Any medifags got any advice on how to make me shit?, I have not been able to shit for 4 days

Any medifags got any advice on how to make me shit?, I have not been able to shit for 4 days

take a pre workout

Take some laxatives you dunce

Prune juice, anal sex and a course of leeches.

I aint no med fag but a brother who knows the pain youre going through.

What have you been eating. Whats your water consumption.
is it summer or winter there.
Is your job strenuous.
The fuck do you do all day?

smoke a cig while you´re drinking a coffee...

i do this every morning b4 leaving the house...

Suger free jelly beans. The sweetener in them work like a laxitive

or gummy bears.

you take opiates? if so stop for a little while. milk of magnesia, dont fill up the little cup just chug that shit. its nasty but will turn almost everything liquid.

Wow.... Thats like 2,4 currex.

Go to your local pharmacy and buy Mineral Oil. Guaranteed.

I'm a student so I live on pasta and pesto, cheap curries etc

I have none and there is no shops around

Eat more fibers... That works... Non white bread etc.

Thanks man

Squirt a bunch of dish detergent in a glass of water and drink it. You could also try hosing some of it up your butt to help it get started.

Eat fucking All Bran and fruits!

Eat some of your friends shit.

I solved my constipation by eating a can of baked beans every day. It was pretty easy. Also mild stool softener.

stop taking opiods you faggot op

My thoughts exactly. Been sober for over a year, but when I was doing opiates I'd go for a week and then literally give birth to a baby Bono.

2 tsp NON-iodized salt mixed in a liter of water


Also it's summer, and I work evenings

how many kuriks?

Magnesium supplements, it'll get your bowels moving, believe me...

Strong coffee and a cig in the morning. It's the tried-and-true method.

Listen to meditation music on 400 - 500 mhz. In about 15 minutes you should be able to release.