Not even the Republican party wants him to win. lol why are you wasting your vote on Trump?

Not even the Republican party wants him to win. lol why are you wasting your vote on Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone should tell Donald to stop kissing the Russians asses before he ends up being Putin's lapdog.

>not even the establishment wants him to win
Have you ever thought that maybe that is a good thing?

Have you ever thought that bringing your checker-level ideas to the global chess tournament just might be disastrous for everyone on the planet?

Do you really think anyone cares?

He's failed.
He's pissed off the people he was pleasing by being Hitler #2.

Yes. About 52% of Americans and about 100% of the free world care about not being sucked into WW3.

So I don't have to wast it on the Hildebeast

then, don't vote for the Hildebeast


we want someone who can bring people together, because after 8 years of Obama it's what is lacking. a sense of togetherness as a people

I find it funny how that comparison even came to be in the first place. The lengths to which political propaganda will go.


Trump is fundamentally divisive

thats exactly why im voting for him. hes not a career politician and hes not owned by wall street like hillary is. the fact every politician hates him is a good thing

>what is the race baiter in chief
>what is shrillary
yeah no

>he wants illegals to continue raping and murdering citizens
>he wants muslims to continue their holy war in our backyards

its a sad day when protecting american values is seen as divisive.

You obviously don't even know what you're talking about. Putin publicly hates Hillary for a reason. She was all over his shit for four years. Bush learned the hard way with Georgia and Obama learned the hard way with Crimea. You don't take your thumb off of Putin for a godammned second or he'll immediately start annexing countries and "bringing Russia back to it's former glory". Trump being an amateur diplomat (the guy's never even held a public office) AND an Isolationist is Putin's wettest dream. Not if, but WHEN Putin starts invading countries what is little Donald going to do? Send out a nasty tweet? And then we're inadvertently sucked into WW3 because "muh isolationism" took his puny finger off the pulse of Putin. Putin is masturbating right now to the thought of how he would assrape Donald.

He is the official cringe of Sup Forums. He's the republican fedora tip.

Because hurr durr durr hitlerly durr their both bad candidates but durr hitlaryy durr can't u see op


oh really? hillary stands ONLY for anything but straight white men. the only men who would vote for her are idiots or losers trying to get laid by pleasing their stupid women.

trump might bug a few people but he's never proven to be against blacks, only illegal mexicans and terrorist muslims. he never actually said that mexicans are bad or that all muslims are bad; if anything, it's all nationalism and nothing to do with racism or religion, even if they think it is. mexicans are bad because there are some really bad people there and if they're coming here illegally, there's a good chance they're already really bad people and they "rape and murder" each other on their way through the desert more than they hurt US so they should be happy to be stopped by a wall so that women and children aren't raped, beaten, left for dead or killed in the desert by other illegals. muslim nations being a hive sending out terrorists? we sanction import/export to make certain nations "not exist". what's worse, blocking all of china from having a sweet intel CPU or keeping a few immigrants out? 20 years ago i read a list that was spread in hacker forums about the MANY nations it was illegal to sell a computer to.

Actually after Trump's remarks about Mexicans, not so sure about that. But you go ahead and trust that dipshit, user.

trump refers to Hispanics as taco bowls ?
that's awful .. oh wait .. it was the democrats who did that ..

Oh wait the Democrats are the real racists.


Wrong. You're a brainwashed kid.

The other candidate is a serial killer. So it's Trump or the evil serial killer. I'm voting trump?


for that you would have to assume user has a brain to wash

"We Dems love them filthy spics!" Hillary can say that all day long and every Mexican in America will still vote for her. Why? Because she's not Trump.

holy shit, good point. johnson may actually have a chance in this election.

Is this thread over yet? Can we take out our dicks and piss on the campfire?

then he shouldn't have run as an establishment guy.

ps - he's for the corporate establishent. no one has ever been a bigger advocate for corporate america.


because Clinton actually has a plan for society other than boots on the ground.

but at least it's not gubbamint, hey?
private sector tyranny is all right

He has a chance to get 6%, I'm OK with that. I can't bring myself to vote Trump but I can get behind Gary.

only losers still feel like you do. everyone else is much better off over the last 8 years.

that's why trump has a solid 20% of republicans. their lives suck. but their lives will always suck. your life will always suck. deal with it. fix it.

it's called personal responsibility.

>I can't bring myself to vote Trump
by voting for Johnson you are user

face it

just being against the establishment isn't enough. he also has to have policies you actually agree with. sanders did, trump has no details at all only pandering.

Haha remember when it was factually revealed that the establishment was fighting against Bernie.

yeah right getting the DNC to adopt his ideas

totally on his knees user

Hill's Shills have been stepping up their game lately. Must be feeling the heat.

not just racist, but they practice an inbred power structure that keeps new talent and ideas (such as Bernie) unfairly excluded.

Just look at how few people attend Hillarys rallies in comparison to Bernie, that's how you know she;s isn't for the majority but the elite minorities.

yeah right now. trump is at about 20% by the way, according to vegas odds.

as he comes down more and more johnson might pick up more and more endorsements and as people look at him he might get higher and higher.

he'd be a completely useless president for just 1 term but it might be a better option than trump.

