Should i try to fuck her?

should i try to fuck her?


mods ?

Looks like a lesbian... No.

also she isn't underage, she's 18yo, and a bit short (less than 1.60)

lol explain.

if shes ur type, go for it. worse thing she will say is no

Just look at her lesbian eyes, lesbian nose and lesbian smile. She also plays an instrument that is widely chosen by Lesbians.
Yep... 100% Lesbian.


Look at how shallow her nose is. That nose is made for eating pussy.

CIA bait?

What exactly do you mean by "fuck her"?

Insert penis into vagina kinda fucking. But he can't fuck her because she's a Lesbian.

>uses masking tape on violin

user.... You might actually be right. I think OP should try anyway. But that fave is like the standard design for eating pussy exclusively.

the act of consensual sex which everyone doubts you have ever practiced on your life


Thanks for the update man. I don't know what the fucks going in here but I do that chick reeks of troubled musician that is a total lesbian for pussy. But he should still try.


She looks more and more like a lesbian with each picture.

100% lesbian sorry OP

Dude come on... I was just trying to goof around. I swear I've fucked pussy before. It feels just like a sack of ham salad that's left out too long at a picnic. Arent I right though? Tell me that thats not what a vagina feels like?

(If you think I'm wrong I'd be open to any comparisons of your own you could share. You know, for the sake of being gentlemen.... Please.)

well probably bisexual.....

>> I swear I've fucked pussy before. It feels just like a sack of ham salad that's left out too long at a picnic. Arent I right though? Tell me that thats not what a vagina feels like?

You just accurately described granny pussy.

Uh.. just how are you so sure what a rotting ham sandwich feels like if you fuck it?


Nope. 100% Genuine Pussy Loving Lesbian.





he probably put his dick on one thinking it was a pussy

from the first image I thought she was 8, wtf
