1. Women are smarter than straight white men

1. Women are smarter than straight white men.

Once women started demanding equal rights, their IQ scores—which had lagged slightly behind men’s for decades—not only caught up with men’s, they surpassed them. According to IQ expert James Flynn, women now outscore men on intelligence tests in Europe, the US, Canada, and New Zealand—and women scored higher everywhere. “The complexity of the modern world is making our brains adapt and raising our IQ,” Flynn says. “But women’s have risen faster, its the reason why they have less difficulties understanding politics culture etc”

2. Women are more superior to straight white men.

According to researcher Israel Abramov of the City University of New York, women have a much more finely tuned ability to see slight variations in color than men do—which is why no straight men know what “mauve” or “taupe” are, but all women do. Women also have a superior sense of hearing and can distinguish between different scents far better than men can.

3. Women are better at finding things than men.

Everyone knew that already, but it took psychology professor Diane Halpern to establish that women are better at navigating any given area by using landmarks, which makes them better at finding the lost keys and the missing remote control than men are.

4. Women are cleaner than men.

Again—not exactly news! But a study at San Diego State University of offices nationwide concluded that men’s desks contain far more germs than women’s desks.

5. Women have better immune systems than men.

Estrogen gives women a better natural defense system against bacteria and viruses, according to a study at McGill University.

6. Women tolerate pain better than men.

After all, they have to endure the equivalent of a bowling boll popping out of their vagina every time they give birth. But an episode of the show MythBusters proved that women can hold their hands in freezing water 19% longer than those crybaby men,

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Replace women with Aryans and men with Jews and tell me how you it goes

Shut up faggot.

alright here is a counter argument
1.bacon tastes awesome.

That is all.

Dat bitch better fucking lift her left arm up to protect her head unless she wants to get fucking rekt by the counter right hook that's waiting for her.

>practically saying women are best fitted to give birth to children, beasuse of:
>Better immune systen
>More pain tolerance
>Better hygiene
>Less daily nutriens consumption
(IQ stuff is big bullshit, men have more deviations from average IQ level, women have less deviations. In general tgey're pretty much the same.


Some of these are true. Women are known to be able to differentiate between colors better than men. Number 3 is only half true, as women ARE better at finding things by landmarks but only because they cant do it by directions. Something men are better at.

If this is true then why have men historical be providing for women. If they are superior then they do not nee the legal protection and advantages they have been gaining lately.

Either you are right and women in general are wasting there potential or you are wrong.

Also it has been shown that the reforms to education benifit the typical female mindset more than a male one. Thus giving an early advantage to girls. The symptoms of this change is so called Autism and ADD which is simply not being compatible with the current system in which education is handled.

>skipping over the fact that we're all just sacks of shit
literally, bags of shitproducing fucks.
none of anything you said matters in any real way.
men die, women die, we're all miserable while alive.
and OP is still a faggot with every new shitpost.. pic related

but what about you personally. where do you stand in all of this?

It's due to the fact that people what to retain the special status but also want to satisfy their egos by feeling superior. This is a question I feel a lot of feminists need to find a true answer for, why did men dominate history? If women and men were truly equal why did men do most of it? I believe it's due to the physical strength men had over women, but a good amount of feminists don't buy into that, so I wonder what their answer would be

>Women are more superior to straight white men.
Clearly they're smarter than you trollfu

yeah from a practical point of view humans really are nothing but walking shit factories.

and we are stink even worse than shit when we die.

triple double
they would say that they were oppressed back then.
Now since we live in modern times they believe they don't need men to pave the way, only the machines that men built.

Did you guys just read fight club? Sorry to break your edgelord party up but literally everything you've stated is subjective and only your opinion. I always like to say our views of the world and of people say more about use than they do about the world or people

If women are superior physically men still win.
It is because of that drive men start with innately. Men hunger for greatness. What kid starts off saying they want to be second best? Only once the competitive drive is crushed does you average male settle for the shit hand most people get these days.

I'm bi. Does that mean I'm smarter than woman still? lul

no it means your a fag

actually bi sexual males have been proven to be more intelligent then straight white males.

oh look the walking talking shit factory is triggered when it hears the truth

yes yes humans are all sunshine and rainbows. whatever helps you sleep at night.

Fuck off 9fag

>more superior


Citation needed.


You write like a retard OP

Nice job refuting me with a personal attack. Tell me what do you think humans should do to not qualify as walking shit factories in your mind oh Great Arbiter of Deciding What Is Shit? It dosnt matter because your not the Arbiter of anything, your probably some sad edgy kid that just read fight club. Your projecting what you think you are on to others. Sad.

women don't need intelligence, they only need to breed children.

Technically he's correct, we're full of bacteria which are literal shit factories

im being completely objective. from an actual practical, physical point of view, humans eat food and produce shit. thats what we do. what is so hard to understand about that.

i lol'd

>more superior

Yes we shit he's correct on that, but to say we are just "walking shit factories" is an understatement in the extreme. We also produce carbon dioxide, so we also "crabon dioxide factories?" In honesty both are actually good for the environment in proper quantities, so to say every individual is just a shit factory is inaccurate because the environment needs shit. Every animal shits btw, I bet this user dosnt have the same hate for all life.


>more superior

Alright buddy

"3. Women are better at finding things than men."

Yet it appears you can't find your way back to the kitchen.

Are they better at driving?

can you pls explain me the essencial factors that specific the difference between the intelligence of gay and straight white man?

>good for the environment

lol shrekt

Yeah but men are stronger.

And are better workers.

I wanna swim in that

>1. Women are smarter than straight white men.

A negligible difference in average IQ score is irrelevant. Men outnumber women on the extremes of the bell curve. We have more retards but also a greater amount of male genii.

Also, kek @ women understanding politics and culture.

