What do you think of people who don't believe vaccination works?

What do you think of people who don't believe vaccination works?


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vaccinations work but the current regulatory climate in the us and the marketing and PR budgets of big pharma has made it a ripe target for exploitation. there have been many documented cases of vaccines causing autism etc but you speak out against it you're a crazy anti-vaxxer. its this censorship and lack of real debate and discussion that is so dangerous

There was a single study that stated a single vaccine caused autism.

It was discredited, the research convict of fraud.

Vaccines don't cause autism. Believing they do causes autism.

Shouldn't be an option. Vaccinate your kids or give them to DHR.

>there have been many documented cases of vaccines causing autism
Which you conveniantly fail to cite

Fine. just ignore the fact that the study is from 98

>causes autism
>documented cases
>only one shoddy study yet to be replicated

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Your child might die of easily preventable diseases but heavens to Betsy at least he doesn't have have autism!

>There was a single study from 1998 that stated a single vaccine caused autism.
>It was discredited, the research convict of fraud.


FACT: There is no vaccination for Chicken Pox.

>you speak out against it you're a crazy anti-vaxxer.

Because it's been conclusively proven time and again that there actually is no connection, yet these people keep ignoring facts and taking dangerous actions based on their incorrect point of view that literally costs lives and endangers many others.

Every single "documented case" has been proven false beyond the shadow of a doubt, and furthermore the very foundations upon which the autism assumptions rely have in any cases been shown to be dishonest people making shit up just to get people riled up so they can turn a profit off of it

They should stop listening to alex jones

things were different then.
I agree just vaccines are fine but when you have a vaccine like gardasil you have to really ask yourself what is best for my child?


>There are still people in the current year that believe vaccines cause autism

People watch too much goddamn TV. They're surrounded on all sides by news media whose bread and butter is scary stories about how the world could end at any moment, so they become desperate for a clear, obvious enemy to rail against. They lack the world experience to see that the news is biased towards bad news because that sells more commercials, they lack the education to understand that there are trace amounts of harmful substances all over the place but that your body usually handles it, they sneer at things that 'have chemicals in them' because they genuinely don't understand that everything is a chemical.

That's late stage capitalism for you.

>there have been many documented cases of vaccines causing autism
Name one.

I'm sorry, but vaccines don't cause autism. This problem does not have a simple answer.

I think theyre stupid, just like my ditsy aunt who's afraid of using cellphones and prefers holistic medicine

Seriously dude research a subject before you comment on it. You have the internet at your fingertips. There's no excuse to be so misinformed.

I think they're fucking stupid and they most likely were vaccinated as a kid. They're not fit to be parents if they are not going to vaccinate their children.

OP loves meat injections.

Too bad there isnt an AIDS vaccine you faggot.

and this if you dont vaccine your child with every vaccine we mandate shit is incredibly incredibly dangerous. you have literally letting the government decide. forget your civil rights to choose which medicine you take. its literally a delivery mechanism to inject people who don't have the cognitive capabilities to make a decision and the parents aren't allowed to make this decision either. Depending on what country you are in, you can't even seek damages if your child is unfortunate and develops some sort of side effect.

how is a movement that doesn't want to purchase something somehow capitalistic when compared to a product which is guaranteed purchased by government and dispersed?

just google gardasil autism

im not misinformed. if its measles, chickenpox, polo, rubella, tetanus and just about anything else i am completely okay with taking the vaccine but some drugs on the balance of probabilities i think are just too dangerous for me or m child to take. that's not misinformation, its a healthy mistrust of the drug industry.

>trusting big pharma in 2016

Aka paid shills invade Sup Forums

is preventing your child from getting sick not in their best interest?

Nothing gets investors investing like a company winning. For Pharma thats creating a vaccine thats effective with no side effects. It doesnt get them theprofits, it gets them investers which is better. Investers give the bio comoany money and they spend that money on cures and treatments for diseases, this is where the big money is. They are in a constant arms race with microbes and other companies to create better treatments and even cures...because nothing gets investors like a win.

in the us they are indemnified from any damage their vaccines may or may not have caused and they have the marketing and PR budgets of titans so its completely plausible and possible.

holy shit you're an idiot

... that they make drugs and dont work or work poorly and not be affected on the stock market as they don't have to worry about large lawsuits / class actions with large settlements (not that they can't afford it) or even most normal investors knowing about this. after all anyone who doesn't believe their narrative is a crazy

I don't think of those people.

