts, that all facts are model dependent. so for a given model of the universe, (ie flat earth model) there will be "facts" that fit within that model. so, you want to believe it - ok, but you have to account for apparently difficult observations - not falling off, time zones, visible curvature, satellites, all other celestial bodies are spheroid, gravity, round the world travel, etc which makes for a complex and messy theory.

round earth is simpler and allows predictions that are confirmed by observation - so more useful.


I can support a flat Earth....if we can somehow figure out how to push the Niggers over the edge.

What's to gain by lying about the earth being an oblate spheroid?


Explain night and day and the different timezones faggot.

Explain satellites. They only stay in orbit(key word) on a spheroid earth.

Oh yeah that's right lol. Underneath the crust were standing on is just a place the sun and moon disappear to. My b. Fucking kek.
Either bait, or just an uneducated nigger

The Jews made them up.

Orbits or satellites? Also, I'm not quite sure that flat earthers actually exist in real life. They would have to live in a vacuum.

they do


I don't give a shit if it makes sense or not, this world needs something interesting to happen besides war and terrorist shit

What about a flat Earth is so interesting? If anything it sounds more boring.

The grand conspiracy.


explain the force of gravity

If earth is globe, why these flight routes not exist???

because Antarctica is protected airspace

It's bullshit


WHY is it protected?!?!

If you believe this then you're 500 years too early for the internet

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. There are people who don't "believe" in the moon landing, one of the single most well documented and watched events in human history. All the arguments against both are imagined "inconsistencies" which are not only easily debunked, but require the brains of a turnip to accept.

you know, there are companies building satellites and airplanes, and gps, and navigation systems with geo positioning, they all know the earth is flat... thousands of people hiding the truth so well

Because no nation owns it.

All of us in the tub think the earth is flat

Then who is it protected by and why? No jets are gonna scramble going over a.a.

Because it's a delicate environment and constant commercial planes flying over it would damage it.

those videos they "documented" and "watched" were wiped by NASA and only the crappy tv station videos watched were what remained. try again. the most interesting claim i've seen is that the dust that flew up when the rover drove around flew up and then fell as if it was in heavy atmosphere on earth, not the moon.

It's protected by an international agreement between nations. It's called the Antarctic Treaty.

The boss:

simple 1 minute stare contest (that you will loose)


Even the Soviets knew it was real, dumbass, and they had more reason than anyone in history to prove it fake if they could.

Quotation marks are not an argument. We have plenty of photo and video, and physical evidence to prove it was not a hoax, not to mention such a conspiracy is impractical and they couldn't have kept it under wraps with the tens of thousands of people that would have to be in on it.

that's not even practical

The Bible said the earth is flat.

the bible is wrong


>Thoughts on the Flat Earth theory?


And barely an actual hypothesis figuring the Earth is demonstrably round.

>constant commercial planes flying over it would damage it

No they wouldn't

Yes they would

How about a plane crashes above Antarctica and needs to land somewhere? Where the fuck would the go, nearest airport?
Why does my plane from Europe to Mexico not southwest, but north? If something happens they need to be able to make a safe landing.
1/10 for making me reply.

More fun than hearing about retarded shit humans have been doing.

Even this would be great, just need something to give my mind a boner

That isn't even flat, it's hollowed out, which makes even less sense than a flat earth, because it would mean you should see much more sea when standing on the beach.


>WHY is it protected?!?!
Because there are military bases there that the various owners don't really want attention focused on

>thousands of people hiding the truth so well
>never heard of the Manhattan Project

If the earth is flat then why is there an edge?

We have da Interwebz and Smartyfones, yet no one was ever at the edge and took some pics?

Yeah, they would

millions of people would be needed for this nonsense conspiracy

Haven't seen this thread for a while.
I thought OP was dead, thought he probably fell from the edge of the world.

Ay me cagué de risa

Is that supposed to be an argument? There isn't a lack of people on this planet.


>hiding the truth
>everyone knows about it

It's for fucking idiots.

If there were millions of people in on it, then it would have leaked many times over.

I dont think i believe the newer ones because twitter and trolling.

But in highschool before facebook was a thing i heard about flat earthers. They were people who took the bible as literal truth and interpreted "4 corners of the earth" as making a sphere impossible.

no observable curvature
no axial rotation

Explain this! My route from Dallas to Hong Kong. If this ain't convincing

>I believe the climate change meme

*tips menorah*

These are cancer raid threads, newfags.

Same as: u mad white boi, dick size, dick rate, gun control, atheism, religion, who would win, faces of, begging, etc

Lurk moar and don't feed garbage.

It wouldn't be hard to disprove there are a lot of billionaires who could check from space and there are lot more people with boats who could just follow the ice around

Yes they are started by the mods...but FE is real

Anyone that believes the earth is flat is a retarded moron

No shit if you're standing on a big ass globe you can't see the curve just looking around. If you have a ship with big masts coming toward you, first you see the top of the masts, then you see the ship

Just because you can't keep a secret doesn't mean that others can't


I just felt like arguing.

ye cuz its likly that only 1 in millions will leak a thing

ships don't 'go over' the horizon Dum-dum

Good thing only incedibly tight lipped 10 million people were found

No it's not

You're not high enough you idiot.

That there's a horizon at all proves it's round anyway. can't see curvature but a ship goes below the curve!?
What a contradiction

>denying basic facts

you can't see the curve yourself because you're too small and low down
it doesn't mean there isn't a horizon

Would any flatfags like to explain how a flat earth works?

For instance, what would it look like if one lives near the edge? Can you fall off said edge? Where would it lead?

Why is earth flat? What about the other planets in our solar system? Or is flat earth hypothesis also space denial?

No one actually believes in it. You can't be that stupid.