>2. Women are more superior to straight white men.

Putting aside the retarded broken English, women on average do have more fine tuned senses. Does it matter? Nope. Most of the great painters were, and are still, men. Most of the greatest chefs were, and are still, men. Most of the greatest symphonies were, and still are, composed by men. What good are fine tuned senses if they don't use them.

>3. Women are better at finding things than men.

Navigation is like basic calculus, ever since we have machines to do it for us, we all suck at it.

>4. Women are cleaner than men.

It just means men have a greater tolerance for dirt and bacteria. How is hypochondria a good thing?

>5. Women have better immune systems than men.

They need it, it's an important biological function for childbearers.

>6. Women tolerate pain better than men.

But the closer you get to the extremes, the closer the numbers are for both men and women, so who gives a fuck. Women push out babies on a daily basis around the world. Men get shot on a daily basis around the world. If the pain is severe enough, you brain stops registering it anyway.

>I'll just list all these minor things that don't amount to anything to make it seem like men aren't better at everything than women (including being women).


This has GOT to be the biggest bait post ive seen all year so far.

>women are better in every way/shape/form than men

ok OP can you explain how a man got an award for "Woman of the year" then and was hailed by every left wing group in America as a hero? Literally, a man was awarded for being better at being a woman than an actual woman. Also, OP is seriously a faggot.

did you read the article itself? It dismissed that claim entirely hahahaha

whoops forgot pic.

said every indian ever.

>everything you've stated is subjective
are you claiming we don't produce shit?
or that anything in this life matters at all? even if you care about it, it still doesn't matter. hate to break your pathetic little bubble bub.

>I always like to say our views of the world and of people say more about use than they do about the world or people
that's just like your opinion maaaan.
and everyone who reads/hears you say it will think the same thing. you're a naive moron and should be kept away from for such foolish beliefs.

>men are even the best woman
how does this even... LOL that house episode where the girl had testicular cancer was right all along...

too bad men can't be beautiful.

>underweight metrosexuals

Son you best be troll'n.

g8 b8 m8

>Gender is a social construct
>Men are inferior
Pick one

>posting house of cards gif along with 21 lines of defending his gender and despising women
have you ever considered ending your misery?

To believe women or men are superior to each other is like believing a race is superior to another race. Each have their advantage and disadvantage.

You, I like you.

>Women are better than men
>Can't win against underage boys in sports
>Why are women paid less in sports


they're beautiful.

1. Bulsshit. IQ tests are incredibly moldable. In the spatial test, replace the cube by a triangle and suddenly people with Down's score just as high as normal people. (Don't know if it was triangles, but it's true)

2. As long as I know what a wasp looks like, who cares wtf "taupe" is?

3. Empirically found out this is not true. I have yet to meet a man who can't find his keys within 10 seconds. Nearly every girl/woman I've met takes at least 30 seconds to find them.

4. A cleaner desk doesn't say anything about how clean you are.

5. I hope they have, since they will be carrying our babies

6. See 5


>Putting aside the retarded broken English, women on average do have more fine tuned senses. Does it matter? Nope. Most of the great painters were, and are still, men. Most of the greatest chefs were, and are still, men. Most of the greatest symphonies were, and still are, composed by men. What good are fine tuned senses if they don't use them.
Also it's not entirely true that women have better sight than men. Women can see more shades of red while men can see more shades of green. Women have better broad-sight close range while men have sharper sight at distant objects.
That comes from the evolutionary roles of men being hunters while women being collectors. Better sight at green shades allowed men to see movement of their prey in grass better than women while women been better at seeing mellow fruits. Same goes for distance sight.

>Straight men
When you are being homophobic by saying that sexual orientation effects how well you can see colour

Anyone have a link to that video where that feminist destroys Sargon of Arkad?


no. men r fooken gross m8.
even women agree, girls r farrr better looking.

no one cares bitch go make me a sandwich

All science done by men /thread

she sucker punched the hell out of him, he is done and finished. there ain't no counter coming any time soon.

except for radioactivity, which once again proves women are humanity's downfall

Everyone shut the fuck up and admire this koala, Idc if you got the IQ of a fucking nigger just stfu and admire the koala.

Shit ended up killing her. Women are so bad at being smart if they try it kills them.

Google koala fight videos. You'll lose i promise


Men have to have money to get pussy.. Bitches only need pussy to get.. Men have to get fucking jobs to get cash and bitches need to bait with pussy..
Was baited with anal, a-t-m facial, blowjob, pussy shaved fucking hard core drunk porn-sex to get to the fucking ring achievement and now I am caught in fucking 500k house and have to work like a fagget to pay for that shit with vanilla fucking hairy bush sex once ever 2-3 months..
Now who is the smartest mutherfucker?
>clue: not dudes

>1. Women are smarter than straight white men.
Tell that to the International Chess Federation.

>answer: not you
just because you are a man and take action x, does not mean all men take action x.

i hate to break it to you but males who play ches are most certainly not hetro...they are literally autistic faggots like you

>so much pain in the butt

It's a game that teaches patience and how to think ahead of somewhere else.

Something I bet you lack in your life. Play chess and I am certain you'll eat those words.

>king can move one square, can't even put himself into check
>queen can move anywhere on the board freely
it's the game of cucks for cucks.

women are stupid and i don't respect them

if the queen dies its a major blow but not game over

if king dies all is lost

It's not about the ranks of the pieces. It's about what each can do and how to use them. A king or peon can be just as useful as any other piece, especially a queen piece.


>1. Women are smarter than straight white men.
Stopped reading there.
Is that why Trump is winning.
MAGA bitches.

gays don't count


I dont know about this. I know a lot of stupid bitches and not really any that can hold an intelligent conversation. 5&6 are probably true though

nice b8 m8


Women are closer to chimps than men