Exactly. A conversvative idea is to work hard and accomplish your goals. Most of the conservative people I meet these days barely graduated high school. Guess what, those skills trade jobs aren't coming back. Conservstives should have studied harder in school.

the only reason america has a problem with russia is cause they are the only other super power on the planet. we want the world, and they are the only ones with any kind of power to stop it

In pretty much every thread of this kind, the Trump supporters outnumber the Shrillary supporters. The polls all favor Trump. I think Americans are in the Trumpster's corner. Main streamers don't want him, they want business as usual. But we've had enough of lame stream politics. Hillary owes everyone, and Trump owes no one. It's an easy choice.

and yet he still lost fair and square. he know shit, his wife knows it and his top level campaign staff knows it. why can't you acknowledge it?

Yeah I know it too - but the 3rd party swing advantage moves like a pendulum every cycle. It'll be no different this time, it's still a long way to Nov 8th

Mohamed Obama has a lot to tell you about personal responsibility, and why you don't need it, just take to the streets and block traffic whenever anything happens that you are told to dislike

socialism doesnt work. his tax raises would make the rich leave the country and leave the burden on the middle class.

exactly. you will need to prepare now for the future jobs that are coming. the government can and should help with re-education and training.

those shitty factory jobs are gone for good, thankfully.

Republicans hate Hillary so much that they would probably openly celebrate her death. Both candidates are extremely divisive because they're both terrible people.

>The polls all favor Trump.

bah ha ha you're delusional. he's below 40% now and hillary is inching toward 50.

>fair and square

I don't think it counts as "fair" when the DNC, an institution that is supposed to be neutral, was covertly working against one of the candidates. DWS's resignation from DNC and immediate hiring by Clinton campaign is pretty telling

the odds of brexit happening in Vegas were also low...just sayin Vegas odds don't have much credebility

>hey guys let's just repeat what that old bat said so his retarded followers will think we want that too now and vote for us!


said they would, doesnt mean they will.

>Conservstives should have studied harder in school
Maybe you should have too. Then you could spell: conservatives.


they lost by too much to think that. i believe bernie himself because i think he has integrity. he might not say anything about it but he wouldn't lie and neither would his wife.

Bernie has had a greater impact on a primary election than any 3rd party candidate in the history of the United States and his "supporters" piss all over him. You people seriously fucking suck. I'm glad I'm part of the establishment.

Now I know you're a shillbot for sure.

Cuz there's no chance for victory with him faggot

Keep watching cnn, and pmsnbc

bullshit the odds of brexit were hovering around 50/50 for months before. the stay vote was perceived as 1 or 2% more likely. and we now know that many people regretted what they perceived as a punishment vote.

The majority of people who support Trump are those who vote solely based on how amusing the candidate is. They literally support him because he's more entertaining than Hillary. They're the same dumbasses that voted for Bush in 2000 because "he's just the kinda guy I'd like to have a beer with." That's literally how the decide who thy want as their next president. That's how fucking stupid they are.

rather waste a vote then give it to shillary or that manchild

It literally happened, doesn't matter what Bernie says, I'm not a supporter of his and I don't think he has nearly as much integrity as his fans would like to believe he does. The emails are real.

He wasn't third party ass clown he ran as democrat

Empty promises to get votes. Hillary's specialty.

He won the nomination.

A few angry Republicans don't represent the party.

yeah so? some idiots suggested things that were dismissed.


Wow the establishment shills are panicking aren't they?

They're not the same dumbasses that voted for Obama

The majority of people who voted for Obama voted for him literally because he's black. The majority of women are going to vote for Hillary literally because she has a vagina. That's how fucking stupid they are.

The EU is gunna fall apart and England was the first to one wants all these sand niggers blowing up euroupe anymore, can't say I blame them

Correct The Record "operative" much?

Go fuck yourself.

if you vote democrat you vote against democracy plain and simple

June Sanders: "He lost this election by more votes than can be explained by the things that people are concerned about — the voting irregularities, or the DNC. If it was closer, we might have done something differently, but there is no choice. It's not like we're stopping because we want to. We're stopping because those are the rules of the game. That's democracy. There is a winner and a loser in every election."

Look at this faggot.

Why on earth would you vote for the corrupt clintons.

>that isnt the point
The point of trump is a 4 year do nothing president

Isn't USA the land of freedom and capitalism? Like the Democratic Party are a bunch of politically correct commies that uses Hollywood and liberal Jew media to shape public opinion

yeah whatever. britain will be fine. but most of the muslims came from non-eu countries so a brexit wont signifiican't affect the numbers. in fact, leaders will bring in more immigrants because immigrants are necessary, in their mind at least.


wow. a cogent geopolitical argument on Sup Forums.


Support Trump, and this may just happen to you.

Haters deserve a good ass whoopin'


How much are they paying you again?

Tired of 8 years of this country being a absolute joke and being destroyed by the leech class.
A wasted vote would be for radical socialist traitor who panders to the stupidest common denominator, making the exact same promises over and over that are clearly never delivered

ha! the man is a hero.

wat? the USA Is better than ever nigger. fix your own shit.

It's not democracy when a select few choose who the candidate is while ignoring (and actively preventing) a grass roots movement from occurring.



literally the lowest unemployment numbers since this mid 80s

Because their parents voted for the demos. Their sibs all voted for the demos, and by god they're going to vote for the demos too. You can't change their minds. Just accept that people will vote the way that they always have. But enough people have woken up, and will vote for Trump.
