Slug in my front room, been looking for the slug for a while, been sliming everywhere, dubs decides what to do with it

Slug in my front room, been looking for the slug for a while, been sliming everywhere, dubs decides what to do with it

let it crawl into your pee hole.

insert in dick


Take it out side and let it be free


Salt that nigger

put salt on it

pour salt on it

put in pee pee hole

Set free

Poop pee and cum on it



Space program

suck the juices off it and leave it unharmed, post results

reroll for insert in dick


Oh shit

in dick it goes

Let the little fucker outside and stop being the gigantic faggot op that you are

put the little slime dude on your dick and let him slime around

slug in your room?

Make him a tiny Hawaiian shirt and call him Slurms.

Slime on it in return

Op is a fag, wont deliver

Quad 97s

This is OP - rerolling because colonoscopy is unfeasible

put it in your dickhole please!!!

salt it then eat it

shut up op, put that slug in ur faggot ass


Why didn't you just follow the slime trail?


Salt it is
