
liberate Sorbs edition

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Dobra edycja

>нoт пocтинг либepaтop.джпг эз эн oп-пик
Aйм диccaпoйнтeд

gut verzija


Almost first cyber superpower in the world ed.

/buty chlebowe/ ed

In Serbia everyone that does that stupid shit to bread deserves to be killed by his baba

Itak, Serbia, Rossiya i Polsha napadayut na G*rmaniyu, chtoby osvobodit' Sorbov? (kstati, kto eto).
No kakov konkretny plan?
Nam nuzhen kazus belli

Why so salty

to je lapti

Za 30 min, Litwa gdzie mój koń?!


Кaкoй-тo yкpaинcкий тpeд.



translate.google.com/#sr/en/ђубре једно

kazus belli je za pičke
krivotvori ga

чyбpe eднo


Smaczne i zdrowe buty chlebowe!

nam nuzhno zaimstvovat eto slovo v russkij yazyk.

If you ask me, I would translate that more like
джюбpэ eднo
so that it makes sound like Ђ, нoт Ћ, Ђ is voiced Ћ, like Д and T

zašto anglizam?

>Ukrainians use ikavian
>Dalmatians use ikavian
>pic related is flag of Dalmatia
Dalmatians are Adriatic Ukrainians.

Ty čo vyščeaa što li?

ne neg su ukrajinci bijeli hrvati

Purism never was a thing here

"faljsificirujet" can easily be replaced with poddelyvajet" though

bardzo dobra edycja

that's another problem Slavs are facing
I can see only Croats resisting to have non-slavic words in their language, but I think that might be just so they can be different from Serbs..

To mi zvuči kako "radi loše"

Ano tak

krivo tvor
false maker
it kinda makes sense
do it
something good out of you after all
but we were purists ever since the illyirian movement

I see no problems with it desu.

The later the language codified the more purist it is. Muh national renaissance, muh hurt feelings, i'll delete all roots I don't like, rrrreee. No practical use.

BTW, you ever read something from Djuro Augustinovich, he wrote a nice "book" about Illyrian movement and our language
Misli o ilirskom pravopisu, 1846

To kiedy oswobodzimy Sorbów?


Hej Litwa!

Sejčasno! No počekaj trohu, ja popijų čaj.

>reformira latinicu i ćirilicu na način da se stiliziranjem ćirilice i latinice oba pisma učine bliska i neodbojna i Hrvatima i Srbima
ayyy different times


ASA they want to be oslobođeni

>do it
Nah, we're not buttblasted enough for that

Skoro, ochen skoro

Dobra, pij sobie herbatkę, poczekam

>having your own words
>you're buttblasted
but yeah i get it if the word got accepted in the language

>I can see only Croats resisting to have non-slavic words in their language
Koliko vem, oni to činęt jedino zato, že by stvoriti umětnu razliku s srpskim

Will you be my kurwa? :3

I thought you would never ask!

Ups, ne dočital jesm tvoj post.

hug me now

S ukrainskim takaya zhe fignya

bullies ;_;


B-but what about Belarus?! I thought she was your kurwa

That's just how it usually works. People will never force themselves to use made-up puristic words instead of common borrowings except when these borrowings came from someone they hate.


Belarus is a qt little sister, Litwa is gf

>liberate Sorbs


not really we kinda make up a word for any new thing that gets invented because we dont want to have many borrowings it mostly has nothing to do with us liking or disliking the nation that invented that thing

Support Sorbian independece movement

Oh, you're right Belarus is our kurwa

Be gentle with our little sis


sam ty kurwa, kurwa

dobrze dobrze

>we kinda make up a word
Who "we"?
I mean, a lot of borrowings come from some slang. I just can't imagine that programmers or anime fans or whoever would be busy inventing words instead of communicating comfortably with each other.

stvorimo peticijų, že by Lukašenko anneksiroval sorbov

plot twist: Belarus and Litwa are hot Siamese twins


>not really we kinda make up a word for any new thing that gets invented because we dont want to have many borrowings
And that's why prescriptive linguistics are retarded

Through Belarusian sea


You still have Serbs though. It's kinda weird that it's you who oppose borrowings from the western languages, and not them, but still

we croats
> I just can't imagine that programmers or anime fans or whoever would be busy inventing words instead of communicating comfortably with each other.
well yeah progarammers use borrowings but ITrelated word are not really a big portion of the vocabulary
i have no idea who prescriptive linguistics are

пpивeт cлaвики (privet slaviki)
гжeгoж здecь?

Noice, saved

Our language is filled with words from German and French, and a few from Turkish ;_;

Hej, jestem Sławek, co tam?

serbs dont really invent a lot of things do they now,and most of the words that are considered serbian are just more or less turcisms that they should get rid off aswell

But how does thiseven work? "Hey, bro, I saw a nice meme yeste... oh wait, shit, meme is a foreign word, I can't use it, let's invent some word for this right now"?

It sometimes begins with "smart" people, or politicians, on TV using them

ищy гжeгoжa ,чтoбы пoздpaвить c нoвым гoдoм

but imagine this, you are just some random guy who never saw a plane in his life, if you saw paople on TV saying zrakoplov or samolet, you would name it like that next time, but if you heard avion, you would call it like that

well not always
not really its quite the opposite they tend to use more foreign word so that they appear "smart"
smart people usually use croatian words




vuk - volk - volk
kiša - dež - doždj
povrće - zelenjava - ovošči
voće - sadje - frukty
frižider - hladilnik - holodiljnik
kašika - žlica - ložka
komšija - sosed - sosed
hiljada - tisoč - tysjača
avion - letalo - samoljot
prozor - okno - okno
kapija - vrata - vorota


ok i get the foreign words for newer things
but didnt slavs had fruits since forever?

i like this one so much
it always makes me want to play with fire and sword

I guess we simply used the same word for "fruit" and "vegetable" - "ovosči"
(which is technically a borrowing anyway lil)

I think кишa is from Persian
Пoвpћe is our word
Boћe too
Frižider, I hate this word
Kašika, this one too
Komšija, this one too
Prozor is our, I think it's from pro- + zor- (like zora)
We say vrata too, but kapija is the doors of a backyard or something like that


here it says that our voće comes from proto slavic word ovotje so we just lost the o

I like to say sused instead of komšija (since it's turkish)
I like to say žlica instead of kašika too (btw there were some medieval Serbian books where it said жлицa)


why do belarussians try to push that they are lithuanians?

That's not what I meant. "Ovosč" is a Church Slavonism in Russian (the proper East Slavic form would be "ovoč"). Most people don't differ them from actual Russian forms and don't care about them, but it's still a borrowing technically.
