

Civ thread?

Yes real op

Alright lets get rolling guys

Gig Nig DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He is dead

He tripped over the fence and was shocked

Consuela and Naruto team up and kill that big nugger.

Gigger Nigger's blood stains the river and poisons it with aids.


Forget about Giganigga he's already dead he turns to dust on next image

Asians Kill off the whites on accident
bc fukushima

Naruto kills ISIS

[spoiler]just like in my Japanese manga.[/spoiler]

Whites join a cult and drink the koolaid.
Whites die.

>Gig nig reproduces with water shadows thus creating shadow the hedgehog

Okay for any new people

Demons +insta kills
Asians +7 intellect
Crackers no bonus due to anime buff
Niggers extinct
Taco benders Mo lemon bleach


Natives erect a giant dick statue to appease kek


Demons also have the ability to do anything including ressurect

Whites clean up aids blood and take over the black settlement.


Map update

Asians adopt all of china's unwanted babies.
Plus one asian each turn.

Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Asians take over black settlement and reproduce rapidly.


I an hero.

Ok due to the amount of people in this thread the next 3 posts will happen dubs or not

Trump starts a civilization on the left side of the river

Asiands kill all and win.

Except this one because that doesn't really work

Sandniggers drive truck into crackers.


Whites kill everyone and all is well

A new faction has entered

Trump starts war with Mexicans and half the crackers join him half are against


Mexicans grow wed


Can de sp00ks skeletons rise up from a nearby graveyard?

yes that is a thing

>Crackers make towers