>forget your civil rights to choose which medicine you take. its literally a delivery mechanism to inject people who don't have the cognitive capabilities to make a decision and the parents aren't allowed to make this decision either.

vaccines only work on a population when there's a large majority using them.

do you want every single person to study medicine before they take a vaccine that's proven to be effective?

get real, man.

Everybody point at this guy and laugh

Then the onus needs to be on the drug companies to create something that isn't going to give people fucking autism and they should be held accountable for any shit that might occur from taking the drug

let me guess: you also want to be able to go without medical insurance "unless you need it".

maybe only pay for roads that you drive on?

school your kid at home, because you're so much better a teacher than the person whose career it is?

Googling gardasil autism led me to


a page not even claiming that gardasil leads to autism. This page leads to


which cites no sources, just throwing a bunch of scary words together. A search for Jessie Ericzon, the girl who was supposedly killed by this vaccine leads to


An article about the dead girl containing a quotation from a CDC spokesman saying they found no pattern or connection to gardasil in any of the incidents they've reviewed.

tl;dr parents lost their kids and need someone or something to blame regardless of whether that blame is warranted

shit bait but I'll bite. vaccines don't cause autism. the shit that they claim can cause it in them (mercury mainly) isn't even used in vaccines.

the one study that said they cause it was discredited and the guy lost his license to practice medicine because he made shit up.

There isn't really a big increase in the number of autist tards.
Idk why people today think it's a separate kind of nuts.

there were no fucking antivaxxers when the cure for polio came out. its clear that a lot of people now have doubts about these drugs and instead of trying to alleviate their tensions you just ridicule them. wow great job keep it up.

no, i believe in universal healthcare and there are advantages to being home schooled but im partial to it unless the alternative is having to follow something like common core curriculum

>there have been many documented cases of vaccines causing autism

Have a look at the actual research. There is strong evidence that the aluminium adjuvant used in vaccines is a neurotoxin and caused a large number of problems and complications. Over 3 billion dollars have been paid out to date for vaccine related complications and deaths. There is minimal if any empirical evidence for the effectiveness of vaccines. Ask yourself how do you really know what you know regarding vaccination. Read the scientific literature and it tells a different story to the 'obvious' facts portrayed by the mass media. Science by its nature is never certain; to claim that it is is simply scientific illiteracy.

What a shitty baby face. I hope that little bastard is dead.

we have anti vaccination people because we have a society of cents who think that Google makes them more informed that the professional that has spent half their life studying medicine. especially when the vast majority don't even know how to search for things properly online. they just see the first site and assume that because it's online, it must be true.

tldr we have retards walking around trusting the Internet and non professionals more than professionals today, that anti vaccination

So here is what happend. The scientific community choose to broaden the definition of what autism was, in reaction to this a bunch of retards decided that there was an autism epidemic and blamed it on vaccines, cause they care too little about their kids to do literally 5 seconds of research, but too much about being outraged to have their kids have a decent life.

These people should be hung in the street for endangering innocent children and the rest of us with their idiocy.

do you how much of decrease in health care costs will occur if people just start making decisions on their health and body instead of living and dying by the word of their doctor. Atleast in the US most doctors are bought and paid for. even the time telling liberal faggot agress with this. you can't even get the notes your doctor has made on you in the US. that is how cucked your entire medical system is.

They are people who don't give a shit about their children. Or at least not enough of a shit to do a 5 minute fact checking.

You don't reason with idiocy like that. You try to contain it.

we aren't discussing how fucked healthcare cost is in this country and why. we are talking about vaccines you dumb faggot.

in 1955 when the polio vaccine came about, people didn't question it because they could go to their house and read everyone's opinion on what may or may not happen.

ugh. whatever

How much time do you think your GP has spent researching the scientific literature regarding vaccination? I mean given the vast range of conditions that they have to deal with do you really think your GP is a vaccination expert? Or is it more likely that they take on the 'expert' opinion they are taught by rote?

they couldnt *

Friendly reminder that autism is present before birth, and there has never been a confirmed case of someone "getting autism" layer on.

