sorry if this offends any of you. if it does, then you need to grow some balls

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Black guy here to tell you whats the deal with Black Lives Matter.
First things first.
#1- I am a moderate ( I have a business and a soon to be Computer engineering degree).
#2- I am British born but I grew up in the US.
#3 I was raised in a small town in Idaho and I moved to the ghetto in California( I live in a nice place now).

Just so you guys know that black Lives Matter isnt really a movement and its really just an Idea that black peoples lives matter too. Despite my situation I've still been harassed by police. I've even been a good citizen and volunteered and reported crime to the police. Sadly it doesnt stop people from judging me based on my skin.

the idea for black lives matter is great and all but really all lives matter and I think most of the people in the protest know that.
Also there are white people and latinos/asians that protest/march as well.

for the looting, funny enough its everyone. There was a video of a guy in the downtown CVS showing white people looting during one of the protest/turned riots.

Now whats the problem with the movement.
Black people dont talk about what the other black people are doing. We ignore black on black violence first and blame the police. Its completely hypocritical. For those Non-Racist fags out there, I just wanted to shed some light for those who dont know. This does not represent all black people, mainly inner city ones. It is a deep rooted problem that stems from drugs and previous parent incarceration. The blame game is hard because with each case its different. The best thing to do is just ignore it, pay attention to the extremist , just like I pay attention to white/black extremist. they are the most dangerous ones.


worst leafy imitation ever. can't he find his own style? literally imitating everything.

thanks bby, i already addressed that in one of my other videos, glad to see you noticed c:

Thread tbh

Get the fuck off Sup Forums. This isn't the place for smart, sensible minorities to voice their moderate and educated opinions.

oh my lord

Only thing i got from that video is that that guy cant surf for shit

Lol too funny mate. The funny thing is that some of the racist post are too funny to ignore.

That's pretty accurate tbh. thank you

did you even watch the video? lol

lol. it's your video? what a fucking faggot. fucking pathetic.

BLM seems to me like the gypsy thing we have going on here. They want housing from the goverment, like in communist times, they do not want to work, but always say goverment ows them stuff like food, cloths, money etc. If you even mention to them why they do not work, specialy the man, they get all agressive. And the whole socitaty is mostly supported by children and younger women who steal and beg in western countries. AND then gypies that come from families that got rich, the stealing/beggins thing is clan controled, who are mostly musicians and artists, come out and say how the goverment is bad to gypsies, how they are asked to leave placed, because people think they will start to beg any second etc.

Black Lives Matter's main premise is flawed. Black lives don't matter.

>"we make similar videos"
you copy absolutely every detail. try to imitate his style, way of talking, his voices, even fucking using csgo surf. it's not you accidentally having a similar style, you're just trying to "surf" on his popularity. like the wimpy kid who imitates the tough kid, hoping to be like him.


was this poor rip-off video made in china or something?

I find it to be a fail that people like the idea to a group. Literally its not a clan where people in the group communicate with EVERYONE. Its literally an Idea but I listed above why its good and bad,

It is a fucking clan, if the group main and first check point, is how someone is related to another someone. Now I assume this maybe different for the black community in america. but here the gypsies to have clans.

What matter does it make? Killary acks what matter do it make? Different makes matter. Lets get to the heart of the matter. White trash lives matter. The matter horns horn matters. Hillarys husband getting sucked in the white house matters. Dindu matters. You wake up with your eyelids glued together, matters. Bill gets sucked and Hillarys gets cucked.Lets all get Mattered. Make dis black ass matter. Now whats the Matter.

But how do you explain white people,latinos and asians, arabs rallying to the message?
Do you think its to overthrow the white community or something?

Being high on drugs matter

>i know the comment section will be raided
not a single comment.
>yfw no one likes your videos

It's not an accident. I gauruntee it isnt an acciednt. However, i find that the videos that leafy makes are pretty entertaining, and I also, want to start making videos. I do not copy anything of his. and even if i did, playing cs go and using a specific voice is not copyrighted. I want to appeal to a certain audience. If you aren't part of that audience, okay. that's fine. either way, my videos are mine and mine only.

BLM police brutality blah blah niggers idc

You're admirable. Too bad Sup Forums is far-right. Doubt you'd be able to convince them to stop their stereotyping.

How about we Disklike this video and the rest of his video to high hell.

I dont believe people on Sup Forums are that serious but for the kids who dont know the difference , I speak up.

please do! the like to dislike ratio on youtube means nothing, just knowing that people vote, means that youtube will see that people watched it, and spread it more than they would if you didn't vote. So thank you for the idea

In america? Well it seems to me like the black communit wants to do what ever it can. And the people that are on top of it, aka not people from the projects, are no longer satisifed with money alone and local high status, but also seem to want to have a saying what happens in the big world. Which is imo stupid. I don't know how obama policy was in the US, but as far as foreign countries goes he made a total ass of himself and the US. He made america look weak, which is way worse then looking stupid. People will think twice about doing something vs someone stupid and strong.
Plus thanks to his policy with the arabs, europe right now has problems all those refugees. thanks for that obama.

you wont make money if no one watches the video. They have to watch it for a certain time frame.

