The reply below yours is the girl you have to fug everyday for a year

The reply below yours is the girl you have to fug everyday for a year.









down for the fat dude in the back


Did someone call for Fug?




Thought this was Alison Parker until I saw the clothes coming off.

Fug wants to fug!



What's the term for this






I'm going through some shist, be gentle.






Is that two years of Hillary for you?

Yes we can get you two more years for a full term eh user?


Jesus Christ dude. How can you do that to someone?

Did I mention I have crippling depression?

Also checked



do it already



Cheer up user - I promise that if you focus on being successful in life (With kickstarter and indiegogo there has never been an easier time for a young entrepreneur to succeed) you will eventually find happiness.

at the age of 17 I tried to take my life, but failed (just went into a one week coma from 50 10mg norcos and 30 1mg Xanax) after being rushed to the hospital and having my stomach pumped.

when I got out I felt like I was given a second chance (Got out of the mental institution) they make you go for about 7 - 14 days after any 51/50

Skip forward to 10 years later, and I'm not anywhere near depressed, I have a family, a good job, and am incredibly focused on my career and building my business on the side (Which is going well so far)

I have an amazing 2 yearold son, who I know depends on me to be strong, and a GF (Fiance) that has been by my side through the roughest of times, and the best of times, never faltering on how much she believes in me.

I promise if you decide to change your mindset for you, life will get better


Goddamn. Wrong thread to be asking this for, but Moar?


what do you think?



I think the world is round, and that Donald Trump would make a good president.




How wonderful... not!