Post your top champs and others judge/guess what rank you are

Post your top champs and others judge/guess what rank you are.

fuck off

plat 4

here's mine

What dating site is this from?

y u heff to be mad?


Gold 4


Bronze 3

high gold low platsilver plat

Top and Jungle main



kys edgelord holy fuck

at least it's not ashe, zed, or malzahar

ashe, malzahar ? what ????

Actually d5 tho

didnt see the point of mainin this 3 champs in d5

Every time someone sees a Zac they are instantly gold or above, lol. Anyway, why do you guys upgrade champ mastery to 6 and 7? I can't really find a point to it tbh.



Forgot to include pic




Derail it some more. This thread already gay af.

Wtf riot, I cant get champion blue essence for shit cause i have all champs so i get all these fucking tokens and cant rank out

Either high plat or mid silver, but either way based.


Yo, I'm bad at this game, guess.

>still playing league

glad I quit this shit game. Instead of doing better balancing and restructuring the game it's always just "let's see how many new champions and skins we can release while also unnecessarily complicating old champions with stupid reworks." I swear they've reworked Ryze like 3 times now.
But no, instead of making games easier to come back from, or just shorter in general, they'd rather just keep cranking out new and boring champions with skins that just keep increasing in price. It's like every new skin is either 1350 or 1850. I miss the days of 975 skins.
Haven't played in a few months or so, won't be returning unless there's a significant rework to the structure of the game.
>inb4 "git gud"
It's frustrating to be stuck with retards on your team because no matter what role you play even if you're a god your teammates will feed and you will lose. So I'd rather not waste an hour at a time of my life in a match where I know I'm going to lose. That's why they need to drastically reduce the game time or at least make it so that there isn't so much of a tilt, and I'm not talking about "Reduced damage on Miss Fortune's Q by 3 at base level" because that shit is retarded and doesn't accomplish anything.


oh boy



faceroll to win

edgelord supreme thinks he carries games

who even plays these anymore

nice thresh

fucking nice to see a support main for once not all these faggoty ass ADC mains


fuckin plebs

I am pleb
