Dating girlfriend for 7 months

>Dating girlfriend for 7 months.
>She wants to go to this sleazy club with her friend.
>I told her I didn't want her to go.
>Had an argument about it. She was like "You don't own me and I can do what I want." and that bullshit.
>Told her if she went then I'm breaking up with her.
>She said she wouldn't go and dropped it.
>Saturday came.
>Hadn't heard from her all day.
>At 4AM on Sunday she calls me crying.
>She says she got raped and beat up.
>She went to the club anyway. Apparently she left alone with some guy and his friend to go to a party. They took her somewhere and beat her up and raped her.
>Had many feelings about this, none of them pleasant.
>I told her if she went to the club that I'd leave her and I told her we were over.
>She started freaking out and saying she needs me right now and that she was sorry.
>Told her never to call me again.
>Have been getting rabid hate from her friends and my friends think I was way too cold.
>She broke my trust, went somewhere I said not to, was probably going to end up cheating on me anyway and got raped and beaten over it and I'm suppose to feel sorry for her.

I saw her like yesterday and she was pretty beat up, she had bruises and a black eye and stuff. So I do believe she was raped but this wouldn't of happened if she had just listened to me. Everybody thinks I'm evil. My ex-girlfriend has been trying to talk to me but I have no desire to speak to her. You guys think I was too harsh? I just have a hard time feeling bad when I feel so right...

Fuck dat bitch, its bullshit you did not break up with her because se was raped but because of the break of trust

She let the whole "I'm a strong independent woman" speech get to her head and disobeyed your trust.
She got what she deserved to put it bluntly.

This shitty story is pretty old newfags dont be fooled

Ay OP ain't no bitch boy today

youre better off not dealing with that bulldshit. Yea everyone is going to think you're a bad person because she experienced a tragedy and is vulnerable but that's a lot of emotional investment that is not worth it at all. You're the bad guy for a month or two then your friends will move on

low quality b8 m8

She did you wrong, op.

she got raped, and it's not Your problem.

fuck that bitch. she will do it again even if you "make good" for now.

what would all the friends say if she got willingy gang-banged by two other guys behind Your back? that was her plan - no?

I wouldn't be a douche to her, but I still wouldn't date her anymore. Or initiate any conversation with her.

more of the sexy bish tho

Worst pasta ever.
Op is a fag

I'll check that stale pasta

This is the first copy pasta I saw when I first discovered B/ all the way at the beginning of this summer :*

Understand this...You just got a glimpse into your Future with her.
When it comes down to it...she will do what she wants, tell you that it's her right, and then want you to bail her ass out once shit goes down badly.

Post this on Sup Forums. They'll get a kick out of this. They're always right. All women are whores.

Copy pasta as fuck.

Not at all brother, you did the right thing. She broke the trust between you and her full well knowing the consequences and proceeded anyways. Stick to your guns and whatever you do, don't go back to her

You don't understand, you need to play the victim and you need to start manipulating. Nothing's better

This pasta is really fucking old

Not at all.. im proud youbstood your ground. Dont go back, its just a mess of problems after this.. great job Sup Forumsro

I think you did just right. You put your foot down and laid out your terms. Your condition was simple and she broke it. In the end it makes you seem stronger and much more dominant in decision making amongst your friends and future relationships. Power to you man.





This pasta is so ild the rape baby went to a club and got raped.

Not your fault, great job beakingmup with her

I read this pasta 6 years ago.

There are more important things in life than being right.

People are going to do things that you don't agree with. Every person you date is going to do things you don't agree with. But if you care about them you understand or forgive them. It's a part of life.

Your desire to be right has put you in the wrong on this one.

remember when /b was full of pasta?
now it's shill this, shill that..
tha faggotry knows no bounds now too.
who could've thought someplace so shitty would've somehow turned even shittier

Your pasta's kinda old. May want to check for mold.


Third time I've seen this story in 2 weeks. Get the fuck out from here

You did right, OP.
You warned her, she snuck behind your back knowing you'd dump her for it, and life bit her in the ass.
Tell her friends if they have time to harass you for keeping your word, they have time to console her for being a lying fool.

Can't trust her user. Without trust, you ain't got shit. Good riddance.

Don't be so cold. The newfags are sold.

You did the right thing. No girl goes to the club if they're not planning to get some action.

>Wouldn't of


Aw man all the new fags fell for it.

Old fag told you to save your butthurt but all of you went off and sucked pasta dick.

You are a horrible person. You should honestly consider suicide

Mods mods

man...this is some pretty old pasta ya got here OP

>gives her an ultimatum
>she says fuck you and goes anyway
>leaves with two guys to cheat on him
>earns her just reward
>somehow he's the bad guy

Your entire millenial generation is abhorrent and inhuman. All nu-males will be bred out of existence.

Stalwart copypasta OP

Classic pasta

But still, he wasnt being too harsh. Not even 2 years later.

I've seen this pasta before I can tell by the pixels.

Good job OP. You dun right. If she felt like doing things you don't like was something to be disregarded, she she would most likely do it again. She just came for support cause she learned a lesson, but she fucked up.

The 'going to the club despite telling her not to' and 'being raped and beaten' are two different things. The latter is not punishment for the former. You should have seen them as separate.
You kept your word and broke up with her, but she's still a human being who had something terrible happen to her, you could at least provide some comfort. Her well-being should be more important than your feelings of justice

Props on saving that copypasta for so long

You knew here? Fuck that whore, go out and have a good time Sup Forumsro, you deserve it.

Been married 8 yrs, and before we did i told her i dont put up with bs.

You did the right thing and now she knows it. However it does not mean you have to cut all ties.

You were correct with her leaving the party to cheat on you and that more then anything is why it is a good thing that you ended.

She already broke up with you and was looking for a new bloke when she got raped. Not your fault she's a slag. Where did her girlfriend go in all this? She has some responsibility.

you're okay.

now you learn who's reasonable from the ppl you know and who ain't.

also you got rid of a bitch who also got a lesson for herself.

pretty good days user.

If this is real then as you said, if she didn't get raped, she was about to cheat on you anyway.

Stale pasta is stale

karma is a bitch man - youre cool - fuck that chick

Post nudes