Just for you, Larry. A new fluffy thread

Just for you, Larry. A new fluffy thread.





Fresh off the booru!




Banned from Equestria Daily! (That's an /f/ joke, to those of you who don't visit other boards.)





I'm starting to like this artist.




He's an oversensitive retard. Just wait until he deletes his stuff for a 4th time because someone didn't like it.


That's a shame.

Standby for Fluffy-fall...





What's a good fluffy thread without...FILENAME














I'm not that bight, so can someone explain this one to me?

What's up with the last frame?


The shitty mother either was stealing foals from a safe, warm place, or was taking her own foals to a shitty nest she built. Either way, they all ended up dead because of it.

Ah, ok. Wasn't sure since in the first frame no other foals were making noise.

Yeah that one is pretty vauge







I like the part where the fluffy suffers.



Isn't it the best?




Betrayal is my favorite. Or when a mother has to watch her foals be tortured/killed.


Ah then here's a good one for ya



Now I wanna see a snake or spider eat one of these.


Sadly I dont have any snake stuff saved


















ungrateful bastard. He's a poopie babbe he should be grateful he was at least picked by a family

what the fuck

The quality makes it even more unsettling.




high quality 4k 60fps

nu et me pls


Now show the foal drowning in shit



Welcome newfriend



You're right. This is better.

Jesus dude... I think you just ruined fluffies for me.