My brother almost died from one, i dunno i think it was a hot shot or some shit.


wow you made the case that you should listen to professionals. im making the case that listening to professionals does not automatically mean you get the best/correct/accurate advice.

No. Healthcare cost would explode if we stopped using vaccines.

Vaccines only work if a majority of the population is vaccinated. Even if you're vaccinated you can technically still get sick, it just gets so much more unlikely if everyone is resistant to it. BUT if retards start not getting vaccinated it endangers the rest of the fucking society, which in turn brings back shitty diseases which we thought we had gotten rid off, driving up health care cost.

I'd rather have my infant have autism than polio or whooping cough

This. The costs (and profits) of treating an illness are far greater than immunizing against it.

>assuming GP is the person who spent half their life studying it.
I'm talking about the bio medical professionals that make the vaccines you autistic cunt. this is what I'm talking about, people think they are clever and so well informed today and then can't even come to a rational conclusion on things like chain of research and development.

GP is general, not a specialist, so why would you even use that in an arguement?

Every case of polio in the US in the last decade was caused by the vaccine.

Most vaccines are good, the more researched well developed one that is. Most complications with them are from the stupid FUCKING retards who give there child with a weak immune system every single fucking shot at once and it just rekts that kids shit, don't be a dumbass, give them over time.

>don't listen to the professionals, listen to people online, better yet read medical studies that you won't understand large portions of, or you assume you understand and make your own choic3!

morons, morons everywhere

No not whatever. You're playing with one of the most important issues out there, there is a reason why we don't have to die of shit like polio anymore. I know you're ignorant so you don't understand the significance of that.

tl:dr Jonas Salk was a national hero cause of the amount of suffering the relived, he's arguably one of the most important people in history.

r u even reading?
refer to its pretty clear to me you have your own set opinion on vaccines and antivaxxers. I don't expect to 'get through to you' nor do i want to. just try to see both sides of the coin atleast

polio, not autism. and everyone who wasn't dropped on their head knows that a vaccine has a chance to give you the disease, especially if you have a shit immune system, because you know, vaccines ARE the disease.

Even say that is true which year would you rather have your kid live in when it comes to dodging polio?

theres no "both sides to the coin" to be addressed because the side you're trying to advocate for was shit out by a group of retards that don't want to accept that their kids became fucked up and are looking for people to blame.

There's literally no evidence that shows vaccines cause autism, and the only arguements you have for the other side is "just because they're professionals doesn't mean they're right" it's a statement with no grounding and chalked full of paranoia

"do you how much of decrease in health care costs will occur if people just start making decisions on their health and body instead of living and dying by the word of their doctor."

In response to

"we have anti vaccination people because we have a society of cents who think that Google makes them more informed that the professional that has spent half their life studying medicine."

See this >Literally this retarded.

>speak out against it
believe it or not, tin-foil, every pharma company has competition on top of a bunch of assholes trying to undermine them all the time. exploitation in the context of vaccines would go as far as using an ineffective injection against something that isn't much of a threat anyway. that we can probably agree on, but the autist bullshit has never been true in any way and as soon as there is a hint of unreasonable hazard to anything in the medical industry it gets fucking BTFO without any questions. the ENTIRE reason that medicine is expensive here is that the US takes a fuckload of precautions and rails the industry with doubt.

You quoted two separate people. It's not that I have a set opinion, it's that no one on the anti-vax side of things has ever produced a single shred of evidence from a reputable source to convince me otherwise. I've honestly considered every argument that's been used against me.

How you can write out 4 paragraphs worth of drivel while using only one capitol letter and expect anyone to take what you say seriously is beyond me. I'd surely trust some random faggot on Sup Forums who cant be bothered to use the shift key when it comes to healthcare advice!

While feel not getting your child vaccinated is child abuse, I am also not happy about the thought of forcing everyone to get vaccinated.

On one hand, you are setting your child up for horrible illnesses and potential death, on the other, you are enforcing (yet more) profits for big pharma using the gov't to strong arm the populace. Corporations exist to create profit, not help people, that is a side-effect of their chosen field(s) of business.

Plus muh slippery slope etc.

I guess the most effective measure is, as usual, education. An educated populace would know that vaccines aren't evil autism creating mind-control poisons made with industrial waste, but because o many people are so fucking goddamn stupid, they believe all sorts of retarded nonsense. Plus the whole irresponsibility culture we have atm doesn't help. People don't want to fix things and they certainly don't want to accept fault, so they push the responsibility onto whoever will take it.