>It's not an accident.
No shit. The thing is that your channel is like finding a pair garbage shoes made from the lowest quality ever with a Nike logo on it.

A voice isn't copyrighted, but that still doesn't mean your channel is any good. It's literally the worst channel I've ever seen.

You're not appealing to a certain audience, you're appealing to no one, both on youtube and irl.

that just gives him more views. turn on add block for this one.

i live in germany, and since we got flooded with (sand)niggers the last months, crime has gone up the roof.
my once peaceful little town has gone to shit.

fuck them and fuck those globalist fuckbags who imported them.

seems like the final solution wasn't final enough, amirite?

I think people tend to misunderstand that the world is now "connected" whether we like it or not. Far right extremist believe its an Illuminati/foreign "globalist agenda" but in reality
the world is just known to each other. We have more nukes and weaponry than almost anyone. It would take a large combination between russia and china to fight/take out the US. But the time is now for diplomacy because literally humans have become crazy enough to wipe out a whole city with the click of a button. Its not about weakness its about being reasonable.
you cant just go around killing people, and that applies to everyone.


I live in one of the most violent cities in California, I hate these guys. But for the most part just ignore them, and you'll be fine.

i have no intention for any kind of genocide.
people should stick where they come from.

africa for native africans.
asia for native asians.
and europe for native europeans.

the real culprit is the disgusting globalist and multicultural agenda forcing elite building their palace of degeneracy so they can profit even more. they call it "equality" and "enrichment". you don't get diversity by mixing up all colors and cultures, it becomes a sad-looking grey without any identity.


yeah, then how come you amies lose influence in africa, in asia etc. And the contected bullshit? If the obama administration didn't said that they would support opposition we wouldn't have the syrian problem, the problems in egypts when US themself had to support the military to reestablish country, libia turninng in to somalia part II etc I do not know what obama does in the us, I hope he does good stuff, because as far as doing stuff outside of US he acts like a moron. I mean fucking Putin runs rings around him, and makes him look like a fool. It is as if americans didn't understand how the world works anymore.

Here in France there's currently a "black lives matter" case : Adama Traore, a young black thug suffocated to death during a police intervention few weeks ago.

Of course, the coroner stated that his death was due to his poor health conditions, and no evidence of violence was found.

But leftist scums and propaganda "journalists" continue to imply he was beaten *killed* by police. They try to make this case another racism case : bad white guys killing nice black guy.

FFS, I'm getting sick of these bullshits. This is the exact opposite of what happened : the good guys are the police officers, and the bad one the thug running away from them. What kind of mental disease makes you believe such bullshits ??

Genetically there really isnt much of a difference between people.
If you stick a low income white american into an inner city ghetto he picks up the traits of what hes around. If you stick an African american into a more prosperous environment then he adapts to what he is around.
Mixing its completely natural and its scientifically accepted. Culture is just based on the environment. Its thinking like this that keeps us in the stone ages.

Its complicated. I think what people tend to forget is that history is just as much a part of what happened yesterday to whats going on today and so on. Whats going on in Syria is a failed coup that the US intervened in, and russia did as well.
The problem is that Power houses are trying to gain as much global support as possible.
So how do you do this? By instilling leaders into newly created governments(that you may or may have not helped create). People say the US shouldnt intervene. But when the US doesnt intervene then russia does. Its a race/battle for sub powers/support . I cant hate anyone because to maintain on top you need to do this, and in case of a war you have more allies.
The sad part is that innocent people die in the middle of this.

>Genetically there really isnt much of a difference between people.

according to research of the shlomo shekelberg center, right?

As a black guy in the US I have a friend who is Mexican (getting his PhD) and is dating an African girl who he met in school. We had a discussion about Black people and police violence. I told him its 80-90% of the time the black people, and 10% of the time bad cops. But he believes what he was taught in school (sociologist) I am an engineering/Cs student. Even his african girlfriend stepped in and told him it was mainly the black people. Her family is pretty well off (her dads a doctor).

aristoteles never said that

Didn't watch the video after you failed stage 3

>Genetically there really isnt much of a difference between people.

You have to be a retard to believe such bullshit. This is a typical case where science is manipulated for leftists propaganda.

> hurr durr, there are only few differences between individuals
> hurr durr it means there are no races

FFS, you don't know how to science ? We share 98% genes with chimps, 40% with plants, you fucking retard, looking at percentages isn't science !

