Anyone up for a civ thread? Also anyone know any good free civilization games?

Anyone up for a civ thread? Also anyone know any good free civilization games?

Yellow me up fagget

Also dubs decides actions

As first move for yellow I began construction of a coffee bean plantation

do red, invade and rape yellow and win the game

Blacks develop weapons of mass destruction

Weapon made

Enjoy not having your morning coffee now fagget and being all groggy as shit

Blacks put their weapons to use and eradicate all of the red population. They use what remains of the reds civilization to construct a Harmbe monument.

Purple develops farm



one more roll

Blue faction makes an appearance with 4, but has one tier higher tech than the other civilizations

Purple establishes a farm

purple attempt to reproduce


Purple make 2 new purples

purple makes a boat and attacks the blacks, stealing their weapon


yellow reproduces

red fight themselves to the death

Yellow starts mass reproducing

Purple attacks blacks, losing 1, blacks lose 3

Purple now has control over the weapon

I only saw this after I had started writing, I see Yellow is in good hands

purple attacks the rest of the blacks!





yellow and red mate making a bigger orange tribe




re roll


Purple reproduces back at home.




orange tribe must live!


Zombie infection breaks out in yellowland


tnx fam



if you want a thread to die stop posting in it your just bringing the thread back to 1st page

Oooh snap

it's ok yellow land is ded is now orange land

What about the zombos

New Orange tribe made via Reds fucking Yellows for w/e reason

1 Yellow is now a zombie, infection spreads once per dubs -- All connected tribes will have to build a defense

One last reroll for advanced blue civilization

Purple attacks black to finish them off

Roll for zombienation

orange and red tear down the bridge to the yellow niggers



one last reroll

Lock ness monster appears
Attacks random civ whenever it wants 3.50

re roll



The Orange kill the zombie, which causes animosity between the Yellows and the Reds. The Reds protect and assimilate the Oranges, Yellow is now mortal enemy. One of the blacks receives an unexpected erection.

Purple fires the weapon into yellow land


this cuz heck yellow

Red becomes communist..

nigger faggot one more

Purple forces the blacks to build a wall, that they- themselves-- pay for... around the weapon and walling themselves towards the forest.

Zombie spreads! And one goes for unprotected red!

you just had to kill the plot

Both blacks get an erection. They rape all Purple. Now Purple have Aids. Black have Aids too but are immune to the symptoms.

Roll for this

>trump roll

Yellow are ded

Purple fires weapon at orange tribe to exterminate the disgusting half breeds and the zombie - zombie corpse taints the Red's land and contaminates the river.


Zombies noooo! I roll for super radiated zombies

Fuck that purple kills off the blacks



orange red attacks purple

one of the blacks is now a stand user the stand is silver chariot




purple is aids

Alien invasion for random civ + random civ invents flight



Purple builds defenses back at home and reproduces

Red enslave what's left of blacks

Purple have a change of heart and self-become slaves to the blacks


Purple enslaves the remaining blacks and selectively breeds them for manual labor

orange builds a tower


Out of nowhere! Pink shoes up where yellow was nuked. And they are terrorist


orange red attacks purple and frees the niggers