Hey Sup Forums, i need motivation for suicide, please

hey Sup Forums, i need motivation for suicide, please.
Tired of being me, i have a shit, all fucked up body and i feel like i can't go through the pain of the battle to "restore" it.
Religious things and fear in my head still keep me from doing it. I need motivation to do it once and for all.

random pic


Buddy it's stupid. Start a new life, it'll be better and you will be someone else

You sound like a weak faggot. The world does not need you if you are going to just say "I can't go through the pain of the battle to restore it." That is some faggot shit. Grow up, stop seeking attention from an anonymous Japanese image board.

I won't work, user. I can't run from the defects of my body.
and before anyone say it is, it isn't weight issues.

Go see a doctor, they can help.

Sorry user, but I'm just genuinely seeking motivation for suicide, believe me.

It takes time to evolve from an anti social fag and into an asshole.

mix drugs and alcohol until you have enough motivation to at least put on a mask attached to nitrogen if not jump off a building or lay in front of a train or shoot yourself

You'll die one day anyway, why so hurry ?
You'll have all eternity to rest,
Have some fun
Go see hookers
Read books
Watch movie

Sir Douglas Bader was a fighter pilot, amputated of two legs and fought as an ace. 22 confirmed victories. The body is something, the mind is something else. The strengh you'll found in your mind will come to your body. Life is hard for everybody, at different levels. But you can take it.

Stop with the suicidal bullshit faggot. Make a life for yourself. You'll be happier you did. If you really wanted to kill yourself you would just do it instead of asking for other people to push you.

Its not for being anti social or overweight faggot, dammit.
Almost everything in my body has way too many problems; deep teeth problems, hair growth problems, skin problems, eyesight problems, etc.
I just can't do it anymore, my treatment would be long and painful, and i and just out of strength. Sorry.

Fuck shut up op quit being a bitch.

Good advises, be like Epicurus


Hahah fuck get over it. Quit crying and go fix yourself fag. It's easier than you laying around crying about your first world problems. Fuckin pathetic

If you really wanted to kill yourself youd already be dead

Hurr my teeth suck and I'm going bald... Better kill myself!!

So shut the fuck up and do it if you're so done and don't ask others to encourage you. Go through with the treatments you need and quit bitching about not being strong enough. All you need is patience.

>too much of a pussy to off yourself
You don't deserve sweet release op, just meander through life with no goal or purpose

Holy shit, just kill yourself. Anybody that actually wants to end their life would either stream it or just fucking do it without telling anybody. Stop asking for incentive to kill yourself, let me give you some, fuck off this planet already, OP. Just fucking end it you useless cunt. You're about as useful as a one-ended stick, cunt

I just feel like i've took multiple hits at the same time.
Lost close relatives, gave up studies, multiple health problems(hair, teeth, skin and bones) and everything i once found strength is now "empty"

Your on Sup Forums. What better motivation for suicide could you get?

Get your shit straight. Mourn but don't grieve, get back on your studies, get your medical issues treated. You've got forever to be dead, shitbiscuit. If you can't find a reason to be alive, go indulge in simple shit. Fuck a hooker, see a movie, get high, jack off. Stop being such a faggot and straighten yourself out. People have been through worse and come out alive.

Find purpose. For me people are pretty selfish. Even I am. Like people are only useful to me if they are new and interesting or have something to offer. As dark as that sounds it applies to pretty much every human relationship. That said, helping people doesn't give me a whole lot of purpose.

I started working with animals, dogs specifically. I found out that there is no shortage of dogs that need help. There is always something to do once you get your foot in the door and it's rewarding because unlike people dogs don't really have a choice to make things better for themselves. They just do what they do.