ITT: Post a pic of yourslef and other anons guess what you listen to

ITT: Post a pic of yourslef and other anons guess what you listen to

wow I'd give you a lap dance

isn't that the stop hating gingers kid?

Probably the first in line to a Grimes concert.

You like Can and Faust





bjork, grimes, death grips, anco




Death Grips and Grimes

there are some ugly people on this board

Post your face then

why would i ruin my anonymity on this website

>ITT:Baiting newfags and austistic morons to post real pics of themselves

you go on experimental under slsk
bardo pond



7/10 would bang, maybe mary if daddy's rich

"experimental rock like Animal Collective"

steam powered giraffe

bjork, grimes, the list goes on


