Why Sup Forums? Why did they have to ruin the life of those children they raped?

Why Sup Forums? Why did they have to ruin the life of those children they raped?

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Because my dear, they were smooth, tight and DYN-O-MITE!

Did they molest children? Wtf...

How come Pitchfork hasn't written about this?

Because they're not 'people of color'

literally who

I would brag if I got to have sex with Sleazy or Balance, preferably at the same time


Balance was so fucking cute

>say rape like it's a bad thing

I remember reading an interview of Lydia Lunch where she said she was happy for Pete because he had a good death surrounded by his young Thai lovers.
What's the deal with them anyway?

The reason Peter Christopherson had such a fondness for non-English speaking backwater Asian countries was because he knew he could freely abuse children in them without any of the abuse ever coming to light, without any of his victims' testimonies ever reaching too many people.

Many of the band's friends knew this but have continued to keep it on the down-low, in the process allowing who knows how many children to get abused by Peter Christopherson.

Even though Christopherson all but spelled out his proclivities in various interviews, the interviewers and the fans of the band all decided to shrug his statements off as being mere provocation for the sake of provocation.

From the horse's mouth:

Christopherson: They ARE two "taboos" which I think are correct and there for a reason - One is non-consensuality - You can't do things to people they don't want.

It is generally understood by law in most civilized countries that kids are far too underdeveloped to be capable of making any sorts of decisions when it comes to topics such as intercourse, and that they are extremely susceptible to suggestion at the hands of their elders. A child's consent means nothing in the court of law.

One of the main excuses favored by convicted child molesters is that the children which they abused wanted it and enjoyed it. As can be seen in the above quote, it is also an excuse which Christopherson was fond of using.

A video the band shot in a child prostitute bar in Thailand: youtube.com/watch?v=mUY_zpPeab0

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Thailand is, by the way, a country notorious for its lax attitude towards child abuse and child molestation, an attitude which attracts many Western pedophiles and child molesters who want to abuse children without ending up in prison for it.
Christopherson eventually permanently moved to Thailand.

PC: The other is to do with inexperienced, un-developed, or under-age children. I think we are all sexual beings up to a point, but children deserve the right to discover things in their own time, and in their own way, and its wrong for adults to take advantage of their senior or more powerful position.

While some fans of this band have decided to interpret this quote as condemnation of child abuse, a read between the lines reveals the disgusting suggestion behind the statement.
In saying that "children deserve the right to discover things in their own time, and in their own way" Christopherson does not outright condemn paedophilia, he merely suggests that hey, if a hypothetical child were to "discover things" at the age of, say 13, it would be perfectly OK for an adult (such as himself) to go along with it.

To reiterate, one of the most excuses most commonly used by paedophiles is that there was no abuse involved in what they did to children, and that the children wanted it just as much, if not even more, than the paedophiles in question did.

PC: Thoughtless damage to a lifetime of potential brilliance, joy and wonder for the child, and for the adult, the gain of almost nothing - an immediately forgotten moment of not-feeling-quite-so-bad about themselves.

The train of thought behind the above quoted statement reads like a conclusion which came from personal experience.
In this excerpt we can see a statement which, extremely disturbingly, reads like an actual child molester talking about the self-loathing and regret which arises in the aftermath of the abuse he inflicts upon children.

PC: I can imagine their might have been situations where things were being done to someone against their will (and I have seen such things in films - true or otherwise - indeed made such films myself) that I subsequently found I did not enjoy.

Here he admits to sexual abuse witnessed and inflicted upon others.

Please, don't allow this information to get buried and forgotten.

Forgotten? If you like the band at all, you're already okay with their sexual appetites which were very plainly spelled out in the music. They were part of a scene that was into much darker stuff than teen boys. That, and they're both long dead.

John Balance did nothing wrong.

>with their sexual appetites

But with children? Okay.

I had an idea today. I'm not a good artist but it's such a good idea that I have to execute it.

