Describe an album using a song title from the album

Describe an album using a song title from the album


Did you come here just to call Bottomless Pit eh?

No he just took the joke from the other thread


>Black Sabbath




>sad machine

The Bends

Oh hey, I made that! I'm super happy someone else is using it :)

Total Trash


bury it

Black Din


All I Need

Magic Pie

Can I have some (You)'s here?


>Somnambuličnyja Tulliańni Karawanaŭ Ziłlijonnamiesiacowych Rozumazrokaŭ Žracoŭ Ïrminizmu, Jakija Pakidajuć Pojas Kojpiera, Skroź Hnozis Ękzistęncyjanaĺnaha Immažynaryuma Katakombaŭ Ra-Hoor-Khuit CVII Wymiaręńnia Uročyšča Skarpijonaŭ...

>but the regrets are killing me


in the airplane over the ocean

You Can't Quit Me, Baby

I'm laughing

>Let Down

>Body Movin
>Three MCs and One DJ


It's Rough

>Devil Church

>Heroes and Mike

>not my big mouth

more like Trash el mao

All great


>Is This It

wow did you come up with this joke op? I've never seen it before


>Mr. Self Destruct