I have a creative writing project due tomorrow, and I need realistic ideas...

I have a creative writing project due tomorrow, and I need realistic ideas. What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?

One time as a kid I had sleep paralysis with my eyes open and I couldn't stop visioning apparitions or something of nightmares. It scared the fuck out of me.

Its not scary, but I once had the strangest moral dilemma I've ever faced while driving with my brother in the pouring rain.

There was a car pulled over on the side of the highway so we stopped and checked to see if the guy was ok. He was, but he was wasted. Slurring his words and smelling like a whiskey bottle. He had been driving all the way from Massachusetts and we were in rural Pennsylvania so I knew he was a degenerate drunk.

We left after we knew he was fine but my brother and I had no idea whether we should call the cops or not. He was clearly a serious alcoholic if he's drinking during a long distance drive. But we didn't want to fuck his life up with a DUI either.

In the end we decided it would be better for everyone, himself included, if we called the cops and that's what we did.

Might not be that interesting but I have never been at odds with myself so much. I was very surprised that I didn't know myself well enough to trust myself to make the right decision.


Not to be a faggot but Reddit is a fucking goldmine for creepy stories.

I fell in love with my best friend

I got married.

I have schizophrenia and either I'm hallucinating like a motherfucker all day or I'm taking my meds and having horrendous nightmare were Lovecraftian demons from the nineth circle of hell chase me until my legs snap and I sink into the ground and drown on the solid earth whilst they laugh in deep overtone voices that echo through the pitch black emptiness that fills my eyes. Then I wake up out of breath in a cold sweat. Happy writing/b/ro

I almost fell on a bunch of jagged rocks and barely caught myself. Some years later and my friend fell on the some rocks without catching herself -- female master betas.

Sounds like something a faggot would say, Son.
r/nosleep is good though

I took a weird drug. It was supposed to be ecstacy but wasn't. something else entirely. there was no real trip, just felt funny.

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Can't remember the dream, but I woke with a jolt. Kicked the covers off. Just felt weird. Had to get up. Felt panicked. Had to start pacing. Couldn't tell if I was going to pass out or puke. Considered the possibility I might be dying.

Cooled off, went back to sleep. Happened again. This time I just turned on the light. Thought I saw something. Starting staring at the wall, fixated on the shadows. Lost myself.

Popped out of it. There, in the room, standing, was a figured. I jumped. Almost had a heart attack. Then, the cold dread came in. I was my dead mother. This lasted for a second. Then I shut my eyes.

But when I opened them, she was still there. Dirty, in a stained and musty dress, with sad, moldy skin.

I left the house and didn't come back for 2 days. Stayed in a motel that night. A friend's the next.

I instantly closed my eyes because I knew I was tripping.

You are a fucking retarded shit, if it's not obvious to you to call the cops in that situation...

Yeah it just took a couple minutes to put it all together. I'm not the kind of person to want to screw someone over but yeah I realized it was a necessary thing to do.

You and a stranger are stuck in a room. There is a box in the center. You argue about opening the box until you finally decide to. Inside is a small cube with a button on it. You argue about whether to press it. You do it anyway, and a coin drops out. You both see a coin slot in the wall. Slowly you both start to go insane while bickering to each other about doing something for the fear of the unknown.

The only thing I can remember is this time I found a creepy house with a basement in the middle of the woods.

I was around 19 at the time and smoked too much weed, and to hide it from my parents I went on frequent "camping trips." On one of these I went farther than usual and came across this spooky-ass wooden house that looked like it would fall in on itself, covered in moss and some orange goopy shit.

Long story short, I went inside because I was high as fuck. The whole place was super dark and eerie in a way I couldn't place, and I found a staircase that led into the basement. But the house didn't look like it was the kind to have a basement in the first place, so that freaked me out more.

I talked to a black person once

Girl said hi to me

What the fuck is wrong with you


I didn't go down far before I thought I heard something. It sounded like feet, and I knew it had two legs for some reason but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. In a panic I ran up the stairs and darted for the door, which was only a bright rectangle, and fell on my hands and knees outside. I didn't see anything.

That didn't stop me from torching the place though. I stuck around to make sure a forest fire didn't start, but after I sobered up I went home earlier than I planned.

And if course, as a typical bookend, no one had ever heard of that place before.

Thought that someone was following me for a month, turned out I'm schizophrenic.

When I was a child I used to play in the woods with my friends. But one day my friend Charley disappeared we looked around for him for what seemed like forever but we couldn't find him. It was getting dark so we decided to go back to my house and tell my dad he could call the cops. The police searched and searched for him but it was as if he had just vanished. We didn't stop playing in the woods we just figured he had wandered in to far and gotten lost. About 8-9 months after he disappeared we began going farther into the woods because my other friend Thomas had gotten a cell phone so we could just call if we ever got lost (in hindsight this was fuckin stupid because there was like only one cell tower in our town and it would've been way to fucking far away for us to get a good signal) but anyway we started to venture further in. While we were walking Thomas saw a yellow thing sticking out of the a pile of leaves. It was the sleeve of the shit Charley had been wearing when he disappeared we combed around where we found it and eventually saw a knife stuck in a tree stump about 2 yards from the sleeve. Then we heard leaves rustle and a twig snap, we hauled ass until we couldn't breath and we never looked back and we never went back into that fucking forest.