A short illustrated story of the life of Coil. Written and illustrated in the style of Edward Gorey.

Just reading the interview you linked. You chose to omit quite a lot, so I pasted that part in full

>I don't think I've ever found myself in a sexual situation that was "too much" from the point of view of morals, or limitation in the sense of something being "unacceptable behaviour."

>I can imagine their might have been situations where things were being done to someone against their will (and I have seen such things in films - true or otherwise - indeed made such films myself) that I subsequently found I did not enjoy. I will not now watch particularly sadistic films, that profess to be non-consensual, because I feel they hurt ME.

>I certainly do NOT hold to the view that "anything goes" if the person/victim/bottom in question does not want what's going on, regardless of the circumstances.

>Obviously on the other hand there are many circumstances that appear be somewhat sadistic in nature that are in fact consensual, or even desirable, and invariably the "bottom" really is in control!

what is this new meme? Coil weren't child molesters.
t. was in the industrial scene and knew people and them



holy shit john was seriously ahead of his time

no, photos were physical back then son

shes not wrong, you know

yea, sure you were.

Hey guys, i was pretty big in the industrial scene back in the day and i can safley say the coil men were alright dudes haha :)

Hitler Youth cut has always been an edgy underground favorite due to its nazi associations, it only recently became a mainstream meme.

don't you have STEM homework or something?

montie you need to stop

hey atleast i know my STEM

pedo general?

no you don't you fucking nerd

stop trying to cover tracks you pedophile

yes i do. Ask me any question i will answer it. I have a collective IQ of 183, between me and my fetus conjoined brother that lives inside my shoulder

where the fuck is this coming from, years and years and no one said a word about coil being pedophiles.

is this a twisted meme of sorts?

and here is the other quote without your edits

>They ARE two "taboos" which I think are correct and there for a reason - One is non-consensuality - You can't do things to people they don't want.
>The other is to do with inexperienced, un-developed, or under-age children. I think we are all sexual beings up to a point, but children deserve the right to discover things in their own time, and in their own way, and its wrong for adults to take advantage of their senior or more powerful position.
>I believe that it is a fundamental human right to reach ones first orgasm alone (albeit suggested by friends, playmates, brothers, sisters etc). The connection between pleasure and self-discovery forged in this way, provides a foundation and inspiration for the whole of one's creative adult life. It certainly has, mine.
>I find it appalling that an adult would want to steal the epiphany of that moment, simply for his own selfish, inconsequential ejaculation. Just as I find it appalling that an adult (especially a parent) could EVER say to a child "You're useless, you're ugly, you'll never be any good..."
>Thoughtless damage to a lifetime of potential brilliance, joy and wonder for the child, and for the adult, the gain of almost nothing - an immediately forgotten moment of not-feeling-quite-so-bad about themselves.

>At the same time, I also want to say that the current fear millions of good, kind men have of being seen to show any kind of interest in children, appreciation of them as people, for showing ANY affection to kids at all, even to their own children, is an terrible madness that western society only seems to be encouraging.
>Care, interest, love even, is not the same as abuse.
>The fact that is okay these days to say to your kid in public "you useless little shit" but not cuddle him, is pure evil.
>Apart from this, I believe what consensual adults want to do together in private is up to them - the details, props, positions, nobody's business but their own...
>However I also think that friends might reasonably say to one another "Well yes I will do that (or you can do that), if you really need (me) to, but why on earth would you want me to?" - maybe not on a first date, I guess... ,-)

no, we just realize that they are degenerative pedos involved in pizzagate (all pedos have been into comets pizza) because we are redpilled


how is being disabled not an intrinsic wrongdoing to society?

just stop

oh yeah? it always looks stupid as hell on the kids i see with that haircut these days though, where as he pulls it off real good.
and it's not only the haircut; the tshirt tucked into jeans with obnoxious keychain hanging off is also a current trend.

shut up u NU MALE KEK dont u care about morals you FUCKING NIGGER
