Sup Forums

Sup Forums
>Be me.
>Meet beautiful girl.
>Beautiful girl is awesome.
>Marriage happens.
>Wife gives everything sexually.
>Wife slowly becomes workaholic
>Heart felt talks, every day.
>Wifes only friend.
>Wife gets more depressed.
>Wife cant remember things.
>Wife starts to shut down.
>Wife is sick, Something with her brain.
>Becomes simple...
>Wife ends up being like daughter.
>Lose desire to fuck her.
>Wife gets sadder.
>Try to please wife, but shes to stressful
>Wife is clingy beta sickly clingy
>Wife wont get help.
>See only sparks of who she once was.
>Wife is someone else.
>Wife is scared to hear doctors news.
>Wife refuses to go.
>Love her, but she is driving me insane.
>Sex stops completely.
>Cant get it up for her anymore.
>Wife is trying, but gets worse every day
>Still, be me.
>Meet another woman.
>Other woman loves me.
>Wife may have early Alzheimer now.
>what do Sup Forums





If you can live with yourself fuck the other woman. all depends on whether you can handle it mentally

The only reason I'm replying to this fucking blog post is to tell you that you must stay with that woman.

Fuck escorts secretly on the side. To abandon her when she cannot help her situation would make you absolute scum. A man does not do this.

>inb4 beta
>inb4 cuck



I think I just found a new fetish

Trying to, Every day is a struggle. I love her though, last week it took me three days to explain to her she cannot start a garden in the kitchen. She was going to plant sunflowers and squash.

Any children?

No children.

How long was the relationship?


The fuck? Squash won't work inside, but you can most certainly have a herb/flower box inside right next to the window. I feel like you're letting the whole situation make you fatalistic about everything. If your wife wasn't dependent on you she might not want you either. Because you're not the you that she fell in love with anymore.

12 years.

That's really rough man, I can't imagine the pain. I commend you for not giving up immediately. If I were in your situation, I wold place her in assisted living. But know that in doing so, there is a strong chance that your visits to her will become less consistent and eventually stop. Out of sight, out of mind.

I would have a very hard time coping if it got to that point, coping with my own actions.

yo i think its alright to have another woman to help you through this as long as you actually love her and its not just for lust. if you put your wife in a home then you can see about starting some sort of relationship with the other woman. but either way you still have to support your wife.

love your wife and dont let your dick get in your way you piece of shit

my wife cheated and left me we had two kids. shit sucks.

This is the plot to firewatch.

Fuck off OP
Confirmed fag.

>deh stories and info posted here by roody poos are the people's champs. Only a nigger would take anything posted here as fact.

She wanted to dig up the tiles bro. We are on the 3rd floor.

Okay well. You're fucked.

You sound like in your late 40's OP.
I believe you should do what you think will make you happy and never regret.
After all it is your life, you can't be everybody's superman.
Regardless of what you think and what decision you take, don't regret.


I just want her to get well enough that she can enjoy each day as it comes, (realistically speaking of course We all have shit days) She never smiles anymore, just has shit blank confused expression. and asks me the same questions day in and day out. its like the twilight zone. I just cook for her and make sure she does not burn the house down.

Haha, she never could cook.

take her out for dinner or some shit a little romanic. not to fuck but to have time alone to talk about life.

That might not work ofc, but if you bring home (or better yet make) a flower box and put it by the window, then work together to plant and take care of the flowers... A much more poetic answer to the problem than "hurr durr I've let this situation get me down, so I'm gonna be huge downer to the love of my life, the woman I should be staying strong for"

OP take her to get help you fuck tard.

Also kiss her on the cheek and tell her how you feel maybe it won't make her feel better but you might

This sounds like FireWatch

I know someone in the same boat. Chick's hubby has mad coww. She takes care of biz at home. she has boyfriend to fuck and cry on his shoulder.

Till death bro. Or be like Newt Gigrich and leave your wife when she gets cancer

Oh, i do she can only talk about work. Its the only thing she seems to understand. Which is fine but its the same stories over and over and over, its hard to pretend they are new and exciting stories. I actively try and get her involved in hobbies. But it never works out. shes just a drone. All humanity in her is gone. It only surfaces in little sparks sometimes when she looks at me.


I agree

post her tits op

I don't know what else I could tell you man, she refuses treatment and there is no much you can do about it, unless you find a way to convince her.
Anyways, don't kill yourself.
Fuck with the other woman in the meantime, you deserve some reward for yourself since you've been so patient.
That's just my opinion.

We had a flower box out the window till she almost fell.

We talk every day, and it helps her. she lights up for a moment. But i go get a drink and by the time i turn from the fridge shes confused and lost again. I will sit down with her many times a day and talk her up again. but it never lasts. as soon as i leave the room shes lost again.

Do you have kids?

