Say dirty things about her and I'll show you her pussy!

Say dirty things about her and I'll show you her pussy!



She's fat


Man the hatpoons



look how she covers up the fat flaps with the blanket





god and her tits are saggy too

just stop dude








She looks like someone's mom

She looks somewhat retarded. I would like to have her sit on my back while I act like her horse. She could then piss on my back while reaching under me and jerking me off. When I'm about to cum, she could reach behind me with her other hand and yank painfully on my testicles.

This thread is horrifying. I'm done.








I weigh as much as one of this bitch's thighs

She is warging into those twinkies so she can savour their fear before she eats them



Would inseminate


Oh look she's a cutter too

What an absolute fuckin mess.



Dude, she even ate the beaks...


OP's spamming his toll troll out of spite now and it's hilarious



Shits about to get weird. Can you handle it?

These TATS