This is BS.

if us wanted to do something in syria, they should either have moved troops there, or gave people a lot of weapons. the way they did it, aka saying we will help you, ended with a multi year war.
See there was coup like this when Asads father was ruler. you know how it ended? he went in killed 50-60k people officialy and it stoped, because everyone knew that no one would help the coup.

If US move 4-5 mechnzed division in to syria. russia would do nothing. Because they are not going to start a nuke holocaust over syria, and they wouldn't be able to support syrians fast enough. look what happened in krym, russia moved in, and US and nato were one of signers of the treate when ukrain borders were suppose to be unchanged, and ukrain for that had to give up their nukes? And did WWIII happen? did use save ukrain? Did they save georgia?
No, they made US look weak, because they said they would protect all those countries, but when the attacker is someone weak, they can do nothing about it.

Actually, this is very hard to fight belive that want to believe so fucking hard. This is pure story-telling for leftist retards.

Where in Idaho did you live?

Lol this guy is funny. The reason the left is associated with Science is because the right is heavily associated with religion.

Religion is based upon faith and to your more seasoned scientist it is impossible to prove it and to disprove it therefore we stay agnostic.

The left has its crazy side as well.

# Black Lives Matter should really be classified as a domestic terrorist group, with the recognition that Muslims are using it as a fifth column

Its a win some you use some kind of situation. :/ Sadly not everyone wins when each team has nukes.

Right isn't based on religion, what the fuck is this bullshit ? How simplistic is your mind ??

This is about science manipulation for propaganda. Like Lyssenko did.

The problem here isn't the science, but how it is manipulated. Looking at percentages to tell whether races exist or not is just stupid.

>look we got da science nigga n sheit!

exceptions confirm the rule.

stay mad tyrone.

I get it though, I have friends who have had parents hooked on crack and hes walked in on his mo m doing it. Interestingly enough he started watching anime after stopping her and became a nerd. Thats not always the case. Things like these can really change a persons life and understanding of reality.
So I get my friends point but the real problem is lack of education, and it stems way back even before these "thugs"get on the street.

When was the last time US won some ? In panama in the 80s, because the last war they won was WII, and lot of that worked because of Russians.

I lived in pocetello, lol it was pretty boring. We threw dirt at each other and I saw kids eating worms.

who is this fake leafyishere nigga

Interestingly enough, I think the muslim group you speak of is the muslim brotherhood. You know the one malcom X was in before he was killed by one of their members. Funny enough though most of the extremism comes from them and I think (Ive met a few) Moorish based Masons.

Ha, that's funny, I live there now

i never stated anything about inferiority/superiority.
i just wanted to point out that there are more than phenotypical differences between the different human subspecies.

However, you and your blatant inferiority complex responded this.

how revealing.

You mean Tyson. Lol.
I went to school with alot of physicist, and mathematicians, and some engineers who are black. There are quite a few of us.

You know a cave Guvarra lol or a Jeremy Hagler ?
I'd like to disagree, "Traditional marriages" okay.

>If you stick an African american into a more prosperous environment then he adapts to what he is around.

not true

Eurasians are way more intelligent and have different behavioural, genetically determined traits than so sub-Saharan Africans, Capoids, Australoids and Micronesians, who represent a sub-species that does not do as well in a modern, civilised environment


>have quicker gestations in the womb and develop faster
>go into puberty much earlier, their puberty is not nearly as long and they exist puberty much earlier
>post-puberty, their brains essentially stop developing
>they have thicker skulls and significantly less brain capacity, so their brains are smaller on average
>they are largely built for quick, explosive bursts of energy and not so much for endurance or sustained physical labour in comparison with eurasians
>they are of much, much lower intelligence, averaging 65 - 70 IQ for sub-Saharan Africans, 50 - 60 for Capoids/Australoids/Micronesians
>they are much more likely to have low affect, develop sociopath traits or outright sociopathy and express frustration through physical altercation

it is quite easy for anthropoligists, geneticists and other scientists to determine race based on DNA, skeletal and tissue examinations, just as it quite easy for a dog breeder to determine widely disparate dog breeds

border collies are highly-intelligent animals that have a whole set of instincts that are quite easy to develop into a useful animal

irish setters have a different set of instincts are not particularly known for their smarts and no thinking person would ever try to put them in charge of sheep or cattle, for example

some dogs, such as pit bulls, were bred for an entirely different set of traits and it would be disastrous to attempt to use them like one would a border collie


So seperation, is needed? No thanks . I'll keep my STEM graduate mexican girlfriend. No need to feel inferior or anything I know there isnt a difference between us.

What a weak argument. Because they support trraditional social structures, like familey, they base their opinions on religion rather than science ?

Why don't you just argue on the actual point, instead of making childish statement on how right is based on religion and left on science, bla blah blah...

The point is : claiming that there are negligible genetic differences between individuals from different races and therefore race don't exist, is just stupid. This is pure bullshit.

