Hey guys! First time user of the deep web here I already have the hidden wiki open but I find it pretty boring any tips...

Hey guys! First time user of the deep web here I already have the hidden wiki open but I find it pretty boring any tips on how to find more stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, go to this one : uhwikiwww4e4a2fc.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Sending me to Sup Forums I see

Don't go on the deep web with a phone

Why not? My friend who does it all the time says it's safer then using a computer

Wait is that google chrome?

He's lying

Nope it's Ionion

>asking for links
>using a phone

oh god make the newfag stop

What's wrong with using it on my phone anyway?

You can be tracked, the point of the deep web is that it turns off javascript and uses proxys. Phone don't allow this pretty much letting anyone track you and download malware

I have tracking off and I'm using tor

I have tracking off and using tor

Tor doesn't work on phones that's my point

App that uses tor

this has to be a b8 thread

No matter what you use, Tor won't work and you can be traced ffs
this better be b8

... It's never happened to my friend who does it (yes I know he actually does it on his phone) and he's perfectly fine when using the app

It depends what you are looking at, If you want to find interesting shit like gore and weird stuff you are better not using a phone

Nah that's disgusting just neat stuff you can't see on the normal web

>Nah that's disgusting just neat stuff you can't see on the normal web
You shouldn't be on Sup Forums little buddy

Their really isn't anything that big other that CP and gore, just avoid it until you have a laptop or PC

Yes I know what's here I just skip over it since it doesn't bother me I just won't look it up

I do have one but I don't want to risk anything getting on it like a virus until I'm able to afford a new one as I really need this one to stay fine

You are more likely to get a virus on your phone though, You also seem way to young to be on Sup Forums