Feels thread

feels thread

I would post a story but I forgot what it is like to feel.

bump. would contribute but my phone is being weird and the app crashes when I try to upload a picture

Dumping sad birthdays and other occasions. Starting with the classics and moving onto some more obscure ones.





That's not sad. She's dating a chad.


Fuckers got Peanut Butter Crunch. It ain't all bad.

jesus christ, shes way too hot to not have any friends.



dementia patients


I'm sure she went off to college and lived life, met any dude she wanted to, etc. The 20 year old dude above her (fucking old pic) either he got some confidence, got a job, moved out, or suicide.


look at his face



I bet they're happier than we are

Those are good kids. Hope it got better for them.


The slightly askew picture on the wall makes this.



No feels. Just cringe.


I thought I was over this girl.

I thought "she moved on and thinks she's happy, or maybe she really is, either way I need to move on too"

And for the past couple of weeks... I felt great. I'm making a lot of money in my job I fucking love. On my way to a happy life.

Tonight the feels are back. I had so much fun with this girl. We shared so many memories together... we REALLY WERE perfect for each other, even she knew it. But she didn't want a LDR and she has a problem that I'm not sure what it is, but I suspect it's borderline personality disorder.

For a while she'd go back and forth between hating me for no reason, just start screaming in the middle of a conversation. Then a few nights later she'd send me pictures of her dog or whatever to try to initiate conversation with me. And I couldn't help it. I loved her so much I just kept subjecting myself to it.

but she hasn't talked to me in probably 2 or 3 weeks now. I feel empty without her companionship, even just as a friend.

My feelings can't and won't change for any reason anyone posts here. I've had this happen with other loves before and the only way to get over it was to wait a year or two after they stopped talking to me.


It's the fucking "grandma party". Let her do it to be happy for her grandson and shit. Hopefully he ate some cake with granny then bailed to smoke with his friends later. Same with all of them.

I always feel really bad for this guy when I see it.


i hate that when someone clearly has social anxiety, the usual response is ridicule
fuck this guy's mom. what a bitch.



where is he. ill celebrate with him.

You're a loser, Harry.


This makes me feel better. Hopefully these older kids are just having a real party later in the night...
Me too. I'd go to his moms house for cake and ice cream.

"Must get this over with, then weed and Sup Forums..." kek


This is not sad



That's actually not bad. He lives in a nice house.

I think "some" may be challenged/autists.



Last one. Ending on a lighthearted note.


fucking brat will be there until 30.

Omg this is very sad

I know these threads are supposed to be sad, but I just don't believe it. I was a sad loser in school, but I still had a few friends... like 2 or 3 that were sad losers like me

small cake means small celebration. probably just a family dinner. she's well-dressed, clean, pretty cute, my guess is middle class and with a decent relationship with her family. 0/10 not sad at all.

Why do you think that just because there's a photo of someone alone with a cake that they're lonely. Someone has obviously said "Let's get a photo of just you with your cake."

Idiots. Plus, I don't get why anyone would want a feels thread. Cheer up you miserable fucks.

Every day I feel like I'm sleepwalking through how humiliating it really is.


>lighter on the chair next to him
>he lit the candle himself
always gets me

Why haven't we an hero'd yet, /b?

What is the point of living when our minds have evolved to such a complexity to understand true depression? Why are we smarter than the birds in the trees or the fish in the water? Why can't we be so simple that we do not think of what it is to be truly alone and truly sad?

Good bye, Sup Forumsrothers.

This is clearly setup

are you talking about OP?

These always get to me. Im 19 going on 20 and have spent every single birthday of my life alone with my mom and sibs. I know what its like.

Oh I'm feeling down. Lemme post a green text story with "feels thread" by it. Oh what a massive faggot I am. I better pick up smoking and drinking. Yep just drink away. Some nice captain Morgan till I forget about her. She just left me. She fucking left. She pulled me from suicide and convinced me to stay and she left. We made out under the stars and then she left. She never fucking said a word about it, she'll never miss me. Every word I try to contact her with will just bring us further apart. Why'd she leave.. WHY THE FUCK DID SHE LEAVE OP

How big was your school?
Do you like to play video games or watch cartoons? You never met anyone else who liked those things at school?


what's sad about this? it looks like pretty rad for the early 90s

What the hell makes you think she hasn't got any friends?

yep, same

You by any chance live in or near the 614?

wish the best for these two

I'm talking about all of you.

