You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gf Sup Forums

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a gf Sup Forums

I'm socially retarded

I'm soooooooo fat

i got my ex pregnant. we hate each other and no one wants to date a guy with a kid on the way.

I move all the time and can't find someone who can do a long distance relationship

I don't want one

I just want pussy no strings attached

Never dated in high school so I have no experience with relationships.

Girls don't want some inexperienced chump.

Because my parents told me not to.

oh, but i do. joke's on you loser.

I'm ugly

Im think im ugly and nobody likes me

I'm crazy

I'm unattractive, socially retarded and I'm boring for a normal person.

I m ugly

I'm socially retarded, I'm not good looking, I get attached way too much way too fast, I don't have many friends, all my hobbies are nerdy, the only time I go out is to hangout with my 3 friends, work, or the gym, the rest of the time I stay home and listen to music by my self

she said she loved me so i sent her a picture of Goku
she has yet to respond

Cause im married

My friends have all gone to Uni so I'm just stuck here with no-one to go out with

Also I'm a bit psycho-paranoid, probably because of lack of human contact

I never leave the house and have lost my material form.

There are dozens of us!

>socially retarded
can't figure it out

Coz i have a wife and she would be pissed if i had a GF

im gay

>be dead broke couple
>2 rent payments off
>both unemployed
>promise each other to find job and pay our debts
>both get job
>she recieves her payment a bit later than me
>she promises to pay me back
>I pay the bills
>she gets her money
>she has changed her mind
>doenst give me her share
>buys 400$ boots instead
>"you get payed more than me anyways, hun"
>gives 50$
>2x rent was 900$


I am not able to express my emotions seriously without either turning them into fucking jokes or by denying them completely hence I am affraid to open to people for I am scared of them turning away from me when they find my actual self

my self-esteem is really low due to my short height

Very hard to talk with girls like this..

I'm married.

I'm friendzoned with beautiful, smart and 'just right' girl. It's all

Waste of money

No one likes a stoner who's trying to do well for himself

i do

because i'm married

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She was clingy. Really clingy. She's still dependant, like a coke addict after a week long binge.

I was cheated on by the girl I was going to marry. It has destroyed me and my will to live.

My wife would break my neck.

cuz the one who´s having a crush on me is annoying af and im not looking for a gf right now.

Because Im a giant pussy, why else?

Same, have my feels bro

A gay guy stole her


Because today girls are liyng whores who thinks deserve the fucking world just for having a stinky hole to put your dick, today girls are garbage

Sincerely not sure. Only answer is that i often dont even try. I'm good looking, I go on dates, act as charming and fun as i can, but nothing has worked out with any of the women meet nowadays.

Kek probably because you're a spergy autist.

Double dubs confirm.