Ok I love experimental music, but why the fuck would anyone listen to this...

Ok I love experimental music, but why the fuck would anyone listen to this? Anyone who pretends to like this is an edgy fuck who wants to feel musically superior by liking experiment noise shit. Just why?

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lol get a life nerd

It's literally just that it sounds good to some people. As you may have heard, enjoyment is subjective. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean no one can. harsh noise is close to 40 years old, has a wealth of literature on the subject, and peers of mine have in fact taken academic classes on it. Go be ignorant somewhere else

>I love experimental music
lol, sure.
>Anyone who pretends to like this is an edgy fuck who wants to feel musically superior by liking experiment noise shit.
We live in a world where people are turned on by inanimate objects and you can't imagine anyone enjoying this??

>Implying Merzbow even has patrician status anymore.

Here you go OP

is this Pagoda mast?

you probably consider Spirit They're Gone experimental shit

It's designed to sound unstructured, which is naturally unappealing to humans, what OP says isn't that ignorant

There's no reason whatsoever you should know that name and not The Rita

>Alvin Row

Is it safe to say this is the best Animal Collective song of their entire discography?

Who cares

It's fun to freak out your friends with.
I think of it like anti-music, or a more extreme version of metal music.

I like to listen to it when I want to listen to something but I'm not in the mood for literally anything in my library so I just turn to listening to the musical equivalent of static
I also do this with danger music and fast paced drone (I know that's an oxymoron)

Lol why do people get so irrationally angry at people with different taste than theirs? People constantly rage on this board about imaginary pretentious hipsters who just pretend to like records

It sounds good to me, not particularly that album but listen to merzbuddha or merzbeat and tell me there's no redeeming qualities

To enjoy Merzbow you have to be seriously a poseur to the highest degree. I am dead serious. Pulse Demon is not even fucking music

Keep in mind that you're an insufferable faggot

I can't take you seriously enough to make me stop listening to Merzbow, hows that?

quality post as always, montie

i'd love to explain to op why noise is good,but fuck it, i'm tired right now

>pretends to like this
why don't you fags get that people dont pretend to like shot you don't. It isn't that complicated of an idea.

Ouch, this is impressively asinine. Define "music."

But I'm not pretending to like it. It pleases my ear holes in different ways than other genres.

Because it gives me ASMR.

why is everyone that listens to noise so edgy? these posts are making me cringe

You don't know what these words mean, stop using them.

the ignorance is strong with this lidiot

This kind of stuff is my go to when I'm in a bad mood, it always seems to cheer me up.

Harsh noise thread?


don't let these meme posers tell you otherwise. it's shit for retards that need something obscure to feel good about themselves. it's literally nothing more than that

>I don't like it so people must only pretend to like it

I don't really like harsh noise either, but this is an incredibly pretentious, idiotic way of thinking.

listening to harsh noise is perfectly normal for 16yo poseur. Doing that past your teenage years is pretty concerning desu.

This. Thank you for being one of the few people on this board who isn't a pretentious moron and actually understands that music is subjective.

you're kinda proving my point bud

>but why the fuck would anyone listen to this?
mental illness
special snowflake syndrome

Maybe people like the sound? Music is SUBJECTIVE, just because you don't like it doesn't automatically make it garbage. Who are you, the authority on music or something? I also dislike this harsh noise stuff but I recognize that other people like it, because I'm not an immature pretentious moron.

Those were all just people who hate montie

listen to it louder

Pulse Demon isn't even as good as Hybrid Noisebloom

I find it titillating to be honest with you OP and I'm not a leftist nor a cuck

ug the guy i like trolled me saying he liked merzbo. i almost quit liking him until i found out it was a freaking troll.

nice numerals

It's great for concentration and getting some work done.

Damn, I didn't even notice!

>I'm not a leftist
So you are a cuck then

why this album instead of the insane amount of albums hes made though?

music is luck

oh boy it's another one of these fucking threads again.
Personally like noise for this dissociation of being completely enveloped in sound, hearing real world objects be distorted beyond comprehension, and how visceral it is

It's like ambient music but instead of tones it focuses on textures

>this thread
>the past 200 threads identical to this one

This is the correct answer. Everyone can fuck off now

It is though, Just because it's popular doesn't make it any less experimental retard.

>music is subjective
I'm gonna have to dispel those magic digits

I agree, Whoever "Likes" this is just being a special snowflake.

It's not even difficult to "get", you're just approaching it as if i was any other genre and want instant gratification out of the sounds you hear.
It's meant for active listening and the exploration of textures in a soundscape.

Or, uh, I don't know, (bear with me here, this sounds like a crazy theory but just hear it out), maybe they just like listening to the music? I know, I know it's hard to believe, someone actually listening to music they enjoy even if you don't like it, but just consider it for a second.

He's right and you know it, stupid frogposter.

but it's literally the same shit BRUH, just white noise gayness for an hour

because they're nerds, and nerds hate feeling left out more than anything in the world, and therefore must preemptively shit on anything that faintly smacks of someone else enjoying themselves without permission

So do you guys who actually like this enjoy the sounds of leaf blowers and chainsaws?

while "not even fucking music" is a factual statement, it is not in fact an insult

Montie please teach me to be patrician like you i don't want to be a poseur anymore

>hey look! I'm so mature! I listen to {x} and {y} which is real mature. my music taste is serious and mature :D

>I don't get the appeal, ergo, it's bad.

Music is subjective, but the quallity of it is objective. Ergo, what he said is correct, you fucking idiot.