If i roll dubs everyone in the room is banned

Still have no friends.
Have a gf who i love dearly and i have Sup Forums. Thats it and i love each and every single one of you fags.
Naw man 573 here.

Including you?



fuck dude

b-but...I like it here...


If I roll dubs we're all safe

Good thing we don't have 'rooms.' We have threads.



2 tears for that pic. Fuck.

That smile is either (a) totally insincere but forced anyway because he doesn't want to make a scene or (b) a truly grateful smile, a result of the fact that he knows that that's the closest he'll ever get to a sexual encounter with an even moderately attractive woman.

I never noticed the guy staring at them before. That only makes this that much sadder.

its an insecure smile look at his arms

My boss who is like my second mom just got diagnosed with breast cancer. My other boss told me in secrecy because she doesn't want to tell me yet.
We work in a small music store, she has owned the store for 30 years and recently took on 2 partners as 33% co-owners. We don't know what stage yet, but she never goes to the doctor so who knows how long it has been developing.
Real sad m8s, she is the nicest old Jewish lady you could ever meet. She hasn't taken home a paycheck in 5 years, she truly only ran the store for the sake of the kids learning. We don't even sell things, we really only do lessons so 60% of the profit goes straight to the teachers, who are also only scraping by. I really hope she lives a while, the store recently moved locations and we are having trouble getting started back up. She has been nervous about the store getting ready asap for a while (opened in November) and I am beginning to wonder if she has known for a while.

is this the most doomed feels thread ever? what with the number checking and the guy dumping bday party pics, not to mention how far down in the catalog this thread is and how few people are in it, how could this thing ever recover?

Same here, once I invited some people to my birthday party in 3rd grade. No one came, I wasn't surprised I just did it as a test. Everyone said they'd be there too so it kind of hurt. I asked my mom to never celebrate my birthday again, no more parties. So yeah my 8th birthday party was my last one.

That's an expensive and very well made cake, I'd be happy to get it

Been thinking of doing a an hero but I have a younger siblings who I love so much, i cant leave them alone. My parents make life unbearable. I want to move out but then I won't see my siblings. Fuck. My life is garbage.

That's looks hauntingly like my highschool's walls. So glad I dropped out though, couldn't have made a better decision

What a cunt

>be mid 20, quit job to go work for another company, still live at home
>couple weeks before 21st birthday, realize it will fall on a Friday
>have no friends, best birthday up to this point was my 18th when I signed up for the selective service
>ask manager about day off, he asks why
>explain 21, on a Friday, even with no friends I can legally go out to bars and shit
>dude stares at me, stands up, and says "fuck yeah" and gives me a high 5
>word spreading around about my birthday, people I don't even know saying if I go out drinks are on them
>big day comes, wake up at 7 to get a shower and head to clerks office for that fancy license without under 21
>get there, looking good and feeling good, clerk takes my pic and starts about being 21, all the secretaries laugh
>fucking judge comes in, asks whats funny, clerk tells him its my 21st, judge says he'll buy me a stripper
>go home, take nap, get up and clean up, get my nice pants and shirt out, iron the fuck out of them
>around 3 or so, dad comes home, asks if I'm ready to go to work
>tell him about birthday, day off, you remember?
>dad goes off about being a POS, lazy, shouldn't of quit job working with him, the whole thing
>looks at me and says get the fuck in the car
>scared shitless of dad, get in car, he takes me to work
>clock in, people looking funny at me, boss asks whats up
>tell him I need the cash, he shrugs it off, first shift crew leaving asks if they'll see me out
>work till 10 p.m., get off, nobody to get ride with, walk home 6 miles
>get home at midnight, no cake, no presents, everybody in bed
>turn on Playstation 1, play Jet Moto till I can't see the TV for the tears
>turn it off and find Hostess cupcake in cabinet
>put candle on it, sing Happy Birthday to myself


This isn't sad. It's fucking hilarious

Im going to start dumping hard shit

Yes please


>sister comes in, woke her up on accident, he's 9, asks if she can have some
>split Hostess cupcake, she says wait a minute, comes back with a card she made at school
>has macaroni on it in the shape of cat, says to the best brother
>eat our cupcake, talk, get her back to bed
>go to room, go to sleep
>wake up next morning, dad pissed off somebody ate his cupcake
>feel like a gangster

