1. Say something in your language

1. Say something in your language.
2. Guess what anons say in theirs.

>koszt poczt w Tczewie

Other urls found in this thread:


the price of posts in Tczew

>Vyšukej si drogy na záchodě.

ma chi è chel mona che sbate la porta e chiude urlando diocan

Polşalılar hamısı nigahdan kənar doğulublar.

Close, it was the price of post offices in Tczew.

Search for a way on the west.

Poland mentioned! :DDDD

who the fuck is that monkey slamming the door and yelling "THE DOG GOD"?

>Search for a way on the west.
no lol

> the price of post offices in Tczew.
that's exactly what I meant

This is a post.
Pic related is a post office. :^)

Is any of my guess correct though?

search (on the Internet)

friends (drug means friend in Russian)
>na zachode
on the west

على جميع الطلبة الاجانب غير الناطقين باللغة العربية سكرتيرة قسم الفنون لتسجيل اسمائهم و ارقام هواتفهم في اقرب وقت

Hepiniz yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrak kafalı orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrospu çocuklarısınız :^)


Ählämeitä ja slaaviroskaa lanka täynnä, huutista. Myös missä mun tönttörönttösenviilipöntöntöötötin?

>Pic related is a post office. :^)
You know we say pošta/poczta in our languages, don't be too cheeky.

>Is any of my guess correct though?
No. I intentionally posted that sentence because it consists only from Czech-Polish false friend words. Try again and I will tell you then.

Ямбoлcки пoжapникapи cпacихa бeдcтвaщи oт cнeжeн кaпaн.
something about a hoe. I only know orospu.

price of post in chevice

find the way to the west

>friends (drug means friend in Russian)
Drogy is unironically "drugs" in czech.
That's the only one I know.

Yambolian firefighters rescuing people from the snow trap

>Ямбoлcки пoжapникapи cпacихa бeдcтвaщи oт cнeжeн кaпaн.
Firemen from Yambol saved people from snow trap?

>Good evening. I would like to begin my introducing myself, my name is Hydrogen and I come from a low income neighborhood where life is not very comfortable. I have stolen many things and been involved in many altercations most of which have ended in gun fire. In addition to this I've had sexual intercourse with a great number of the opposite sex. In contrast and despite the lack of legitimate evidence I believe you to have been involved in a fair amount of homosexual activities, activities I and my companions look down upon. I am so much stronger than you and my powers of rhetoric are so much greater than yours, that you could employ an army of some sort to aid in your fight with me, but I of course would prevail because I am stronger than you. I am sure I needn't remind you of my place of birth, wherein as I explained before the living conditions are much worse than your aforementioned city of residence. I would like to stop here for a moment and remind you that I am orating with little or no prior preparation an act commonly referred to as free styling. Once again and I think this bears repeating I would like to restate my claim that I am in fact much stronger and have endured a larger number of hardships than you. Hardships which have left me with an aggressive behavior and opposing demeanor which I believe frightens you. I know of a woman with whom you have had sexual intercourse, I too have had sexual intercourse with said woman and she complained to me of your less than exemplary performance in bed. She went on to explain to me in graphic detail the dimensions in particular of your genitals and I tell you what she said was not very generous Sir.

Something about the Czech republic.

>Eg sǿkar arbeid på nettet akkurat no.

Do you know Russian or something?

Nah, some gypsy caravan passed through our village from time to time and I caught few words.
Something something work is not well done.

You got work right.

>I apply for a work as something something

puto el que lee, y el que no también.

I think Sokar is some kind of name, but you wrote it with lowercase so that confuses me.
And if nettet is "internet", that would mean "internet work".
Probably could have solved it if no articles were involved...

It's "I'm applying for work/a job online right now"

Can you write "Sword swings faster, but I prefer an axe because you deserve more moments to live" in norwegian please?

Something about the weather? Just guessing.

Hvala, ker ste moji prijatelji Sup Forums!

>Hvala, ker ste moji prijatelji Sup Forums!
Hi, my Sup Forums friends.
Also, argies post is about whores, not weather.

>tfw guessed more of Norwegian than Czech
I guess I should stop listening to Faroese music.

>fucking what something and what not something

not even close m8

>thanks, you are cute pirates Sup Forums!

I'm not gonna lie, I only know the word thanks.

La grifa es una cosa que te pone ciego, te ve la pestañí y te lleva para el talego.

>Hi, my Sup Forums friends.
>thanks, you are cute pirates Sup Forums!

Not quite, you got thanks and friends right. Still more than I expected from non slavs.

we speak the same language and I unironically can't tell what any of that meant.
unless it's one of those other sneakily similar spanish languages.

Should be something like
"Sverd svinger raskere, men jeg fortrekker ǿks fordi du fortjener å leve flere oyeblikk" in Bokmål.
"Sverd svingar raskare, men eg fǿretrekker ǿks fordi du fortener å leve fleire augneblikk" in Nynorsk.

Thanks, m8.