Nope, No children. Just a great big fat bearded dragon.

op already said no

Inside, fucker, inside. I don't know if you're noticing this or not, but you're only proving me right about this fatalistic attitude of yours. Get a nurse, live in or day, whatever you need to stop you from being such a pmsing cunt.

Just rape her, she'll forget the moment you finish. It is a win/win, you cum and she never realises she was violated.

Shes lost without you. Its fucking sad now that i really think about it.

Wait a damn minute...

Hey, You watch your perfect woman turn into a confused vegetable, and stand there and tell me after a beer or two after a hard day your still squirting rainbows.

I just caught it.

>Wife ends up being like daughter.
>Lose desire to fuck her.

>Would want to fuck her even more tbh
>Not being turned on more by vulnerability and innocence (for shame)

May not have been my woman, but I've seen maybe a half dozen of my loved ones dissappear into alzheimers and/or dementia. You're not a special snowflake. You're not shouldering some huge burden. Being like this about the situation literally counteracts all the good you think you're doing. Check her into a home and let someone care for her that doesn't begrudge her for needing to be cared for if you truly love her. Or get a nurse like I suggested before if you think that'll make you less of a spiteful cunt.


loving the pics brodie

Anybody else wondering where the hell he got all this ancient porn, anyways night guys

there is a drug that slows the progress of Alzheimer's/dementia. you probably want to get her on that right away.

Does no one notice? Is everyone this retarded?

You should have fucking supported her financially and work-wise.
Congratulations - You ruined another human being's life. This is on you you lazy piece of shit and waste of material.

I understand your frustration, But you assume alot. I can't really blame you for being angry. If you have seen this shit firsthand you already know. None of us are special snowflakes. We all have our own paths. Try not to project your anger so much onto others. Its not helping you or me, or anyone else. You do make some good points however. But none all of us can afford a nurse. Plus, sending to her to a home is cruel. Im doing my best to stand with her, not throw her in a hole. Dingbat.

Take her out behind the woodshed and put one behind her ear.
I told my wife if she loses her feet from her diabeetus I would do that. She says she is gonna hold me too it.

I just read the whole goddamn firewatch plot, what the fuck are you cunts taking about?

this. how the fuck does this have anything to do with the game.

Fucking this.

Please don't abandon her now user. She seems like she needs a lot of help from her loved ones. Escorts may be a good idea to help your needs whilst not actually hurting her with another relationship.

Remember the woman you married. If the love is unconditional, you will stay :)

P.S: sorry to sound like a faggot. But I sympathize deeply with your situation.

I show my anger because it's healthier than bottling it up. You may not have the money for a nurse, but start visiting homes. You can find one that will treat her well, and you can visit her as much as you want. It's only cruel if you leave her there on her own forever. A person with alzheimers will not remember whether you were gone for a day, a week, or a month anyway... Even if you're only gone for an hour you might come back to them crying because they think you've been gone for years. Rips your heart right out of your chest, that one.

I have a few female friends i could bang if i really wanted to. it's not that easy. These kinda things never really have a good answer. I guess im just looking for feedback ya know?

Im a communication tech, And recently ran a bunch of new net cables for a bunch of homes within a few hours drive of me in various directions, they smell like shit, and there are people moaning for help in those places, the workers just turn the bible music up loader. and treat the people there like subhuman dirt. I have been in them all summer man. she would die in a place like that, At least with me i give a fuck.

Keep looking then, man. The best ones are small. Like, less than two dozen residents with at least one nurse per 2 residents. They're not all bad, I promise you. The bad ones are the absolute fucking worst.

Just fucking masturbate like a normal person you fucking retard. Listening to virgin fags saying hurr durr cheat on her, if you werent prepared to love her forever shouldnt have marriied her

are you kidding? the gameplay might not have very much to do with it but the entire opening sequence is basicaly this, plus they mention it alot within the game.

I will only submit to that as a last resort. When she really is out of my realm of care. I would not be able to sleep with myself at night if i did so before that, the real question was.

>Should i bang the other woman.

>still, be me.

This thread is pure feels. Damn...

Honestly wouldn't bang other women until she's out of the house man. If you've never seen an angry person with alzheimers, I suggest you avoid it indefinitely. Of all the things, they'll remember the anger for the longest and do shit they never would have done in their right mind. Like repeatedly punch their own son in the face.

Well if you leave your wife that is something you will have to deal with. We cannot help you there. Your wife is shutting down and you're shutting out.

Choices choices user. What will you do?

Singles: leave wife
Dubs: stay with wife and be ashamed for even considering the thought.
Trips: Slam your own face into the God damn fucking wall and post pics with time stamp (no blood no count)
Quads: you fuck the God damn shit out of your wife until she cums over 9000


wow sad story op. kys for being a cheating asshole

>>Wife ends up being like daughter.
>>Lose desire to fuck her.
kek incest is wincest

I will have to agree with you there, Thanks for the feedback man. Im going to go make a sandwich and curl up in bed with her. Its her favorite thing when i come in the bed late, somewhere between being asleep and awake she remembers things. In that short moment before she falls asleep again, shes her.