Which is usually the gov't or some business, who would love even ore power and is happy to "help".

Still, we should definitely not blindly trust big pharma because they have a proven track record of pushing garbage onto the market for a quick buck and to hell with the consequences.

Man I should have proof read that.

>causing autism
you are born with autism you dont develop it later

i bet she tells you a lot about jill stein too.

Big pharma would rather have you on antibiotics for the rest of your life than give you some inexpensive vaccine.

It's anti pharma.

Look at the graph you posted and look at the graphs of cases across year for other diseases. In most instances there is a steady decline of the disease before the vaccine was introduced. Factors such as improved healthcare, hygiene, living conditions,sanitation, nutrition etc etc began reducing the incidence of disease and have had a far greater impact on the reduction of disease than immunisation has.

>Shits on someone about not using capital letters.
>Fails to use proper punctuation.
Pot meet kettle.

Bitch you just mad cuz in the pool you dont get no Marco Polio

They make the vaccines too, though, and billions while they are at it.

I vaguely recall some shit about a swine flu vaccine being peddled in germany or somewhere near there that was never properly tested. Maybe some people died?

Making 1/5th profit is better than 0/5ths.

So im guessing noone has direct links to case studies on this one? Also, if you dont want your kid vaccinated why not move? Im sure you could find a "vaxless" community that keeps your kids away from the schools and other kids that have been vaccinated.

You saw cases jump up and down all over the years.

Wasn't untill the vaccine that it truly dropped to insignificance.

But yes you can prevent most cases of Cholera by not shitting in your drinking water if that is the point you're trying to make.

look at the graph again, the pattern shows a dip in infection, followed by a sharp increase for the past 25 years prior to the vaccine. following that trend, it was set to explode again with more infections, instead they became non existent within the next few years. that points to the vaccination, not healthcare and sanitation.

*Ignorant fucktard enters the conversation*
Go back to rimming your dads asshole, this conversation is not for you.

We're talking percentiles of their profits. Not using vaccines would cause a vast increase in the need for what they really make their money with, painkillers and antibiotics.

Notice how I didn't give out any fucking medical advice? I think you are right though, that vaccine gave you autism.

>conspiracy theorists forget about human error and basic science as usual
Move along

What I posted was 1000 times smarter than the shit you posted.
>Polio vaccine gives ppl polio (I didn't know thats how vaccines work though :< )


Well it doesn't.

The idea is absurd. Also if you see an increase in autism after the definition is expanded do you contribute that to.

A: The definition being expanded
B: Vaccines

parents just want to blame the loss of the genetic lottery leading to autism on something other than themselves and that quack scientist back in the 90's was the one who gave them that option


Gardasil is administered to teens. Teens don't "contract autism".

You, of course, being the obvious exception.

Found the anti Vax blog tard

Dubs speak truth


That reminds me of our public healthcare budgets cuts, actually.

It seemed so bizarre to me that they keep taking money away from people who need medical help. All it does is turn a treatable condition into a chronic one where people need to take medication for years...

Then I was like oh no. It couldn't be?

Is joke, dude has autism and thinks vaccines cause autism therefore the vaccines he got as a child gave him autism.



I stand corrected

Your punishment will be 1 off pentadruple

>What do you think of people who don't believe vaccination works?

Vaccines don't work. Plain and simple.


$100 says she never breastfed her baby.

Also, doctors doing the rally cry for vaccines have an ulterior motive, and you would probably be surprised to learn that doctors don't vaccinate their own kids.

>there have been many documented cases of vaccines causing autism
One study stated that preservatives in vaccines could cause autism, it was debunked as fraud.
Not as wrong, or mistaken, but as fraud.
Now all these idiots are threatening the rest of us with their stupidity.

Noone wants to take care of old people. Their bodies fall apart and they lose their minds. We stopped giving a shit and decided it would be easier to cut funding and just produce meds for them. I think the ratio is 15 people in a group home for 2 orderlies? Id rather give you your meds and leave you there so i dont watch you go senile and shit yourself.

Don't get the "Then I was like oh no. It couldn't be?" But yeah you're right. It a dumb policy. Kinda like locking up 2.5 million people for smoking weed.

I saw, I wept