So this election is gonna be decided by ISIS

So this election is gonna be decided by ISIS

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Nah, those goat fuckers can't vote

Nice try Mr trump.

Hillary love's Trump's hate

This, Hillary wouldn't win if Trump wasn't a crazy screaming orange retard


Every terrorist attack only improves Trump's chances.

If ISIS was smart they would lay low until after the election in order to let Hillary win. I think Hillary will be a lot softer on terrorism than Trump.

what if ISIS is actually a trump cell?

HAHAHAHAH Because Trump knows dick about anything besides realestate and bankruptcies !

nobody gives a fuck about attacks in europe because everyone secretly knows they deserve it


is it nice being a paid shill?

i hope the trump campaign pays up front, i hear they aren't really good on the whole paying their bills thing

would be better than russia. i imagine they pay in rubles, which are next to useless

Hahahah trump just cost himself 2 million votes and will continue to because he cannot keep from criticizing and insulting everyone. No wonder Hillary is suddenly surging in the polls.

>national socialism
hilary is literally hitler
they even have 4 of the same letters in their names

who could be behind this post?

>Don't judge all muslims because of Omar Mateen, The San Bernadino Shooters, The Nice Attack, the two kids who killed that priest outside Rouen, Cologne on New Years Eve, Brussels, Paris, Instanbul or any of those things

>Judge all muslims because of this one guy Khan instead

Also, I'm curious what the ratio is of Trump-inspired terrorist attacks to ISIS-inspired Terrorist attacks.

You have to go back

Um a Rational Educated American . Not a cynical person like you .

ITT: shills

Hitler was making germany fucking great until every one was getting all pissy because he was conquering a few country's and ganged up on germany like a bunch of hoodrats.

who pays your bills? Trump or Putin?


god damn you're such an edgelord faggot

back to Sup Forums you go


I never said he did now anything. I'm not a Trump fan. But it is clear Hillary is afraid of being an islamophobe. She won't even say the words Islamic Terrorism

She will say "radical Islam" but she refuses to say "Islamic Terrorism". To Hillary and Obama terrorism isn't linked to Islam in any way. It's ridiculous.

Cucktimus maximus detected.


Segregation Really shill your a hypocrite

There were only a few thousands lynchings ever in America's history.

Blacks kills more blacks in 2 years than whites lynched blacks in the entire history of the nation. But lets keep on glorifying the KKK as some massive movement...



Im with Trump, and im a mexican living one hour from the border

The show men when she will say islamic terrorism.

By all means link me the quote and I will admit I'm wrong. I'll be waiting. Surely you will deliver.

I Did not know Trump was Jewish!

they post the same images, with the same filenames, along with the same comment in almost every one of these threads. the shilling is real, mein negroes.

>Then show men
*Then show me

Stupid auto correcting phone.

They didn't killed 6 million
>Doesnt knows average crematorium capacities
>This new
>Forced meme be forced

Your a liar or a fucking traitor EITHER way GO FUCK YOURSELF!

How much does shilling for Hillary pay? Are there benefits as well?

Do you get paid by the post or by the hour?

ISIS are pissing in their little liberal panties knowing that we're about to take America back and kick their home dawg obammy to the curb and find him a nice tight cell in GITMO. I say put the boy to work picking cotton, make him work back his tab for all the welfare he and his ghetto chimp family have been sucking up off the TAXPAYERS!

AMERICA'S BACK, FAGGOTS AND CUCKS! Cash them welfare check's while you still can, your in for a RUDE awakening come November!

I dare you ask those marines who served under Cpt Khan, and who were saved by him.

What, you don't give a shit about those who fought in idiotic wars now? Because they wouldn't support your opinion? Right...

And I'm 100% sure Trump has never read the Constitution. He's "above it".

Is a non issue Breaking news ISIS in LIBYA is getting the shit BOMBED OUT OF IT ! You can call them Dead terrorist who gives a fuck!

>can't handle the incoming trump loss
>attempting damage control


Hillary has invested at least 1 million bucks into paid internet shills.

Homer votes for trump, , im a republican now i guess.

Because somehow 20 million Russians dying because of communism (akin to socialism [BERNIE / HILLARY]) is less important

>The majority of scholars identify Nazism in practice as a form of far-right politics.[10] Far-right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate over other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements.
>Trump wants Americans to dominate over muslims and latinos
>Trump wants nationalism and censorship of the media

>While Hitler always intended to bring Germany into conflict against the Soviet Union to gain Lebensraum (living space), he supported a temporary strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to form a common anti-liberal front to crush liberal democracies, particularly France.
>Trump commended Putins actions in Syria and sought an alliance with him in hacking Clintons Emails

So if you want to bring Hitler into this, we will.

Who says i do you fuck. cant believe i agree with you on something

Hey genious, the elite don't want Trump as president, neither democrats or republicans. Who the fuck do you think is doing the brainwashing? You're confused by your own stupidity.

>Set people straight
>Smear Trump

You know there's at least one in here now.

(OP I'm talking to you)

"I'm not saying KKK was right... They killed thousands because of racism and false sense of understanding the Bible, but they're good people at heart, I'm sure."

Doesn't matter. Saudi Arabia is the problem. That's where the funding comes from and that's the root of radical islam.

Until we stop sucking Suadi dick terrorism will never be under control. Politicians are afraid to even draw a connection between saudi's and terror.

I guess only 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. Probably no connection...


Typical TRUMP supported cynical response ! Cynical and Conspiracies NO PROOF name calling!


shit Hitler was right too man, go listen to his speeches, guy really was a straight shooter

They are over paid

this, hence the universal hatred of him by the establishment. he is not on their payroll or involved in any of their child rape schemes

And the government is behind 911 and there are little green men in our heads!! Stop watching FOX NEWS and Watching ALEX JONES!! THE TRUTH IS TO THE LEFT!

