I am the Prophet of the modern world. Ask me anything

I am the Prophet of the modern world. Ask me anything.

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What's the most efficient way to Lynch jews

What's the most efficient way to Lynch jews

another holocaust

What's the most efficient way to Lynch niggers

why does your thread suck?

What's the most efficient way to Lynch prophets of the modern world?????

because no one is posting in it
another civil war

How do I get out of the mess I created?

What is the least efficient way to lynch Jews and niggers?

idk about all this lynching. you need to work out your issues with your mother

what kind of mess, just to verify?
take the money from the jews and give it to the niggers

Why arent you taking your pills?

And most of all, why are you not taking my pills?

You're the prophet. Why don't you know?

>take the money from the jews and give it to the niggers

Doesnot work... already did and rappers happened

What's the most efficient way to Lynch OP?

because those pills are bad forr my body and take away my sense of self. fix the root of the issue, which is extremely hard, or the pills will make you comfy.
it's a relationship issue.

What's the most efficient way to Lynch David Lynch?

they do enough lynching of themselves.
just do it.

What's the most efficient way to lynch gays?


no you are not.


But that's pretty efficient considering there's zero effort expended by me. I'm looking for the least efficient method.

What's the most efficient way to lynch Leslie Jones?

how do we get the jews to end their shenanigans, besides lynching them?

Holocaust 2.0

Do you know where I put my lighter?

Would you fuck Anne Frank?

Up your ass.
No, she was a jew.

How do i accidentally build a shelf?

you have/had multiple lighters.
take down world banks
you trying to get me arrested.
you are a false prophet
do enough drugs to forget you did it.

Cheers, man. I've been looking for it for ten minutes.

explain this to me wise faqqot


this is child pornograpphy

>you are a false prophet

Thank goodness, I was about to go get the speculum.

Who should we vote for?
Which god should we worship (if we should at all)?
Am I forever alone or will I meet someone? (20m)

its just some geometry.

Should i buy Arkham knight?

begone from my temple you damn dirty apish blaspheme!!!
1. its rigged
2. no one. the god is inside
3. youll meet someone if and only if you stop worrying about forever alone and take a chance
you like batman. you have the money. treat yourself

How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

we're all prophets here.
take 12 tabs of acid, vote for whoever you see the most, worship xenu, and love will find you

>its just some geometry.
really? thats your briliant insightful answer?? you need to buy some rope as soon as possible and liook for a nice sturdy branch to hang yourself from..

rigged for shilldog or the oompa loompa?

Why am I even asking? It's obviously the criminal.

three wipes youre out
alternate prophecy confirmed

their mind's eye.

shilldog is obviously the culprit dumbass

I already have it though!
False prophet!
Fake and gay

buy it again

Small or big tits?

both have their advantages.big tits make for a more rough- fucking woman

How could i not see this.
Forgive me oh you all mighty.
I have seen the light now, is there anything i can to do repent my sins and earn your forgivness?

Small. Anything else is blasphemy.

do you spit or swallow?

Sharpie in pooper. The only real way to repent.

Both. At the same time.

yes. buy the game again.
i spit your girls piss in her face

But..but.. theres where he poops from!

what happens after death, i expect it to be like the related pic, a city in the distance you have no chance of getting to.


whatever you think happens, happens

Do you have to run towards it, dodging obstacles that resolve in front of you forever?

This pretty much, although in most cases you will see your body laying beneath you, then your spirit guide takes you to the astral plane for a life review. (sometimes you do this alone, but your spirit guide is behind the scenes)

Any general path society should follow?
Does it even matter?
How long till WW3?
Will any country fall in the next 50 years? 100?

Now the other question i have, is there any different afterlives

society's problems lie in the chains of its mind. so enlightenment/ paradigm shift
Matter is relative.
I give it within the next ten years.
Economies will surely fall.


that sounds more like life

life and death are just words we've assigned meaning to

Who is the God-Emperor playing as right now? Is it Trump?

Yeah. It's life again, but with faux-80s graphics.

Okay I was expecting this guy to just be RPing but he's actually right. Earth and it's inhabitants are going into Fourth Density reality. We'll make the first quantum leap this December.


August 14.
September 23.
October 26.
November 8.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

I'm gonna need you to elaborate on this

no lol dat guys is "nothing" x)

Well, then who is it?

If you're wrong, I'll be slightly disappointed. Entertained, but disappointed.

Are you gonna finish that?

Why the fuck you still have this kind of pharmacy industry?

Where dem girls at?

probbably someone pulling the strings on blackrock and other super conglomorates, or how ever you spell that


if we knew, he'd be dead
it benefits the economy. like a parasite that feeds on itself and continues to grow as our minds get so fucked that we need more and more security. why the hell else?

Girls don't exist on the internet.

Nah, Trump's way too mediocre at business. He's just loud and good at schmoozing, which is why they put him on TV.

Besides, right now the immortal God-Emperor is either working behind the scenes in the corporate sector as per , or more likely working in scientific research at places where he knows he can have the most impact on progress without drawing attention. No idea if he'd be working in biotech/medical at the moment, or if that's only scheduled for down the line when he wants to wind up on the navigators and shit.

How meta can we get here, fellas?

What is the future of Algeria ?


Literal shit.

When will life get better


And France

Will we explore the stars before we destroy ourselves? Or will our story start and end on earth?

It's human consciousness. We're reaching the end of a cycle and going through a polar shift. The halfway point of the precession of the equinox. 13000 years ago, Atlantis fell. This was known as "The Fall of Human Consciousness". We have since been dominated by egotism and fear. We're ascending now. Do you feel all of the light energy that has been slamming Earth recently?Your light body is being upgraded, and your DNA is being activated. Soon we will all have 12 strands of DNA. The earth's turn is actually slowing down. It will eventually reach complete stasis for 2-3 days. Then it will start turning the other way. The sun will rise from the opposite direction. The next few years are the complete dismantlement of our corrupt infrastructure, and the imprisonment of the Dark Cabal. The Draconian Reptilians will be exposed and put to justice.

Should I stop smoking weed?

What should I major in?

Our story did not start on earth. We originate from another planet. Don't they teach this stuff at school anymore?

No. Not ever.
Instead you should try to smoke as much in one go as possible from time to time.

And Israel ?