Guess the temperature and I'll grab it

Guess the temperature and I'll grab it

1650 °c

over 9000 °C

Like 350°C

What material?


Probably about 1400-1500°C

the bottom is probably around 600-700 degrees celcius

You'd be somewhat close were your guess in Fahrenheit


The color has a relation with the temperature since a the wave lenght of the light emmitted is proportional to the temperature. That red is about 650-750 C

2 degrees kelvin

650 Celsius, but your going to grab it with tongs or something.

grab it without gloves faggot, i know im right unless you used a fucking instafilter or if it is a steel/carbon whatever mix

5 inches! What do I win?

It's around 1075 - 1275 F

I'd get it a little hotter for forging. It'll be a pretty epic dab.

It's just sitting there so it's hard to guess. It's cooling as we look at it.




Not positive if it's a mix of steel and carbon, it's just called steel ash finger, but you are close..