No its going to be decided by Russia

Trump will win

Trump works for Russia

His campaign is payed for and controlled from Russia

And his policies are written by Russia.

Russia is controlling the elections so they arn't going to let there agent loose.

>shills on le Sup Forums
>thinks he's gonna change anyone's mind

seriously, how much are you getting paid for this? just fucking tell us. i'm really curious, as i'm sure everyone else is too.

Oil. Oil oil oil. In the words of Wyatt Earp (for the most part): "I'm not gonna fight you, Saudi Arabia. There's no money in it."

Trump shills are the worst

It's not a conspiracy, retard. The PAC openly admits to funding internet shills.

How can it be a conspiracy when they openly admit to it.

It's astonishing the mental gymnastics you will do to justify your position. Ridiculous...

I don't like Trump, I find it sad he is the Republican nominee. But I'll vote for him over a career criminal crooked politician who wipes her ass with the constitution any day.

Because drone bombing the fuck out of them depends on using the right words? You're a fucking idiot.

turns out he never said that

don't get me wrong, Al-wadickweed is still a piece of shit, like pretty much every saudi royal ever. that entire country is a shitstain on humanity

he just didn't say that.

Because look how well bombing Al-Qeada in Afghanistan and Iraq did under Bush. Just look at all the stability that ushered into those countries. And I mean hey, look how many bombs we dropped of Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia! We totally won against all those commies there, right?

That's not the point of that picture and you know it.
>blacks blame all white people for systematic racism and the KKK
>blacks-on-black crime kills more people in 6 months than KKK did in 86 years
Oh, that's right, that's white people's fault too.

she's overpaying us, I really love trump she just pays too well

are you upset?

The elite is not a conspiracy theory dipshit. It's the political leaders and the rich. I didn't say some shit like illuminati, Jesus, are you retarded?


Watch how his campaign manager answer a question asked by a journalist if Trump has any business relations with Russian oligarchs.

He stutters more than a 5-year-old giving a blowjob.

His campaign is payed for and controlled from Russia


also, Russia is borderline broke. but nice try.

Did y'all hear the news about someone from Clintons administration being a better businessman than Trump is?

How Podesta succeeded in 7 years where Trump has failed for over 40?

>sought an alliance with him in hacking Clintons Emails
this is a super retarded spinning of the facts, Trump cheerfully suggested Russia release stuff that was hacked long ago, because it would further prove Hillary's crimes.

you are a shit human

I gotta say these maymays and capital letters are convincing as shit man

You forgot about this.

the media tries to manipulate the public we hate the media


You know blacks couldn't vote 50 years ago? Fucking 50 years ago. That's not a long time. There are millions of people who are older than that, probably our parents as well. What makes you think blacks will be cool about the issue right off the bat? You realize that colored television is older than that?

Especially with folks like O'Reilly, who commencted of FLOTUS's speech, "The blacks who built the White House were well fed." Both sides fuel the hate.

>killed thousands because of racism
>just like the white people that are dying right now because of racism

So you're saying that BLM is akin to the KKK...
A racist organization bent on the destruction of other races based purely on their skin color.

Sure, the oligarchs are almost homeless at this point.

Oh wait, you mean everyday folks, not the government and oligarchs. Well, there goes your argument.



And this

2001.....had Bill pardon someone, hahahahahahaha.

Btw, anytime you disagree with someone, don't reference fox news unless you actually know they watch fox news. I know it's the new democratic punchline but it makes you sound completely moronic.

Shit human for successfully drawing the comparison between Trump and Hitler?

Because if you want to bring up Hitler, you have to back it up with facts. And Clinton is the complete opposite of the Nazi political agenda, a far RIGHT organization dedicated to national pride and racial superiority.

Hell, they even built a goddamn wall too. And we tore it down in 1990, but that's before your time isn't it?

Ask the cop who shoot the black lying on the street with his hands up asking them not to shoot if he knows what BLM is.

Or the cops from Saint Louis who were openly hating their black co-workers, and were making bets who'll get more blacks fined or arrested in a day.

Because OBAMA did not put the strongest regulations on WALLSTREET EVER!

lmao Trump is the only one who DIDN'T say he wants to "get harder" on Russia or "punch the Russians in the nose", he is quite literally the final obstacle to the global plan for WW3

>anyone Muslim is ISIS
Why would I elect someone with such a deranged world view? Like holy shit.

Trump fucked up. And he's continuing to fuck up. Insulting the parents of a war vet and insinuating things about them based on religion is pretty fucked. He actually KNOWS how bad this one has bitten him because now he's trying to tell his supporters that the election "may be rigged", so that when he loses, there is serious push to have him undemocratically put in as president.

Bwahahahahahaha "neutralist leader Yanukovych, hahahahahahaha

>the most watched meme in america

seems reasonable actually, don't try to spin it either


Check Trump University lawsuits.
Or all the lawsuits Trump settled as to not damage his public opinion.

The criminal argument is probably the dumbest one of all.


All caps...
It's you're an idiot, you idiot. But besides demonstrating you don't have a 3rd grade writing skill and besides the fact you write in all caps like a fucking moron, I'll still address your comment.

Hillary operated an email server outside federal control and oversight. That alone is a crime.

Hillary is on record in the recovered emails commanding subordinates to remove classified tags from documents so they could be sent without being automatically filtered by the governments email filters. That is a crime.

Many people have had their careers ended for mishandling a single classified email. She mishandled thousands and it is now clear that Russia had access to her insecure server the entire time.

The private meeting between the head of the Justice Department and Bill Clinton was a clear violation of conflicting interests and integrity. Hillary is crooked as fuck.