Goodnight friend.

you gotta start them on anti-psychotics when the agitation gets bad

YOU think you're a special snowflake you piece of shit. OP is a great guy. An uncle with alz isn't like your wife with it, dumb cunt. Just shut up.

Do what you think she'd do. She needs you most now.

also find a message board or something where people in the same situation talk about it

Genius idea.

Not op but, she isn't she anymore she's a different person

Just get her badass prosthetic feet, the blade ones. Killing yourself over feet is ridiculous.

Try father and grandfather, along with other extended family ya dipshit. I've been living with my father since he got diagnosed, at the same time that he got diagnosed with epilepsy. I'm only giving him the info I've obtained over these grueling years. Before he ends up with his wife ground & pounding him for wanting to get his rocks off. I'm just glad this hasn't affected my sex life, and I honestly feel for op having this hit him below the belt.


see a doctor. Urgently. And play chess with her. Chess slows down alz. Sometimes prevents it.

Except they only make things worse. Anti psychotics and anti depressants only fuck up brain chemistry worse than they already are just to gamble on the slight chance that they might improve.

Back with my sandwich. Truth be told, we met young before we ever married. It really was a fairy tale story, I have never been with anyone BUT her. I don't know what the touch of another woman is like. Truth be told. its the one reason im considering banging this other woman. I dunno... just to feel something new, take a breath of something different for a moment i guess.

How long you been married?
Nursing home can help or have a support worker who comes
I feel you man i really do and its a tough situation nobody really has an answer to

Stay strong, op. I may have said some hurtful shit to you, but you're the best thing in her life for as long as you want to be. That's a beautiful thing, and it'll help her stay happy even if it won't fix her mind.

Friends with her since we where 12, married for well... 12 years now ironically. Im 42 now.

for better or worse, in sickness and in health my friend. stay strong

You gotta find time to have your own life, man. Maybe not with sex while she's still with you, but just being able to have your own space for a while will do wonders for you.

that hasn't been my experience with them. my Mom was getting increasingly angry and quick to agitation and hard for the caregivers to deal with and the anti-psychotics helped a lot. they are really fast acting too. you'll start seeing a difference from the first day almost.

Its all good man. im finishing up here.

well said friend, well said. Marriage is sacred faggot.

Yes. Life is complicated but your heart is is in the right place. Angry virgins here will tell you not to because they want youto be sexless like them. For lust or love or both, do it. We should love and be loved.

Remember, others would have divorced and given up on your wife. It's not cheating, it's keeping her when you couldhave given her up.

Except when that fast acting shit just makes your grandfather assault his wife for having enough clarity to realize for thirty minutes that she had sold his truck. (the one he totaled trying to run something down in our driveway.)

Hey OP, I'm in a situation that is kind of related to yours. I'm 27, married to a beautiful woman who I love. Everything is awesome.

Except that two years ago, my father died from CJD (Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, look it up on Wikipedia). My grandmother mother died from it as well. The lab is unsure if it was genetic, but it it likely is.

This means that literally any day it might appear in me. Think Alzheimer's on fucking steroids. I cared for my father through his illness. Watching a power figure in your life turn from healthy and happy to incontinence plus constantly falling down, to ravingly angry at the way his body is betraying him while simultaneously hating everyone he used to love, to a bed ridden skeleton is fucking insane.

And that might be me. At any point from now to my death. Every single time I mispronounce a word, every time I say something stupid, every time I react strangely or stumble while I'm walking I internally scream because that is how it first manifests.

How the fuck can I put my wife through this? Or... Maybe I never will, because I might not have it. Even if it IS in my genetics, it might never surface. There is no way to know.

Life is pretty shitty.

i thought silent hill 2 lol

Make America great again
brainwash her to kill Donald Trump.
He'll be dead
she'll be dead or in prison
everyone wins!

I agree with this guy
You cannot sacrifice your whole life for her as much as youd like to or you both will go in the samw path of destruction
You gota be pragmatic but sensitive still
Nursing home or nurse who helps is the solution and you get to live your own life a little
Im sorry i didnt read the whole thread if nurse has already been part of the treatment
My grandmother had alzheim and she lost everything ability to eat speak everything she was a vegetable..we got a nurse and my grandfather wouls live his life still responsible for his daily activities
It wouldnt have been possible without a nurse

Live and love as if it is your last and leave a will as early as now

I already suggested this earlier. Can't afford a nurse, it seems. I was talking like an hour or so out of the house like every other day. Something small to keep him sane