Hey /b

Hey /b
This has been bothering me.
In LazyTown, the first episode said that in the past, LazyTown was protected by a hero with a #9 on his chest.
But when Stephanie sent the letter for help, it was Sportacus who responded, and his number is 10.
When asked if he was 9, he said that he was 10. (duh)
The way he says it feels like he is aware that there was a "9" but who is he?

Other urls found in this thread:


There is a no. 9 and 10. pic related

Its all explained in the french version.

9 was most likely locked up for fucking Stephanie 1.0. Number 10 knows better than to fuck Stephanie 2.0

But who is he? It's like they threw in lore but it is never explained

Mind explaining?

That's funny cause they actually replaced the Stephanie with a new one



yeah, I thought it was a good answer. They never really did explain what happened. Use to only have one channel on the TV and Lazy Town was always on lol. Its a dumb show but it sucks you in some times.

The songs are pretty catchy and etc.
My guess for them replacing her was she got too old


Yeah since they didnt need help for a long time the old hero retired basically .. thats all

yeah, There was a interview with her not too long ago. She felt she was way to old to keep playing the char and left the show.

I had a feeling once that Robbie was #9

you know, that could make sense. He was pissed cause he was no longer needed and became a lazy bum and to get his paybacks he wanted to make the town as lazy as they made him..

Plus he seemed to know what that mailbox was actually used for


yup.. might be onto something here..

We need more people here so our general knowledge of the show could increase and craft a better theory

I agree.. now I kind of want to go back and rewatch and see if anything can be picked up on.. other than all the touching of Steph lol

In one episode robbie tries to sabotage sportacus to get his suit and balloon.

I am down to create a new thread in an hour or 2 later on
Hoping with more evidence
Also, if i cant maybe you can

Icelandic fag here, there was this play for kids with the #9 tag on him but I think he got a promotion to a new town that was lazy and got the #10.

this was years ago so I might be wrong

I remember that episode!

But wouldn't numbers mean like individual count?
And I am sure if you're promoted, your number goes up a rank (9 to 8) and not down

Nigga this is shit show made for kids, I have no clue



Damn, that was pretty good

hey that was my idea.. you didnt have to go make a video that damn fast! lol. Good Theory. Pretty much what I came up with too..

@1:35 why the fuck does he trust her pussy intot he air and show off her panties? lol

Maybe the whole underground warehouse that Robbie lives in is an old airship just that it can't fly anymore


Could always be in the 1st esp. The reason Robbie doesnt want a new one to show up is he failed in Lazy Town and gave into Lazy Ways. Maybe scared of getting into trouble for failing? He is #9 but instead of moving away, he failed and became Robbie.

Also, everything he owns seems to be blue, white and orange.
Same colors as Sportacus costume
Orange for the number