Itt overrated bands/albums

Itt overrated bands/albums



Never should have gone as far as it did

>Itt herp derp my music preferences and opinions




this times a billion

the most overrated possible. even if you think their a good band.


This, so much

The ramones


Baby's first edgy post


Edgy and true are two different things

Faggy way of puttin it but this niggers right, these mop headed nigs sucked cock

Sup Forums seems to circle jerk around this but I don't care much for it. Is it bad? Nah, but overrated for sure

You're entitled to your opinions, but what don't you like about this album?

I don't like the beats or mixing on it. The vocals are okay but the music doesn't really "blend" well with it. I do like their newer songs however.

Fuck off you saucy cunt

What isn't overrated?

Animals is better


People rate this mongoloid?