I live in some apartments and there's a ditch right behind the whole lot of em. Within the ditch there's this pretty big cement pipe jutting from the ground I used to crawl into. Probably a three foot diameter. You gotta either crawl or crouch walk to go inside. I used to go there when I needed to be alone because I'd never seen anyone else go in there. One day I was very mad and crawled pretty far in. After a few feet it was pitch black except for a light near the end of the tunnel. And I'm sitting there for a bit when I hear some mumbling and someone else crawls into my pipe.
At this point I'm not sure what to do other than crawl further inside. I just figured it was another troubled teen and turned my light off and went silent so they wouldn't find me. After a moment I noticed someone take the turn from the enterance and they kept crawling. I could only see the light that was pointed down. I called to them and told them there was somebody inside already. I then heard am older mans laugh and really got freaked out so I kept crawling to the end of the tunnel.

stupid nigger, nosleep is fiction
it's good though

sometimes i have flashbacks with horrible anxiety attack which leave me completely useless to the point where i cant barely walk or talk.

hows this for an idea, start your fucking assignments earlier


When I was 10 I broke my dad's cellphone and he got angry and pointed at me whit his gun...he didn't shot but he threw me a bottle of champagne,he missed cause he was drunk.... All my childhood was like that xd (really)

So as I'm crawling I ask him why he's still coming towards me. He says he wants my money and my electronics, and maybe a bit extra. Being the poor person I am I didn't want to get raped in the sewer by some homeless guy (I assumed he was homeless). So I keep crawling and I start touching something squishy. I didn't care too much at the time since I was avoiding my mugger and since I hadn't turned my light on. As I keep crawling the end of the tunnel is pretty far off still. The pipe itself is probably as long as a football field and you are severely slowed down so it takes a while to get around. A minute after I crawled through some squishy stuff I looked under my legs to look back and I see the guy trying to turn around. I just keep going even though my body starts feeling weird. I thought it was exhaustion, but by the time I got out he other end of the pipe I saw little spiders crawling all over me! I freaked out and got down to my underwear and just slapped everything off until I thought I was clean. After that I basically just ran home and took a bath.

This happened to myself and a close friend (both 23 y.o. males) just last year. We decided to go on a two night backpacking/camping trip in the Adirondack mountains of New York. We are both very comfortable with nature, and spend alot of time camping, hunting, fishing, etc. We hiked about 5 miles into a small lake and set up camp on a small beach. This was not a heavily trafficked area, and we did not expect to run into anyone. Our first night there as we were sitting around the fire, we saw a flashlight moving on the other side of the lake around 10:30. This was fairly unusual, however we did not think too much of it. But, as time went on, this flashlight kept moving around the lake getting closer to our campsite. We kept discussing who could possibly be wandering around the woods in the middle of the night, and we did not particularly want an unwelcomed guest. Once it was clear that the person (or people) were heading for our campsite, we moved off into the woods nearby to see who wandered up. I took a small axe with me, and he had a .22 rifle. Now we weren't expecting trouble, and we certainly didn't want to make any, but we figured we might as well cover our ases.

(cont) Now, the moment of truth, the flashlight comes near the light of our fire and it is one man. He has a beard and is probably in his mid 40s. The scary part was he was carrying what turned out to be a pump action shotgun. He walked around the campsite a few times, and then proceeded to enter our tent. After rummaging around for a minute or so, he came out and started yelling "I know you're out there, why don't you come and say hello?". My friend and I remained motionless under a hemlock tree about 50 yards away. That is when the man proceeded to fire his shotgun into the woods (not too far from where we were). He also swung his flashlight around several times. After what felt like hours, he grabbed my friends backpack and a few articles of clothing we had drying off near the fire and threw them in to burn. My friend, who had trained the .22 at the man, asked me if he should shoot. I told him absolutely not, unless he spots us and starts to point the gun in our direction. Thankfully the man moved off from where he had come after a little while. We waited until his flashlight was on the other side of the lake, ran out, grabbed everything we could fit in my pack and took off (it was now around 2 or 3 A.M.). We RAN out the trail with flashlights, and made it back to my car as the sun was coming up. We immediately went to the police department and reported it, where we also spoke with some forest rangers. That was it, I haven't heard anything back from the police. It wasn't mysterious, however it creeped the hell out of both of us.

I went to Iraq when I was 20 years old. My unit was part of a MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit). Basically, we patrolled the seas with the Navy and would land wherever we were needed. This time we were needed in Iraq. So we found port in Kuwait and convoyed to Ramadi. It rained like a motherfucker. From what I heard, it was the worst storm Iraq had seen in a hundred years. The mud was soupy and treacherous. But the next day, the sun shone and evaporated any moisture.

I was stationed at checkpoint 22-A. We made sure the hajis didn't blow up the bridge.

We were mortared, IEDed, and shot at. We had to medevac one of our comm guys.

And you want to know how I almost fuxking died?

An IED went off and I was sent to secure the immediate area. I took off running across a dry patch of desert. And I fell into soupy, treacherous mud when I broke through the thin crust of what looked like solid land. I kept my weapon up like a good marine. I knew I was going to die. But somehow, I was able to wade out of it. I could feel my boots being sucked off my feet. I could feel myself sinking. I don't know how I survived. Maybe God was looking out for me. But what kind of dumbshit death would that have been. "Here lies Lance Corporal Diaz who drowned in mud in a land most of his countrymen couldn't find on a map." No honor at all, just a stupid death.