Anyone else here in chronic pain? I've had a daily migraine for the past 2 years. Hard to do shit with it...

Anyone else here in chronic pain? I've had a daily migraine for the past 2 years. Hard to do shit with it, especially get a gf

My right arm constantly feels kinda numb, and I occasionally get sharp bursts of pain that run through my arm. My doctor doesn't have a clue what to do.

I had this in my left arm

I got off the computer for a week, it was the $14 red ikea chair and my desk set up

Yeah I think it's my chair fucking my back and nerves up. Been busy with exams, and had nothing better to do since except play cs. Going on holiday soon though, so hopefully it will get better then

yeah, stomach problems, chronic abdominal pains. definitely does suck, and you're right, i know that the 5 chicks i have banged since this has started has been equivalent to a regular guy's banging like 20

Put some rosemary and some lavender in a plastic bag.
Crush the bag and then huff the resulting fumes.
It's an anodyne, a low-strength pain reliever.
The advantages are that it's cheap, non-addictive and usually effective. Disadvantage is that it's very short term. Pain returns in minutes.

try mushrooms.
proven to help alieve cluster headaches and chronic pain.

Sumatriptan is your friend. Also great for hangovers.

I've been smoking weed lately to deal with the pain which actually helps a lot, but I'm not a huge fan of constantly having some level of high going on

I have a bad reaction to any triptan drug, sucks

I've thought about it, but I have a history of mental illness in my family and my migraines are cluster

also post moar of that slut.

>I've had a daily migraine for the past 2 years
no you havent. you might have headaches but youre not getting daily migraines. youre like those cunts who never get a cold, its always "flu"

My life is one fucking chronic pain

Yeah, got into an accident a few years back and basically cracked the shit out of my back two bottom teeth. They've just kinda been flaking away since then. No way to pay to fix them since my insurance somehow deems it "cosmetic surgery". Every day is a 50-50 shot i wake up with horrible pain in both sides of my jaw. Usually lasts 4-6 hours. I just drink a lot

you're fucked then. might still be worth the risk tho, ask your doctor.

Your reaction is worse than a migraine?

nausea, pain peaking around an 8 or 9 daily, visual hallucinations, they are migraines

Yeah, extreme body soreness and pain that lasts for a day or two

Not an 8 or a 9. A migraine is not 1 point below being on fire.

The more you take it the side effects lessen.

Migraines are bullshit. Drink some water and unfuck your diet

haha, I wish

why haven't you posted more of this fuckwhoreslut

Exactly the same with me pham
I feel you

Sumatriptan just doesnt work for me

I dont know how the fuck it doesnt work

I had the same issue. Turns out, I'm allergic to artificial sugars, which are in more things than you think. And is a lot more common than you think.

I know I'm just some random online, but it's worth getting checked for it.


Pretty persistent back pain, I think it's due to weak back muscles but I can't be sure and I'm too anxious to work out. I'm afraid if that isn't the issue, I'll just exacerbate the situation..

Anyone have any things like that? Can it even be checked for?

its probably cos you spend too much time on the internet in a bad posture

How do I get checked for that?