Anyone have issues with constipation and IBS? What has been working for you to be regular?

Anyone have issues with constipation and IBS? What has been working for you to be regular?

i don't have either, but i swear 100 pom or cherry juice works like a charm. a good size cold glass of one or the other.

prunes or prune juice. The fruit works as a natural laxative because it has high amounts of fiber, and contains sorbitol.

Drink a full glass of water every hour.

thanks anons

I eat spicy food all the fucking time and still only shit once a week mostly.

prunes, cigarettes and caffeine will move any bowel.

Kefir. Looks like drinking yogurt, but its different. Its sold at most big markets or whole foods or trader joe's

Drink a full large container of prune juice. In 1-2 hours you'll be projectile shitting. Feels good man

Kefir's active yeast and bacteria also help digest the food you eat, therefore; making it more valuable than yogurt in keeping the colon clean and healthy. The curd size in kefir is also smaller than yogurt, making it easier to digest. This makes it an excellent choice for babies, the elderly and people with digestive disorders and chronic fatigue.

Kefir is known to be healthy to the nervous system and can have relaxing effects. It’s helpful to people suffering from sleep disorders, ADHD and depression. It can be beneficial to cell growth, maintenance and energy. It contributes to a healthy immune system and is helpful to people suffering from AIDS, herpes, chronic fatigue and cancer. Another benefit is that it cleans the intestines. It can be beneficial in intestinal disorders, constipation and can reduce flatulence. By making the body more balanced it can eliminate food cravings.

nothing really helps

Drink more water.

Go watch the job vice documentary on fecal medicine.

damn, I have the opposite of this and really sucks as well. Whenever I eat fast food I have to take a shit almost soon after and Pronto. I have like a 10 to 20 minute window to make it to a toilet. And I'm talking taco Bell level shits no matter what I eat, where your ass completely explodes. Shit sucks....literally.

I've even thought about joining the military, but I feel that this would cause major a inconvenience... Just imagine being stuck in a tank or a hum bee for hours without a toilet. Fuck that.

hey OP, been struggling with this shit for years now

some tips:
1. avoid sugar and carbs... seriously this is the number one thing. Eat raw, healthy

2. Get enough sleep at night... and dont eat right before bed

3. Try not to stress and be aware of when you are supressing nervous system feelings into the robust seretonin system in your gut

>Go watch the job vice documentary on fecal medicine.
HBO vice

This sounds like BS but it worked...
>Just eat healthy - like over on /fit/
Pretty much low carb - high (quality) protein Eggs, chicken, fish, dairy proteins - lot's of vegetables... Limit the alcohol... Worked for me and I suffered for a long time. Didint know what it was like to be "regular". The vegetables were the key / no or very little juk food... zero fast food - hard to do but if you can pull it off.
Then just lift some weights / workout and take advantage of the protein... miss bread but prefer to use the bathroom normally / not be in pain half the time...

Your diet is shit, eat some yogurt or take probiotics. Eat less fast food, eat more veggies, fiber and you'll go back to normal. Source: I had the same problem.

Just goto a gastroenterologist they can prescribe you medication to regulate your bowel. I've been dealing with IBS in the morning before work for quite a while now and medication has gotten it to be more regular.

Eat sourkrout. You will shit your stomach out

i eat six pieces of fruit a day and im as regular as a pet turkey. you'll also feel a lot better when you replace trash food with fruit.

Jesus. I'm currently shitting for the third time today. I couldn't imagine going once a week. I'd be in pain.

OP Here

Not interested in relying on dairy to help me shit. That stuff is bad to begin with.

SOURCE , I use to work with this chick

OP Here. I find that when i'm clsoe to 100% raw/fruit i shit amazingly but i often have massive cravings and one slip up of having taco bell or pretzel chips and i'm paying for it for 3 days

Get tested for a gluten intolerance if the previous comments don't work. I had my large intestine and half my small intestine removed as a result of Ulcerative Colitis , which is kinda the same as IBS. but yeah, change your diet and see what happens. good luck /bro

medication can do more damage than the disease it tries to cure. also good luck being dependent on it for life.