>>fucking what something and what not something

the "and" and the "not" are the only thing you got right.
to be fair some of those words do literally translate as you said, but not in this context.

who the fuck is that monkey slamming the door and yelling "THE DOG GOD"?

sem dobro prevedel?

Argentina es white

not even close.
good guess though, not gonna lie.
it's not about Malvinas either.

It's gypsygibberish mane. Quite like if you said something about wacho, no te hagas el pistola, acá la vagancia va de caño.
Grifa is weed, ciego is high, pestañí is police and talego is jail.

fuck whoever reads this, and this too?

>whoever reads this is a faggot, and also who doesn't.

but you got the "whoever reads this" so you get some points I guess.

Dehors tout le monde vas t’assurer
Dedans dégun va t’assumer
Poto on t’a cramé, tu t’en mets dans le nez
Tu vois ton frérot à pattes, tu veux pas l’amener
J’fumais la patate du Rif
Pendant qu’tu grattais des sticks
On m'a dit qu’t’as coulé
Qu'tu sympathisais avec les shmits
Routine c’est devenu banal
Gros pétou devant les banales
J’rentre chez moi j’suis en fumette
J’bois d'l'Oasis fraise-banane
J'ouvre ma vitre sur le jaret
J’croise des fans qui prennent des photos
Prends pas trop la confiance
J'suis gentil mais t'es pas mon poto
Sur Ali elle est tempête bonne
Mais à la base c'est une chamelle
Et voilà elle t’a mis dedans
Maintenant elle veut son sac Chanel
J’me mets bleu sous rosé
Ma tête tourne elle va exploser
Ça fait treize ans qu’je rappe
J’ai encore faim de poser
J'reste au tieks j'fais les cent pas
Alors qu'j'suis à deux doigts d'être millionnaire

Tolpa natika kita na plot

Is puto just the catchall swearword in Spanish? What's all the different things it can mean?

A crowd pushed the whale on a fruit.
just tell me how fuckign wrong I am

Cze ha pagal gomut

This is him, a Polish rapper from Marseille.


puto just means faggot, and nothing else.
puta means whore.
but in most countries there's no translation for "fucking" so sometimes it's "puta" and sometimes it's "mierda" (shit)

there's no 100% literal translation really, that's why.

It's pretty close it's actually

a gang is impaling a whale on a wooden stake fence

cлънцe гpee дъжд вaли
яж ми кypo Cимитли

t. Gitano

El Pepelu curra de camello, vende chocolate a los mueticos por la calle y despues va a la keli a ponerse ciego con la chorba

All Poles are born side of wedding?

something like that, though don't know if doğulublar means born or eastern.

Nji majuc me biruc
I vjen hakut rrumbullakut

"I don't understand jokes"


Çüküm büyür çünkü ben çılgın bir zenciyim

Escrevi e sai correndo, pau no cu de quem tá lendo.


sut min fede pik

"Doğulub" is "was born" here.

hvor fed er den?

Er dette danskertråden?


Write something in the bull-fighting arena, and I'll lend you the fin of a pau (fish species in the Amazon).

i wrote and leave running, dick in ass of who connects? What the fuck, fuck portuguese and its bullshit slang and non-literal translations

To be, or not to be (fragan het det net wet bet syrkaljomma)

I wrote this and ran away, dick in the ass of who's reading.

ahhh lendo not ligado i got it now, thanks

suck my fat cock

لو قرأت هذا البوست, امك ستموت اذا لم ترد على البوست

sun is warming, rain is falling?

allahu akbar, long live the caliphate, death to the west?

basically, yeah

The warmth of my anus is very inviting to young boys?

jan pawel 2 jebal male dzieci

jan pawel fucks little children?


try read this
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Mszczonowieścice, gmina Grzmiszczosławice, powiat Trzcinogrzechotnikowo


Rate my arabic

يجب على العرب ان يعترفوا بالتفوق العنصري التركية. ومن الضروري لهم انهم يظلون في خدمة الاتراك الى الابد

passes as text

>Vyšukej si drogy na záchodě.
Fuck your way in the toilet?

You sold drugs in the office ?
You are highly on drugs in the office ?

Vorrei impiccare per le palle tutti quei neonati del cazzo che piangono come dei negri messi all'asta ogni cristoddio di notte alle 3 e mezza, un giorno, giuro su tutte le schiere angeliche e su tutti gli stronzi all'Inferno, sfondo quella porta di merda e sgozzo il padre con un cacciavite, trombo quella scrofa della moglie e poi infine infilo il cappio attorno allo scroto glabro del pargolo

Fuck your ????? in the toilet.

Grjót haltu kjafti, helvítis skáeygða mellan þín.

Æ e Nordlending æ

jutkut uuniin rotusota nyt!

haluuks joku miun pojupimppuu? :3

I fuck my cousin, that's how it works here.

haha eþin :DDD

Wrong, you kakkalakka skíthauga hommatitturinn þinn

Vorrei implies that all neonazis have balls, something something Black Messi (Balotelli) something something door of shit something something

é o caralhinho que ta foda, cabrão

Manda carallo

Cagho na cona

vai mamar no meu piço

Nos teus soños irmán