Please help me. I'm frraking outbpease please be kind tell me i'm gonna make it

Please help me. I'm frraking outbpease please be kind tell me i'm gonna make it

Do you thinl you're psycopath ? I don't know Who am i anymore

Pleaqe help my soul is burning Who am i


I need help tell me someone is reading there somewhere



nigga we can't help you if we don't know what's happening

Honey, the way you play guitar
makes me feel so... makes me feel so... masochistic
the way you go down low deep into the neck
and I would do anything

Yoi don't know, nobody knows ! I dont know Who i am anymore... I played all my life to avoid being Hurt, i wasn't myself... But now i don't know Who i am PLEASE HELP ME ANYVODY HELP my soul is dying

A bit too high are we?

Wooow.. this... thread ..... is .........shit

I'm not sure what's going on, but if you feel like you're going to hurt yourself, one option you have is to contact the police or your local suicide hotline and get help there.

I hope you feel better soon! ;v;

Help. Please. Someone. Tell me i don't deservre my future. Tell me i can be someone. Someone valuable ? HELP ME.

post tits or gtfo

1. tell us why you're fucked up
2. show tits if grill
3. we help


Nobody is inherently valuable, nothing really matters. see attached image for perspective...

Help me.

My soul is dying.

I don't know. My head is birning.

I miss her.

I miss them.

I don't kbow.

I wanna die.

I'm scaree.

Telle me something something good.

I'm so scared

Humans want fear to end help me

Sadness is everywhere

Where are they
I used ti be loved

I used to be good.

But they broke me.

Not tyou. You are good. You are.. Far you did't vroje me

Someone broke me.
I dot know Who howrver..

Please help.


Toulosue, France. Please.


Kill yourself. or Pull your head out of your ass and come back to reality.

Take a step back and look at what you're doing, it's fucking pathetic.

2/10 for making me respond.


Rue étroite. Toulouse. France. DyingOD . Help.

I wosh i was not lying

But i need help

Please don't judge.

Just help

Not a game

I started taking heroin some time ago

Like my father. My parznts and friends and gf wants mz to srop

But i thinl i wanna die as well
Like my father.

Volot tzars.

Vomit. Teas.stears. See ya later

I can't tell if you need a psychedelic to gain perspective, or you took a psychedelic and can't handle it.

ahh heroin. yeah, can't help with that one. go to rehab dude. Heroin is a tough bitch...

I try to remain calm. Howzver, i'm sûre i Will die tonifht.


Listen to me,all anons.

Please live. You life. Life is à gift. Live it.

Don't do drugs. Never. Because it Will destory your family and relatives. Bot obly you.

I feel my enr.

Trying to posy 'ow.

Don't die

Helo fenace Toulouse rue étroite 16

>contact the police
Always a good idea. They can kill you for free.