Name is john balance

>name is john balance
>falls off a balcony

And a baby rapist!

>John Coltrane
>no coal
>not a train

Stop spreading this lie about our occult gay king

>name is original poster
>posts joke we've all heard many times before

>name is neil young
>is an old man

>name is sleazy
>dies doing drugs and god knows what else in Thailand

you couldn't be more wrong, desu

>name is mc ride
>drives the taxi

>name is sufjan stevens
>not a terrorist

>Genesis P. Orridge
>has never actually eaten porridge

>name is steve ignorant
>is actually woke af

>Johnny Google
>doesn't show up when you google him

>band is called The Realest Band You Know
>i don't know them
>they aren't real

>name is donald glover
>not related to danny glover
why even?

>doesn't make gloves

are you the pedofinder general

>biggie cheese
>actually a really small mouse

>name is the pop group
>not a pop group

>steve albini
>not a bean
>doesn't wear a beanie

>Band is called Oasis
>They aren't from a desert

haha underrated add me on steam

>not from albany

>names band the Beatles
>beat his missus

>not an albino

>name is Thurston for Moore
>actually very well hydrated

>name is jeff tweedy
>not a sly bastard who runs from sylvester

>Name is Bob Log the 3rd
>He's the first fucking one

>He's not the third shit of the day