Okay. Sure lets use this.
We have the two shooters in columbine who shot their school up and then killing themselves.
-> The faster gestation in the womb must have attributed to which guns would be better to use.
-->Puberty as well must have matured them for their mass shooting spree.
Their improved IQ must of gave them the quick though to kill themselves after it was all over.

You can say that cases like these are mental flukes by nut jobs. But by all means based on what you have presented this should never have been an incident.
You know like Ted Bundy or many of the famous american serial killers.
But of course, you know seeing a minority doing it definitely equates to them being inferior. ...
I will be taking back your captain crunch biology degree .

They all be nigz


in 250,000 years of a resource-rich, ice-free Africa, home to sub-Saharan Africans who were modern human types, the following happened:

>no domesticated plants or agriculture
>no domesticated animals or animal husbandry
>no metallurgy, metal tools, weapons or implements
>no written languages, scripts or literature
>no complex languages with higher, abstract, conceptual reasoning

they remained hunter-gatherer, in small, tribal groupings

they remained pre-scientific, pre-literate and base, bereft of any civilisation or civilised values

if eurasians hadn't interfered, they would still be living such lives

sub-Saharan Africans who breed out with Eurasians benefit from higher IQs, more capabilities and do better in life thereby

conversely, Eurasians who breed out with sub-Saharan Africans have a commensurate lessening of their abilities, intelligence and performance

eugenics would be able to significantly improve most human stock within three to four generations, but it would take longer to bring Africans up to par and most would necessarily be excluded from any effective breeding programme

this would be like starting with Irish setters and trying to turn them into border collies

sub-Saharan African types, raised in a high-IQ, civilised home, do in fact do marginally better than others, but in fact do not suddenly acheive parity in intelligence, performance or behavioural norms as you would suggest by being in a much better environment

people create their environments. majority black cities simply fail. neighbourhoods taken over by blacks or abandoned to them likewise fail.

blacks, like Muslims and other low IQ groups, are more likely to blame others for their situation instead of trying to improve their own lot in life

your response is incomprehensible

A strong republican candidate is mainly a vocal christian. Two gay people can raise a child just the same as a regular child from a traditional family. I've seen it personally, it may seem strange to many but it really isnt a big deal.

Your point is that there are genetic differences and that there is a sub -species, and we should classify as such. Even so there isnt a big deal, there literally isn't one.

I think the idea that someone who looks,sounds ,acts, eats,etc different from you is actually quite similar to you is scary. The thought of something that close to you and your comfort zone is blowing you out of the water.
But the reality kid is that the world is together. There isnt a dominate species and for those who think that there is, there is only a certain amount of time until you realize there isnt. Fight as much as you can but people are growing more educated and aware of each other everyday.

You mean like cities like Tulsa, which was raided and burned down during a race riot ?Because it was thriving ?

Or the Red summer event in Chicago in the past.
There are many cases in which African Americans have thrived but were discredited/beaten down.

Just a Leafy rip off

>Two gay people can raise a child just the same as a regular child from a traditional family.
No, if you have more than 80 IQ, you'll understand why, but whatever, I don't care, you just derail the point.

>I think the idea that someone who looks,sounds ,acts, eats,etc different from you is actually quite similar to you is scary.
Typical leftist story telling. Find something else, I don't care if it's nice or frightening, I just say it's the TRUTH. Everything else is story-telling for kids.

>There isnt a dominate species and for those who think that there is, there is only a certain amount of time until you realize there isnt. Fight as much as you can but people are growing more educated and aware of each other everyday.
Story telling, again and again. I never said whites should dominate the blacks. I say races exist, that's all.

It's funny how you interpret everything with your lefists fallacies. You're just inapt to objective reflexion. All your bullshit is biased with lame story-telling and simplistic ideas. You're just fucking typical it makes you funny.



End the kalamata hate now!

i was really hoping you would start a fight using only quotes from dawkins and tyson. would be funny.



the problem is that you think you have to say sorry if you offend anybody. you shouldn't do this. if one is offended by anything it's his own problem. to be considerate of other people is ok but there's a limit.

> Cops tend to shoot black people

fucking wrong. More white people get shot, if you get pulled over you're more likely to be shot if you're white.

White people just don't burn down the city when one gets shot.

I'm happy there is someone here with a shred of common sense. You niggers need to get over your selves. No cares that your black, I can't remember the last time I saw a person and even thought twice about skin colour. But with all this black Lives Matter crap now I do. Now I see a difference. Now you have forced me to acknowledge that in fact you blacks maybe aren't best suited for job roles that I offer or my friendship if you can be so narrow minded and naive.

yeah the 15 year old white kid got it spot on

sadly this is what Sup Forums has become a cesspool for neckbeards who barely hit puberty

black lives matter