Hello my name Is user and I'm and addict...

Hello my name Is user and I'm and addict. I am currently in the woes of substution trying to come down from meth and heroin. But replacing a hard drug for a softer drug is not the source of the problem, the issue is my life is centered around chemicals. Most of the topics I talk about every day is drug related or a story relating or anything. Why is there not more to me than drugs?

The problem is you're substituting drug for frug rather than drug for drug free activity or action

>injecting meth

You sir do not even know. I had a syringe ready to use to night. I just had to fill it up and main line it. But I brought it up in front of my two other hommies and they told me not to do it and I gave them the syringe to throw deep in some blackberries. I was close to but was stopped by some people who cared about me.

There are lots of things you can do on this earth. Don't limit yourself. If you're going to do drugs, do them to realize your goals, not substitute them.

But I did just bring them around to heroin and I thinks its because I subconsciously wanted to do it but I needed someone to do it with. On of the brothers has already done hard drugs and walked away but I brought them back. The other I brought him around to both black and white.

Yeah I just llitterally cant think of anything I have a blank moment and the first thing that comes to mind is
> of nigga lets get some DXM and weed
>Im trying to quit ice, I hardly feel it with my amp tolerance but I want to do a hot rail not for the meth but the hot rail

Also even more amazing is they brought me to drugs or well I was just BARELY beginning when I met them and we have know each other for maybe a year or just over.

Man you weren't lyin you really are on the ready with the drug tales

And that's why I have this evil urge to shoot I want something new you know, whats next, check another one off the list. I have just barely started heroin and I already want the next step, new high to try.

What a finny coincidence, my name is user, too!

I'm high as shit or well starting to come down a little from meth and I feel like I just need to open up, share and get advice/help and I can do it since to get it from people who don't know me, unbiased opinions.

You chase the dragon across the tin and twist the old bubble over the candle too?

Like most addicts you need to switch your focus... Go to rehab and get addicted to sobriety.

Jesus user your life is fucked

I went to rehab and I went in having done meth a few times I was like a once every three month user not even recreational. Now I have been out since May 2nd and I have progress from dabbling to abusing it though I am not dependent (yet) I am only doing it maybe once or twice a week

I didn't really see meth as that much of a problem because its not all that for me and it still isn't but opiates on the other hand is my shit and before I went into rehab I had done H once and said I couldn't do it again because its SOO god damn good and if I do it any more I will get addicted.

Now that I am out the past week I guess I brought my friend who highly advised against it do it. Even though he tried it because he sub came to his curiosity he brother who had nnt done as much hard shit as us and we kept it low key was even more opposed but he took a tiny dab to try tonight but it was hardly anything at all.

But I'm trying to at least get my self a bit more in check and under control as school approaches because it wouldn't be a smart idea to try and just cut cold turkey at the beginning of the school year.

Addictions sometimes comes in waves, you may have some control over it now... But all it takes is one really bad day to change all that. Be careful of denial... All addicts have it at the beginning.

My first plan is to just step down and go back to my god old shroom days. But even then shrooms are not as fucked for you in that sense but I still binged on that way too much when I was buying an oz a week last November.

Take care of addictions first, school comes second. That's my advice, you shouldn't risk getting more addicted. Anyone who's been there will say the same!

Lol, just get help. I gave all the advice I have. Peace!

And thats why my concern is that I cant really do psychs all the time because that can lead to bad shit and I'm lucky as not fried or slow to some degree. I can't do mdma because that can fuck up your brain pretty hard core even more so for sass. Getting drunk just seems like a chore esp if its beer. There is always DXM but that shit is straight retard fuel. Same goes for xans. Even though I get my coke cheep at 50g its still expensive and short. Addy might as well do meth. Oxy or Lean might as do black. There is just no winning. yet life seems bland with out.

Im trying to get help. Rehab won't my friends are in the same situation so subconsciously their inner addict wants me to use even if they don't. My family wants me to stop and they don't know what else to do other than rehab or long term. And that works great, while I'm there, but when you're back in the free world.

So that's why I come her to try and rationalize and process this from an analytical point rather a fiend. Whether this is therapeutic journaling to myself or you fellow Sup Forumsros what to comment, give me advice, not give a shit or encourage me that is a decision I can not make only you.

This is exactly why I dont do drugs your obviously high as fuck trying to deal with this shit

Is this timmy?

Nah I'm repping the 503

Who is timmy?

Just spend your money on a munch of weed and blaze up

What else is there to talk about? Politics? News? All that fear mongering?

Are there no other tweakers and dope fiends amongst you Sup Forumsros? Do you not even smoke the old devils lettuce out of the marijuana cigarettes?

Chill out smoke a blunt bro