I wanna die

i wanna die

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Let's touch each other's buttholes in Second Life.

Kys then faget

If I looked like that I would too

This is not an "I wanna die" face... It's an "I want to suck your balls deep" face... fuck off attention whore

I wanna fuck you

In what dystopian future do people dress like this

come fuk with me bby i fuk 4 free

Can you slice your veins using your disgusting fingernails ?

I applaude your initiative.. carry on then.

>Dyed hair
What a waste of bleach...

>dress like this
wear striped shirts?


That GBC tho

You will.

please soon

I don't know why I said "dress" I think it's because tumblrinas wear shirts like that.

But this guy looks like he's from some edgy dystopian future and hangs out at grunge concerts

this is lil peep

peeps tha boy



Then go die homo